Popular Dating Coach Alexander Grace turns to Black Pill

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3 hours ago, AION said:

I engaged with all of your points. I'm not going to be inspector gadget and google stuff while I'm here to have a conversation on a forum. I'm just here to express my direct experience. Not discuss isolated statistics to disprove hypergamy. I think the hypergamous nature in dating is out of discussion. 


Right OK you don't want to engage in statistics that put your point of view into question, cool. I'll disregard that you said a couple posts back that stats say people are dating less, I guess it's only applicable with your points. Forgive the sarcasm, it's just you're contradicting yourself, but we can move on from that. 

So we'll go with your direct experience, you didn't actually answer this before btw. Have you dealt with many high quality women? What was your experience with hypergamy if this was the case, did women leave you for a higher status man or did they leave their men for you? Feel free to be as specific as you like. As all your opinions are based on this experience, it seems quite crucial. 

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1 hour ago, Consept said:

Right OK you don't want to engage in statistics that put your point of view into question, cool. I'll disregard that you said a couple posts back that stats say people are dating less, I guess it's only applicable with your points. Forgive the sarcasm, it's just you're contradicting yourself, but we can move on from that. 

So we'll go with your direct experience, you didn't actually answer this before btw. Have you dealt with many high quality women? What was your experience with hypergamy if this was the case, did women leave you for a higher status man or did they leave their men for you? Feel free to be as specific as you like. As all your opinions are based on this experience, it seems quite crucial. 

He's giving good advice. I'd say it's a good idea to at least consider what he's saying. 

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3 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

He's giving good advice. I'd say it's a good idea to at least consider what he's saying. 

I'm just asking how he formed his opinions, otherwise it's not really based on much. I am open though, I'm not really tied to my opinion, it's just I've read up on a lot of what he's saying and it's easily debunked, as well I don't see it in my personal experience. What points would you say are good advice?

Would you agree with him that men generally just want to get sex using their power and women generally want to get power using sex?

Edited by Consept

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5 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

He's giving good advice. I'd say it's a good idea to at least consider what he's saying. 

You truly are an enigma 😂

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 hours ago, Consept said:

I'm just asking how he formed his opinions, otherwise it's not really based on much. I am open though, I'm not really tied to my opinion, it's just I've read up on a lot of what he's saying and it's easily debunked, as well I don't see it in my personal experience. What points would you say are good advice?

I already said I formed my experiences based on direct experience. You are not reading what I'm writing. I'm not basing my opinion on what mom and dad said like in your case because you admitted you asked your family on this topic while I said explicitly that dating changed massively in the last few years and you are asking people their dating experiences from decades ago.


Would you agree with him that men generally just want to get sex using their power and women generally want to get power using sex?

With power I mean personal power like confidence, charisma, status, character, funniness, social/financial power, and his ability to control his own emotion.

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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3 minutes ago, AION said:

I already said I formed my experiences based on direct experience. You are not reading what I'm writing. I'm not basing my opinion on what mom and dad said like in your case because you admitted you asked your family on this topic while I said explicitly that dating changed massively in the last few years and you are asking people their dating experiences from decades ago.

Again this is a strawman, I didn't say I asked my mum and dad(they have a terrible relationship anyway lol), I said, this is the third time I'm saying this, I don't know if I'm making it clear enough - my direct experience firstly, relationships I see around me and statistics on dating trends. You said you were using your direct experience to form your opinions, which I can accept although of course this will be anecdotal and based off the type of women you were going for which would be the case for me in my relationships also. I would be interested in what experience you have with hypergamy, so what I asked which you didn't answer is "did someone you were dating leave you for someone better or did someone who was in a relationship leave them for you?". If you could explain this it might round out your points. 

The other thing is if you were basing your opinion only on direct experience it wouldn't make sense for you to make a general statement on all dating, such as its changed massively. It might have but it could be your specific dating life has changed for reasons specific to you. 

12 minutes ago, AION said:

With power I mean personal power like confidence, charisma, status, character, funniness, social/financial power, and his ability to control his own emotion.

OK I like this as a more rounded interpretation of power. However how you phrased the initial statement I wouldn't agree with, I think these are traits that can be attractive to women, I don't think they're trading sex for it, they're just attracted to it because of how they feel around these traits, for example his ability to control his emotions would make her feel safe or his funniness makes her enjoy herself, these things trigger positive emotions in her. There still has to be a sexual attraction of course. Also all the things you mentioned can be worked on, if this is the case, it effectively debunks the black pill. 

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On 12/11/2024 at 11:50 PM, Consept said:

I'm just asking how he formed his opinions, otherwise it's not really based on much. I am open though, I'm not really tied to my opinion, it's just I've read up on a lot of what he's saying and it's easily debunked, as well I don't see it in my personal experience. What points would you say are good advice?

Would you agree with him that men generally just want to get sex using their power and women generally want to get power using sex?

Just speaking by experience. I have to acknowledge that whenever someone has power, it's much easier for them to do corrupt things. For a man if he does indeed have power, it's difficult for him not to get cocky when he's loved by many women. I Have met some genuinely good men that have lots of power and don't take advantage of women or their situation. But it's more an exception than it is a norm. I have to say thank you all those men who do have self control and don't abuse their power! 

And for sure it goes the other way too. When a woman is so gorgeous or impossibly beautiful. It's difficult for her to not abuse her powers by using sex. It's too tempting for most of us. Again there are exceptions. Beauty also draws so much attention. But I think it just makes it so hard for a woman to tell who actually genuinely likes her for who she is, verses just for her beauty. It might also attract a lot of unwanted attention. It almost ends up being a disadvantage for the beautiful woman in so many ways. Because a high quality woman also has to work hard and be able to genuinely introspect and be able to contemplate, do inner work within herself, learn skills... etc if she wants to attract high quality men or to have a high quality life, regardless of how beautiful she is.  

I think you give good advice because it's true, I don't think of the men I spend time with as a payout or "what job or career they are in??" Nor am I thinking "he's 6 foot 4, or aww he's only 5 foot 3.." Good looks do help to a degree, but I'm personally not that picky about looks or height or race or physical appearance or whatever the man might have in his net worth or what his career is. I've dated men from every social class, I genuinely just enjoy people's time and connecting with others. Men or women.  So you explained and elaborated things pretty well. His personality is honestly so much more important. Now obviously if I am going to consider having kids with a man, then for sure, having more resources is better than less. Just because I'll be out of work for many months and physically more vulnerable for at least a year or two. But that's a very late stage of any relationship. I've met many men that are very well off that wanted me, but I've chosen men that had far less or almost nothing in their wallets, simply because of the connection I had with them. Man or woman, you give good advice because vibes are very important, and it's more important to be having a good time and enjoying life. Not everything is about money. Especially you are correct that now many women can make their own money. It wouldn't be about how much the man makes as the strength of his character. So if he was just given a lot of money or power but he's extremely socially uncalibrated, awkward, poorly groomed, with poor hygiene and doesn't look like "he gets it," it's far more of a turn off than a man that has no money, no power but has confidence, wit, social skills, stories to tell, and a man that's genuinely fun or interesting to be around. There are some women that do value money or power more than other women. I know some women that will only date a man if the man can pay for her complete expensive lifestyle, vacations, dining, food etc or only if the man has an expensive car. And I know some women that place almost no emphasis on money, but value other things. But yes, I would agree that it's almost never a good idea for a man to lead with his wallet! So keep coaching them :)

Edited by TheEnigma

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On 12/8/2024 at 9:53 PM, Leo Gura said:

A fascist fantasy.

Funny you say that. A lot of fascist media that I come across has now merged with blackpill.

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@TheEnigma I don't think @Consept is giving any advice in this thread. He is just gaslighting and pretending like he has experience in this topic based on what he asked his friends and family about dating. Either that or he is just not understanding what I meant with personal power which is the thing that makes a man attractive to feminine women.

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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@TheEnigma Thanks, next time I'm wherever you are ill take you out for a drink :D

But yeah I obviously agree with you and it was good to hear your perspective. A lot of guys including me when I was younger, do believe that they just need to get money and power and then girls will come flocking, but really theres a lot more going on than that. 

7 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

he's extremely socially uncalibrated, awkward, poorly groomed, with poor hygiene and doesn't look like "he gets it,"

If most guys just sorted this out they'd get so much more success. 

7 hours ago, TheEnigma said:

Just speaking by experience. I have to acknowledge that whenever someone has power, it's much easier for them to do corrupt things. For a man if he does indeed have power, it's difficult for him not to get cocky when he's loved by many women. I Have met some genuinely good men that have lots of power and don't take advantage of women or their situation. But it's more an exception than it is a norm. I have to say thank you all those men who do have self control and don't abuse their power! 

This is an interesting idea to think about. Does power automatically corrupt people or is it case of those who have an insatiable appetite for power are kind of corrupt anyway? Theres some statistics that theres a high amount of psychopaths high up in blue chip companies, if you think about it to get to such a high level you would value career and material success more than you would relationships or other aspects of life. So i think success in this realm does attract a certain type of person, of course not always but a higher % than the population as a whole. 

Mostly i think people just want to find a good match, if you look at powerful celebrities or even just rich people, if they settle down they usually go for someone from a similar background, similar education, similar career etc. Jay-z & Beyonce, ASAP Rocky & Rhinana, Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively etc etc. These guys literally can choose any women and would most likely have more power over a 'normal' woman but they still choose someone nearer their status or even above their status sometimes. 

3 hours ago, AION said:

@TheEnigma I don't think @Consept is giving any advice in this thread. He is just gaslighting and pretending like he has experience in this topic based on what he asked his friends and family about dating. Either that or he is just not understanding what I meant with personal power which is the thing that makes a man attractive to feminine women.

haha OK bro, not gonna repeat myself again, if you dont get it you dont get it. I liked your personal power idea btw thats the one thing i said i agree with

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On 11.12.2024 at 8:19 PM, Kid A said:

How is your level of opportunities to talk to girls pre-determined?


@numbersinarow  Black pill may be the most miserable path you can choose in life, so you should at least be able to argue your case. Last month you claimed that nightgame is based on looks and then I asked you why I've never gotten any results with nightgame, but a lot of success with online dating. You didn't answer then either...  

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To tell about my recent dating experiences. I dated top shelf girls and they are very hypergamous; you need to get your shit on order. Currently I'm going for lower quality girls, so for example if I'm 7,5/10, I go for 6/10 girls. In that way I will have a lot of leverage over the girl and if you don't have good game you can still get away with a lot.

But the thing is if you are a guy who is 5/10, you have to go for girls who are 3/10 to have a good leverage. I think a lot of guys go black pill because of this. If you are not a good looking guy, or to just be frank, an ugly guy and also not a lot going on in terms of personality and success, it is a dire situation. I think there is not enough sympathy for these kind of guys. I only see scolding towards black pill which is unsympathetic.

I still think the only way is to build personal power. Just for your own enjoyment and girls are just a byproduct. If you have good game, you can still clean the field. There are not a lot of guys who are unique, charismatic, funny, and successful in life... in one package.

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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10 minutes ago, AION said:

To tell about my recent dating experiences. I dated top shelf girls and they are very hypergamous; you need to get your shit on order. Currently I'm going for lower quality girls, so for example if I'm 7,5/10, I go for 6/10 girls. In that way I will have a lot of leverage over the girl and if you don't have good game you can still get away with a lot.

But the thing is if you are a guy who is 5/10, you have to go for girls who are 3/10 to have a good leverage. I think a lot of guys go black pill because of this. If you are not a good looking guy, or to just be frank, an ugly guy and also not a lot going on in terms of personality and success, it is a dire situation. I think there is not enough sympathy for these kind of guys. I only see scolding towards black pill which is unsympathetic.

I still think the only way is to build personal power. Just for your own enjoyment and girls are just a byproduct. 

I dont get why tf are you lying ,then cope/cover up that you aint nothing with all this bs black pill theory.This will take you decade to unravel been there done that its total waste of time.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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9 minutes ago, NoSelfSelf said:

I dont get why tf are you lying ,then cope/cover up that you aint nothing with all this bs black pill theory.This will take you decade to unravel been there done that its total waste of time.

Lying about what? I have a date tonight so I’m not black pill. My expectations in dating have changed because dating has changed. I’m not looking for anything serious. Just gaming the field for now, instead of being gamed. 

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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11 minutes ago, AION said:

Lying about what? I have a date tonight so I’m not black pill. My expectations in dating have changed because dating has changed. I’m not looking for anything serious. Just gaming the field for now, instead of being gamed. 

You are not dating top shelf doesnt make sense since you are not top shelf guy,you are not gaming nothing you are being played left and right you just dont see it.If you all that then you wouldnt even need to create this thread its a thread of zero game and understanding of self.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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41 minutes ago, AION said:

Currently I'm going for lower quality girls, so for example if I'm 7,5/10, I go for 6/10 girls.


41 minutes ago, AION said:

But the thing is if you are a guy who is 5/10, you have to go for girls who are 3/10 to have a good leverage.

Sometimes I wonder if I missed a meeting of all humanity where it was decided who would get which rating...

Edited by Kid A

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6 minutes ago, Kid A said:


Sometimes I wonder if I missed a secret meeting of all humanity where it was decided who would get which rating...

👏👏 great respons.Rating is based on how well women put dress that fits her body and eyeliner, so gullible male can salivate to the deception of beauty.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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45 minutes ago, AION said:

To tell about my recent dating experiences. I dated top shelf girls and they are very hypergamous; you need to get your shit on order. Currently I'm going for lower quality girls, so for example if I'm 7,5/10, I go for 6/10 girls. In that way I will have a lot of leverage over the girl and if you don't have good game you can still get away with a lot.

OK so you were dating 8-10 rated girls, when you say dated are you saying that you had relationships with them, you slept with them, ONS? What we talking about here? If youre saying theyre hypergamous and for you to have seen that im guessing that either you were in a relationship with one and they left you for a higher rated dude or that they were in a relationship with someone and left that person for you, but dont let me put words in your mouth, how did it go down?

48 minutes ago, AION said:

If you are not a good looking guy, or to just be frank, an ugly guy and also not a lot going on in terms of personality and success, it is a dire situation. I think there is not enough sympathy for these kind of guys. I only see scolding towards black pill which is unsympathetic.

I think theres scolding against the black pill because it doesnt actually improve your situation it just takes up a victim mentality, which in any domain doesnt help you. People dont like to be around negative people and black pill are very negative, at the same time their rhetoric doesnt really penetrate into mainstream consciousness so its really them that suffer their mentality. Also I'm not sure that theres not some form of BDD (Body Dysmorphic disorder) going, because they are hyper focused on particular body parts to the point that they do surgery in extreme cases, this is actually a symptom of BDD. 

53 minutes ago, AION said:

I still think the only way is to build personal power. Just for your own enjoyment and girls are just a byproduct. If you have good game, you can still clean the field. There are not a lot of guys who are unique, charismatic, funny, and successful in life... in one package.

Well yeah this is the antidote to the black pill

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On 13/12/2024 at 11:09 AM, Consept said:

@TheEnigma Thanks, next time I'm wherever you are ill take you out for a drink :D

But yeah I obviously agree with you and it was good to hear your perspective. A lot of guys including me when I was younger, do believe that they just need to get money and power and then girls will come flocking, but really theres a lot more going on than that. 

If most guys just sorted this out they'd get so much more success. 

This is an interesting idea to think about. Does power automatically corrupt people or is it case of those who have an insatiable appetite for power are kind of corrupt anyway? Theres some statistics that theres a high amount of psychopaths high up in blue chip companies, if you think about it to get to such a high level you would value career and material success more than you would relationships or other aspects of life. So i think success in this realm does attract a certain type of person, of course not always but a higher % than the population as a whole. 

Mostly i think people just want to find a good match, if you look at powerful celebrities or even just rich people, if they settle down they usually go for someone from a similar background, similar education, similar career etc. Jay-z & Beyonce, ASAP Rocky & Rhinana, Ryan Reynolds & Blake Lively etc etc. These guys literally can choose any women and would most likely have more power over a 'normal' woman but they still choose someone nearer their status or even above their status sometimes. 

haha OK bro, not gonna repeat myself again, if you dont get it you dont get it. I liked your personal power idea btw thats the one thing i said i agree with

Thanks! That's a good question I'm sorry I don't have the answer to that. But I would think it's the latter. First of all simply because even if someone was given power if they never had strong hunger to maintain it, they'd probably lose it very quickly. And secondly I do remember some of my co-workers saying that by the time someone reaches high levels in management or ceo positions of large companies, or became a famous politician, they've backstabbed a lot of people to get there. I had a friend that was in politics, and she said she simply had to step down because it just required too much lying.

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