Popular Dating Coach Alexander Grace turns to Black Pill

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Just imagine women coming out with the me-too thing, and guys saying "we don't owe you anything, that is your issue, deal with it".. 😅

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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29 minutes ago, AION said:

Just imagine women coming out with the me-too thing, and guys saying "we don't owe you anything, that is your issue, deal with it".. 😅

You think being violated is comparable to not finding a partner? 

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19 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

You think being violated is comparable to not finding a partner? 

Each sex has its own problems. Most guys would wish they would be violated by girls. 🤣

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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Just now, AION said:

Each sex has its own problems. Most guys would wish they would be violated by girls. 🤣

Haha ok. I get your point. But Id still say those two things mentioned aren’t comparable

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15 minutes ago, AION said:

Each sex has its own problems. Most guys would wish they would be violated by girls. 🤣

Because men feel in control. I imagine that female rapists choose victims who are not themselves, like some very young and/or even homosexual men.
Btw men are generally raped by homosexuals ofc, not women.

Edited by Schizophonia

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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Here's the thing, women want to meet and get in relationships with men, the issue men are finding is that women's standards are higher than before, when guys just had to have a job because women couldn't earn nearly as much. We now live on a more free society, which is what everyone always wants, so women are free to work and don't 'need' men in the same way they mightve previously. 

Does that mean the end of relationships? No, it means we've all climbed up the hierarchy of needs as a collective society and so things like, love and belonging and self-esteem are what people are after. Which means that men who previously weren't encouraged to show emotion and have emotional iq, can not provide these things to a woman, so women are not choosing these men. 

Most of the black pill and red pill content is designed for these types of men, instead of teaching them how to elevate and become complete people, they teach then that it's the women's fault for wanting more and that women are hypergamous and are just going to leave you if they get a better offer. Nothing about how to have a healthy relationship, just about maintaining the victim mindset. 

This gets clicks cos it hits on pain points of men that have been rejected or been in bad relationships and it keeps them there because there isn't actually a solution, so they keep consuming the content and feel validated for not improving their situation. 


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15 minutes ago, Consept said:

Here's the thing, women want to meet and get in relationships with men, the issue men are finding is that women's standards are higher than before, when guys just had to have a job because women couldn't earn nearly as much. We now live on a more free society, which is what everyone always wants, so women are free to work and don't 'need' men in the same way they mightve previously. 

Does that mean the end of relationships? No, it means we've all climbed up the hierarchy of needs as a collective society and so things like, love and belonging and self-esteem are what people are after. Which means that men who previously weren't encouraged to show emotion and have emotional iq, can not provide these things to a woman, so women are not choosing these men. 

Most of the black pill and red pill content is designed for these types of men, instead of teaching them how to elevate and become complete people, they teach then that it's the women's fault for wanting more and that women are hypergamous and are just going to leave you if they get a better offer. Nothing about how to have a healthy relationship, just about maintaining the victim mindset. 

This gets clicks cos it hits on pain points of men that have been rejected or been in bad relationships and it keeps them there because there isn't actually a solution, so they keep consuming the content and feel validated for not improving their situation. 


Its not even the standards its lack of men,men are not men ,so her standards must be high to compensate for why she should be with an average feminine guy.

All her high standards are not for men with game its for the crowd.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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3 minutes ago, AION said:

There are so many ways I could do you bad and then tell you "I don't owe you anything"..

That's not what not owing someone means

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The more selective women are, the better. That way you won't spend all your Life revolving around dating and sex.

You were not evolved to go back being a chimpance or a rabbit all day thinking about mating

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I think this me-too movement shows what the exchange between men and women really boils down to.

  • Women want to exchange their pussy for power
  • And men want to exchange their power for pussy

That is why women don't fuck around with homeless men because these men have zero personal power.

People who are black pill are angry because they think their niceness and their nice behavior can be exchanged for pussy and that is the fundamental miscalculation by these men. Because that is not the gold currency on the sex and dating market.

Most of these guys have these pride of being good guys and not willing to resort to these power games but they are not truthful. I know these guys. These guys are bitter and resentful. And they are fake with women. I had a break through when I had this realization and treated women as it came natural. When I saw the true nature of women, I treated them as their worth. If I'm nice, I'm just nice but I'm not nice because I want something back for it. And more importantly I understood the true gold currency women are interested in which is a guy with personal power. And for that you don't need to be a nice guy, niceness is a variable that doesn't hold a lot of weight in dating and mating. It is actually better to treat women as their worth when they show your entitlement, disregard for men's problems and spoiled behaviour.

I think this whole impotent dating epidemic is the fault of societal programming. Men are told the wrong things about dating. And they are very naive about it.

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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3 hours ago, AION said:
  • Women want to exchange their pussy for power
  • And men want to exchange their power for pussy

Nah bro with respect this is a very basic surface level view. 

I'm not saying this doesn't happen, yes maybe in certain industries this game gets played ie entertainment industry. You also get men who just want to fuck as many women as possible and women who want to extract as much money as possible. But in general day to day relationships not everyone is transactional in this way. It's kinda like saying in all friendships it's about what you can get from the other person in terms of resources, yes it happens but most people would prefer genuine friends they can connect authentically with. 

Women are attracted to guys that make them feel good, it's pretty much that simple. If you talk to a woman for 10 mins and you have an amazing vibe, she's not thinking about how much money you make and how powerful you are, she's just enjoying the vibe. She might think about the practical stuff later if/when it comes to that. Homeless guys get girls, broke guys get girls, fat guys get girls, yes their charisma has to be high but it shows that confidence and charisma is probably the most important factor. 

No matter how much money you got, if you make a woman feel uncomfortable she won't want to be around you, unless she's just trying to take advantage of you. 

One thing I'll agree with you on is being 'nice' doesn't work but that's because its inauthentic, women can sense this and it makes them feel uncomfortable. Main thing if you're grounded and authentic in who you are, you will have your best chance with women, doesn't mean they'll all like you, you'll just put yourself in the best position you can be in. 


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@Consept haha keep living the life bro. Yea she might hook up with the janitor or McDonald’s guy if he is funny or good looking. But she won’t settle down. Especially if she is a top shelf girl.

Guys don’t care if a girl works at McDonald’s; girls do. 

If she is a top shelf girls she will know her worth. And it will require a special kind of girl to settle down with a McDonald’s guy if she can get a better horse. 

She doesn’t even need to be a top shelf girl. Even if a girl is above average she will expect a guy on a white horse.
If she is lower shelf girls, yea she will settle down with the McDonald’s guy. Why? Because she can’t get any better. 

You probably never dealt with upper and higher shelf girls. They are hypergamous because they  know their worth.

Times has changed. In the past what you said was the case. That is what this topic is about: the game is changing. 

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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31 minutes ago, AION said:

You probably never dealt with upper and higher shelf girls. They are hypergamous because they  know their worth.

Times has changed. In the past what you said was the case. That is what this topic is about: the game is changing. 

Have you dealt with a top shelf woman? Where do you derive your opinions from, is it experience or online? Not attacking you but pretty much all youre saying is exactly what is said in red pill content, when i speak on this its from either direct experience or friends and family. I'd also be open to stats of course. 

37 minutes ago, AION said:

haha keep living the life bro. Yea she might hook up with the janitor or McDonald’s guy if he is funny or good looking. But she won’t settle down. Especially if she is a top shelf girl.

Guys don’t care if a girl works at McDonald’s; girls do. 

People tend to marry people with the same education as themselves - "Some 86% of household heads with a four-year college degree – and at least one parent with a degree – have a spouse or partner who is also a college graduate" (Pew Research) This kind of affects your point, your idea would be that rich guys would go with any hot girl regardless of her status, but this just isnt true according to this trend. In general people want to marry people around the same level, its also more likely because of the circles they may move in, for example a lot of people might meet at university or at their job etc. 

Again, i'm not saying that there arent transactional people who would marry exclusively for looks or for money but its not really the norm. 

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I'm not sure what people who are denying the blackpill are doing. They can't run forever.

Your sexual success is pre-determined by your environment and genetics.

More specifically, your level of opportunities to talk to girls and your looks.

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@Consept Looks like you are coping with your “I’m asking friends and family”. As I said couple of times. The dating scene has changed massively in the last few years. And you are asking mom and dad how dating was in the good old times; in their time dating was different, like day and night. I don’t know how to spell it out more than this. 

Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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14 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

I'm not sure what people who are denying the blackpill are doing. They can't run forever.

Your sexual success is pre-determined by your environment and genetics.

More specifically, your level of opportunities to talk to girls and your looks.

It is seen in the statistics. Less people are dating. There are less couples than ever.

On this forum there are certain people who are not willing to look at the truth. And that is ok.

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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17 minutes ago, numbersinarow said:

I'm not sure what people who are denying the blackpill are doing. They can't run forever.

Your sexual success is pre-determined by your environment and genetics.

More specifically, your level of opportunities to talk to girls and your looks.

How is your level of opportunities to talk to girls pre-determined?

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14 minutes ago, AION said:

Looks like you are coping with your “I’m asking friends and family”. As I said couple of times. The dating scene has changed massively in the last few years. And you are asking mom and dad how dating was in the good old times; in their time dating was different, like day and night. I don’t know how to spell it out more than this. 

Youre strawmanning my point, i said im getting my information from direct experience firstly, then looking at real relationships around me. Where are you getting your viewpoint? You didnt answer this in the first place.

Secondly you didnt engage with my next point which was from pew research - "Some 86% of household heads with a four-year college degree – and at least one parent with a degree – have a spouse or partner who is also a college graduate" How can you explain this stat if guys date anyone they think is hot? 

5 minutes ago, AION said:

On this forum there are certain people who are not willing to look at the truth. And that is ok.

You say this but then you dont actually engage with points contrary to your own point. 

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33 minutes ago, Consept said:

Youre strawmanning my point, i said im getting my information from direct experience firstly, then looking at real relationships around me. Where are you getting your viewpoint? You didnt answer this in the first place.


You say this but then you dont actually engage with points contrary to your own point. 

I engaged with all of your points. I'm not going to be inspector gadget and google stuff while I'm here to have a conversation on a forum. I'm just here to express my direct experience. Not discuss isolated statistics to disprove hypergamy. I think the hypergamous nature in dating is out of discussion. 


Edited by AION

🐉 Feeling Is the Secret ❤️‍🔥

Please no judging and butt hurt. Just sharing experiences. 

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46 minutes ago, AION said:

It is seen in the statistics. Less people are dating. There are less couples than ever.

Anything else would be pretty strange considering that people are less social than ever.

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