
School Teachers, Grades

5 posts in this topic

So , i am in high school , europe . I think that the way our teachers present to us the subject is sooo boring .. when it could be really much fun . I have seen many good teachers who are really passionate about their subjects and they make you interested  , but the majority are not like that , they just kinda do it cause they get money. Also i find some things that we learn very unnecessary.  For example , in math class ... i hate it when we just have to learn a lot of formulas and don't even know what the hell are they about ... and you just apply them in problems .  Or when you have to read a lot of old romanian literature . Yes i know it depends on the book but those books are really not useful in anything , i don't get it  why don't they  just write the main idea ,why do they have to shit talk hundreds of pages  ¬¬. Everyone learns them just to pass the exam .  I love khan academy , it's a youtube channel and they are doing such a great job :):)  :)  . I want my teachers to be like them and i also want to not learn all the unnecessary stuff and to stress about grades . For me when i have to learn for a test i find it really disgusting , Why do you force me to memorize something rather then explain to me so that i can i have a deep understanding? because i don't have time to understand the subject deeply , i just have to memorize things that i forget in a week. :( I'm sure that if teachers were more passionate about their subjects , then they would make it much more interesting and there would be many more good students. And i can't really concentrate on finding my passion , working on it when i constantly have to do my homework. 

Edited by Jonson

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Take responsibility for your education.

If your teacher is not doing the spoon-feeding for you in a way you like, tough luck. Do not waste your time on things you cannot control.

You have nothing to say in the realm of how your teachers educate you. If they are boring -- which most teachers are by the way -- then that is reality. Accept it and find other ressources that resonate more with you.  Find teachers online or teach yourself. Self-education is very important also in the long term because that translates into your adult life. Learning things on your own is more difficult, but the upside is that you become independent and build a strong foundation for the learning you will do later on in life.

If your teachers just tell to memorize some formula, realize that they don't have very high standards regarding your education. But you have got to have higher standards than them because this is your education and it is important.

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@Jonson Factory manufacturing, factory farming, factory schooling.

As a culture we want to maximize efficiency and quantity, not understanding or quality. That's how stage Orange Spiral Dynamics thinks.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Dont let school get on in the way of education , focus on mastering your life and business not jumping through the governments hoops.

At least thats what leo said to me.


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I feel you! I'm also in high school. Self-driven learning is much more powerful than forced learning. You can easily get good grades if you need them and use your free time for learning the things that will be important for your life. Use the 80/20 principle for getting good grades (if you need them).

Contemplate deeply on what's important to learn and what's not (for you and your life, and for a human being in general). You might have profound insights.

Just sharing what worked for me. Cheers!

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