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There is no Escape

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The notion of the Real emerges only after the fact - only when we first find ourselves lost in fantasy do we imagine something greater just beyond it. Yet the Real is always that elusive surplus within the very fantasies we inhabit. No matter how far you search or how carefully you clear the air, it keeps slipping away, remaining what it has always been: pure virtuality.

You can circle the globe trying to grasp it, but like your shadow, it will always evade your reach. Even if you drift into deep space, where no light can cast a shadow, you still won’t catch the Real - because without light, there’s nothing to see. And should you dare fly into the sun, there would be no “you” left to experience the Real, as you’d burn away in the very furnace of its reflection.

There is no escape - yet still you will restlessly search for one until your final breath. And how lacking in appreciation for the tragic must you be not to see that this very impossibility is the only reconciliation with the Real you will ever need?

“Did you ever say Yes to a single joy? O my friends, then you said Yes to all woe as well. All things are chained and entwined together, all things are in love; if ever you wanted one moment twice, if ever you said: ‘You please me, happiness! Abide, moment!’ then you wanted everything to return!” - Friedrich Nietzsche

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There’s no escape.

there’s no way to get further away from it or closer to it.

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There is no escape, no god-head to melt into, no heaven or any equivalent to it (David Hawkins'es claims of heaven when you're at a high enough point are not quite true, they can't be, this is not a world of heaven) and that would just cheapen what you've already lived through. Your life and situation has happened, nothing could fix that. Any """salvation""" would just be time-limited.

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