
CEO of United Health gunned down

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4 hours ago, Bobby_2021 said:

To be real though it's ahistorical to suggest that violence is not the answer. It's just that it makes people uncomfortable to accept that and the ramifications of it. Like what if it's used again me unjustly?

What is law? Law requires controlled violence to enforce. Law and courts are entirely about violence. How do you think you are going to enforce death penalty or any other punishment for that matter.

The Gandhi types have convinced the world that you can win over your enemies through peace. In reality nothing could bring down unjust people faster than bombs and guns. Yes it's messy. Because that's where the most growth lies.

This is a delusionally childish view. If you can bring down the government with bombs and guns, what that means is that any bad actor will be able to take you down with bombs and guns. 

If you are going to rule by violence, violence will be the instrument of power. And it is never those who are most developed who will rule in such a system. In such a system, you will get dictators like Stalin. 


You will be destroying the system, and because of human nature, and people precisely like you, you will allow the most violent and deceptful, powerhungry individuals to become the leaders. And once they have power, they will get rid of you and your fancy ideals, in favor of remaining in power.

And not only will they do that out of selfish aspirations, they in fact will be forced to do so. If you come to your power through violence, the result will be that you will always understand that your own power could be taken away from you through the same means. Even the feudal system was more developed and rational than what you advocate for.

At that point you will have no other choice but rule through tyranny and fear, and an iron hand. Your own survival will depend on it. You wouldn't even have legitimacy, which you need if you want to rule without the threat of being overthrown.



We live in democratic systems that precisely do not require you to do any of this. But people like you, who I cannot tell you how much I despise, will literally give the fascists the key to ruling the world. Let's say you overthrow the US government or attempt to coerce it through violence. Once that is acceptable, what do you think will happen? You think your fellow socialist, pencil-neck twinks will win the civil war?

No, what's going to happen is that those willing of the greatest brutality and violence will eradicate people like you, to establish a Christan conservative hellhole. You'll be happy if you'll get to live as a socialist twink slave in such a society, serving your Christian masterrace overlords.


The only reason why you even exist and spout the absolute cancerous anti-capitalism and america-bad nonsense you do is because your twink ass is protected through the state from the people who would absolutely dominate you if violence was acceptable.

Edited by Scholar

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To the people who are in support of this, I want to stress how absurdly infantile these power fantasies you guys engage in are. You have no conception of what violence even means and what it entails. You have no clue how privileged you are, that you can have such a profoundly naive opinion and not suffer the consequences.

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This channel is run by an ex-spine surgeon. I first saw his most popular video a few months ago and subscribed. He quit his career due to misaligned personal beliefs of the medical system, and now just wanders around traveling. He speaks on this event from his perspective as a professional in the field.

Edited by ricachica

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On 2024-12-11 at 9:48 PM, Princess Arabia said:

Not sure if you're referring to the percentage of people who eat toxic foods or the percentage of foods out there that are toxic.

I mentioned McDonald's because that's where he was snacking at, the poison house, when he was captured for murdering the CEO of a company that's supposed to foot the bill that McDonald's causes by poisoning the body after eating their food. 

My point is that 90% of the food on the market, leave alone restaurants are just as bad as McD, my guess is that 40% of the food people eat is even worse. McD have a low standard, but they have a standard. There are companies out there that are fare worse than McD. Sad but true.

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10 minutes ago, Hsinav said:

My point is that 90% of the food on the market, leave alone restaurants are just as bad as McD, my guess is that 40% of the food people eat is even worse. McD have a low standard, but they have a standard. There are companies out there that are fare worse than McD. Sad but true.

I understand your point, but when you check the ingredients in McDonald's poison, it's not even real food. I remember seeing somewhere where somebody left a burger out for 5yrs and it looked the same. 

There are plenty of places with real food but maybe cook in bad oils, serve gmo, inorganic, etcetc, but altleast most are real foods with just a little added preservatives. 

Not to mention the oh so popular Chik-fil-A. Talk about poison. The lines are so long there, they fill their foods with msg and other poisons to keep you coming back. Subways bread used to have yoga mat ingredients until Vani Hani protested to get them to remove it. It starts with Azo.............word so long I can't even pronounce it. Who knows what the hell is in these fast foison (not a misspell) places. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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12 minutes ago, Princess Arabia said:


We are actually entering a dystopia. And we don't even notice it because we are like a frog getting slowly boiled to death.

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There’s going to be copycats.

There might be an organization that builds around this.

it all started with the Trump shooting. (factually incorrect I say this because we need a good origin story 😅)

Edited by integral - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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4 minutes ago, integral said:

There’s going to be copycats.

Don't count on it. CEOs got good security and hard to access. This is not like a wacko shooting up the local school yard.

Assassinating powerful people is not so easy. Takes intelligence and serious planning, with no payoff.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't count on it. CEOs got good security and hard to access. This is not like a wacko shooting up the local school yard.

Assassinating powerful people is not so easy. Takes intelligence and serious planning, with no payoff.

That's a reasonable take. The way i see it is this scenario has a romance to it and people whether they want to say it or not agree with killing this guy. The masses want a lot of these people to die.

If the romance is strong enough, something is born from it. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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1 minute ago, integral said:

The masses want a lot of these people to die.

I don't disagree. But these CEOs will now triple their security. Good luck assassinating them.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Again, I want to stress that this is unacceptable. Everything in our society is based on norms we abide by. If people stop believing in civility, then civility will cease to exist.

And don't think you are going to create some sort of socialist utopia from the ashes of capitalism. What you'll get will be worse than feudalism.

Edited by Scholar

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13 minutes ago, zazen said:


Luigi Mangione & the American System Meltdown

Quotes from the above video:

“The killer (Luigi Mangione) and the killed (Unitedhealth CEO) in this case are both men from the same class and economic strata.

A lot of the working class are justifying Mangione’s actions, which should terrify the ruling class.

I do not believe that non-violent means of communication and peaceful protest, economic protest, is useless. And I don't believe they are ignored, in fact. I think that the idea that these types of efforts are futile is propagated precisely because power does not want people to engage in them, because they are useful and can be useful and effective.

In theory, his privileged position in the society puts him within the power structure, but he took the action of someone who's outside the power structure, beneath the power structure, which means that even he has been made to believe that the power structure is invincible, and he's not the only one.

Being from the Tik Tok generation, he has grown up on a less controlled narrative and he's been exposed to the perspectives of people outside his class strata, and perspectives about his class strata, meaning people subject to the power structure that he's a part of. So he's exposed to the experiences and the views and the attitudes and opinions of the people that he's never supposed to be exposed to, while also growing up within the power structure. That amounts to an infiltration. Because you can no longer control the narrative that the children of the elite consume, you can no longer ensure that they will have been successfully educated and indoctrinated to carry on with the preservation of your system. This is a very serious problem for the system.

The system has to deny the effectiveness of what is effective. They never want people to think that they have a viable option of resistance and change because the fact is almost every single successful social movement in America has actually improved the lives of people and has been achieved through non-violent methods, through patient long-term strategies.

Because the system has an uncivilised predatory mentality, because the power structure is tyrannical, they need everyone to feel overpowered and to feel helpless. But when you have such an adversarial relationship with your own people, and at the same time have implanted in them a Darwinian concept of human animals into their heads, eventually with no other options being regarded as plausible, you make violence inevitable. It's not inevitable because it has to be. It's not inevitable because there really are no other options in reality, but because you have insisted to make people believe that there are no other options. And you've done that because you would rather turn your society into a bloody conflict zone than accept changing or accept power being held accountable.

Luigi Mangione is from that demographic group that's supposed to be invested in the system he's from, that class that's supposed to protect the system because they benefit from it, but you're losing control even of the stakeholders of your own power structure. I don't think you can even comprehend how dangerous that is for you, because Luigi Mangione is also from that demographic and class in your society that was raised to feel entitled to take matters into their own hands. Furthermore, he's from the class and demographic in your society that, as I said, is a part of the power structure, which means that he also comes from the most ruthless, calculating, and most capable demographic in America for efficient and targeted violence. That's the class he comes from and he has the qualities of that class, the predatory class, the dominating class, and he's just one of many from that class who are turning on their own.”


Edited by zazen

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The weapon described in the video is a heart attack gun developed by the CIA. It's designed to fire a small dart coated with a toxin that mimics the symptoms of a heart attack, making the assassination appear as a natural death. The gun uses electricity to shoot the dart silently and effectively over a distance, with the dart being so thin that the target might not even realize they've been hit. This weapon was part of the CIA's arsenal for covert operations, particularly during the Cold War era. - Voice Everything Browser Extension

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