Popular Dating Coach Alexander Grace turns to Black Pill

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18 minutes ago, AION said:


calm your tits. This is just a topic on dating man. Take it easy. 

Of course, I was only joking! :)

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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The basic of personal development is to take 100% responsibility for everything in your life. This eliminate victim mentality. 

If you forget about this, it's so easy to become a victim and ruin your psyche with negative thinking.


"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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On 2024-12-05 at 0:39 PM, AION said:

Too many guys. And nobody is talking about it, especially women not caring about this group of men while they care about everything else and especially caring about their own interests.

Why should women care about men struggling to get women? Women don’t owe men anything

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@AION I know below average looking PUAs. They have it harder, sure but they still get laid. When I go out and i'm insecure they get more attention (I'm average).

BTW if you are below average in the looks department then it's important to create some niche appeal.

Falling for the blackpill will ruin your chances.

Edited by fabger

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2 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Why should women care about men struggling to get women? Women don’t owe men anything

Women are only going to care about themselves, whatever they should or shouldn’t care about…

You are all narcissistic overgrown children to the grave, as your post amply demonstrates!

(I exaggerate for effect — some of you are alright, I suppose…)

@Sugarcoat By the way, I completely agree with you and I would love to see this mentality applied more broadly:

”Why should Westerners care about refugees? We don’t owe them anything. Let them drown.”

“Why should we care about the homeless? They should be left to freeze and starve.”

”Why should anyone care about anything? All I care about is myself.”

Just some little suggestions for how to apply your great philosophy to other domains of life!

Edited by Oeaohoo

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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47 minutes ago, Oeaohoo said:

Women are only going to care about themselves, whatever they should or shouldn’t care about…

You are all narcissistic overgrown children to the grave, as your post amply demonstrates!

(I exaggerate for effect — some of you are alright, I suppose…)

@Sugarcoat By the way, I completely agree with you and I would love to see this mentality applied more broadly:

”Why should Westerners care about refugees? We don’t owe them anything. Let them drown.”

“Why should we care about the homeless? They should be left to freeze and starve.”

”Why should anyone care about anything? All I care about is myself.”

Just some little suggestions for how to apply your great philosophy to other domains of life!

I agree with all these statements lol
Why do you insist on living in a world of guilt when we all have our own problems already. If you feel like being charitable there is nothing stopping you from helping.

I want to live in a free country.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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7 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

I agree with all these statements lol
Why do you insist on living in a world of guilt when we all have our own problems already. If you feel like being charitable there is nothing stopping you from helping.

I want to live in a free country.

I agree with them too! :D

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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4 hours ago, Sugarcoat said:

Why should women care about men struggling to get women? Women don’t owe men anything

I get your point, but thats so goddamn cold and unempathetic. 

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8 hours ago, whh2222 said:

I get your point, but thats so goddamn cold and unempathetic. 

That is the whole point of what Alexander Grace is trying to say...

Wanderer who has become king 


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11 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

Women are only going to care about themselves, whatever they should or shouldn’t care about…

You are all narcissistic overgrown children to the grave, as your post amply demonstrates!

(I exaggerate for effect — some of you are alright, I suppose…)

@Sugarcoat By the way, I completely agree with you and I would love to see this mentality applied more broadly:

”Why should Westerners care about refugees? We don’t owe them anything. Let them drown.”

“Why should we care about the homeless? They should be left to freeze and starve.”

”Why should anyone care about anything? All I care about is myself.”

Just some little suggestions for how to apply your great philosophy to other domains of life!

Don't shame her. At least she is honest about it. :)

Wanderer who has become king 


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9 hours ago, whh2222 said:

I get your point, but thats so goddamn cold and unempathetic. 

“I realize now how much she's just like the others, cold and distant, and many people are like that, women for sure, they're like a union.“

“You’re just like the rest of them!”

Edited by Oeaohoo

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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11 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

Women are only going to care about themselves, whatever they should or shouldn’t care about…

You are all narcissistic overgrown children to the grave, as your post amply demonstrates!

(I exaggerate for effect — some of you are alright, I suppose…)

@Sugarcoat By the way, I completely agree with you and I would love to see this mentality applied more broadly:

”Why should Westerners care about refugees? We don’t owe them anything. Let them drown.”

“Why should we care about the homeless? They should be left to freeze and starve.”

”Why should anyone care about anything? All I care about is myself.”

Just some little suggestions for how to apply your great philosophy to other domains of life!

I think there’s a difference between those things. Food and shelter is more important and fundamental need than having a partner. Having a partner requires two people to mutually want it, it’s about men’s access to women,  those other things are about more basic needs, our access to material resources. Look around you at couples today, most are around similar level of attractiveness physically, and most are probably at somewhat similar levels in other domains like economy too. It’s not impossible to get a partner, even if you are below average because there are other below average people out there to match your level. Women don’t owe men relationships, as I said it takes two to tango, that’s why I don’t think it’s comparable to those other needs.

Edited by Sugarcoat

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10 hours ago, whh2222 said:

I get your point, but thats so goddamn cold and unempathetic. 

I didn’t mean to sound particularly cold, I just meant that relationships are not as basic of a need as food and shelter and security, I don’t think it’s comparable. It takes two to tango, to mutually want a relationship, it’s about men’s access to women. I don’t think women should have to be concerned about men not finding a partner. It’s not impossible, one can always work on oneself, and there’s people at every level to match one’s own level even if one is below average. Also considering the inequality in the world, women getting treated like lesser than men in general (maybe not so much in the west but in other parts of the world) , women as a group have too much problems themselves to be concerned with. 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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1 hour ago, Sugarcoat said:

Having a partner requires two people to mutually want it, those other things are about more basic needs, our access to material resources.

Women are a material resource.

(Only joking… Or am I!)

I see your point. However, I don’t see it as a question of women owing men something. We all owe each other something. In a healthy society, people would have a degree of investment in each other’s wellbeing. A society full of lonely people devoid of intimacy is a broken society.

I see you are from Sweden. I was struck by how lonely people seemed when I was there.

Speaking more generally, in the modern worldview life begins and ends with me. My only obligation is to myself. This narcissistic mentality stands in stark contrast to Tradition, not just in regard to sexual conduct but all other aspects of life. Indeed, ‘many traditions claim that mythical founders paid attention to marriage or breeding laws first and most of all, or otherwise make clear that this act of foundation is more fundamental than any other.’

The regulation of sexual conduct - not necessarily in the stereotypically conservative manner - is foundational to civilisation. Just saying, “Let everyone do what they want and it will all magically work out by itself”, is insane.

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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I see so much beauty in this.This whole dating thing is actually perfectly made.It exposes you on all levels.The ones who cheat's the game,the ones who lie to themselves,the one who think they know what's going on, the game will just reject you(you reject yourself actually).Game rejects you by woman saying few "harsh" things,telling you how it is and that alone pokes you in your bones.

It exposes you by fear you feel when you see her,exposes you when you think shes beautiful and perfect,exposes you by her moving you with what shes doing.

Its all just showing you on what level of understanding and embodiment you are at.

If you are thirsty for sex and now she uses it as a weapon,its just perfect because sex shouldnt impact you to chase it.

If she says i want a guy who earns 1 billion dollar a year and you react to it,you just exposed your level of game.

If you are not excited and looking at becoming tougher rather than choosing to be less ,then that alone exposes you to the game and game will reject you the moment you are in front of a woman.If rejection even exists you reject yourself long before you are in front of her !


There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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14 minutes ago, Oeaohoo said:

The regulation of sexual conduct - not necessarily in the stereotypically conservative manner

If not in the regular conservative manner, then how? There aren't that many ways to regulate sex beyond the ways that conservatives have been doing for thousands of years.

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Just now, something_else said:

If not in the regular conservative manner, then how? There aren't that many ways to regulate sex beyond the ways that conservatives have been doing for thousands of years.

The word “stereotypically” was important. “Liberals” like people on this forum tend to have a very cartoonish idea of these things. To be fair, this is bolstered by the abject mediocrity of modern conservatism, especially in America.

Traditional attitudes to sexuality were much more complicated. Julius Evola’s book Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex provides an excellent overview of this subject.

In short, Tradition recognises two basic roles for women: mother and lover, Demeter and Aphrodite. Modern social conservatism tends to emphasise the mother archetype in a one-sided and tendentious manner, whereas in reality both roles were traditionally respected.

In many traditional civilisations, some higher forms of prostitution were even considered sacred; for example, the hetaera in Ancient Greece enjoyed a status equivalent to modern celebrities. Even in recent centuries, marriage was often supplemented with concubinage…

The modern conservative presents a hollowed out caricature of traditional approaches to sexuality. The modern liberal laps this up, probably because it is rhetorically useful… It bolsters the liberal delusion that we have been “sexually liberated”. In reality, many in the past enjoyed a much richer sexuality than most people today!

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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2 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

Women are a material resource.

(Only joking… Or am I!)

Don’t know if I should laugh at this

2 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

I see your point. However, I don’t see it as a question of women owing men something. We all owe each other something. In a healthy society, people would have a degree of investment in each other’s wellbeing. A society full of lonely people devoid of intimacy is a broken society.


I see your point here. There is ofc a problem with some men struggling with loneliness. The question is then how that problem should be handled. Ofc anyone can feel free to try to help somehow but because relationships is a special area in that it deals with the access to women, in that sense we don’t owe men relationships, in fact nobody owes nobody it. When it comes to loneliness I think a lot of responsibility is on the individual themselves to try to change themselves somehow and work to satisfy that need on their own. Seeking help in therapy if needed etc. There’s not really a fixed trait, maybe in extremely rare cases, that hinders a person from finding a partner. Even if you are handicapped you can find love. 


2 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

I see you are from Sweden. I was struck by how lonely people seemed when I was there.


There is a lot of single households yes. 


2 hours ago, Oeaohoo said:

Speaking more generally, in the modern worldview life begins and ends with me. My only obligation is to myself. This narcissistic mentality stands in stark contrast to Tradition, not just in regard to sexual conduct but all other aspects of life. Indeed, ‘many traditions claim that mythical founders paid attention to marriage or breeding laws first and most of all, or otherwise make clear that this act of foundation is more fundamental than any other.’

The regulation of sexual conduct - not necessarily in the stereotypically conservative manner - is foundational to civilisation. Just saying, “Let everyone do what they want and it will all magically work out by itself”, is insane.

I don’t really get what you’re saying here. You think sex should be regulated? 

I think we as a society have responsibilities towards the world and other people for example in terms of climate change everyone (in the west especially) has a responsibility in this. But when it comes to dating and loneliness I  think it’s different. The reason is that there’s so many millions of people out there, if you can’t find NOBODY then the problem is usually you. So you need to change something about yourself. If someone has severe mental issues they might need to seek out help for example.


Edited by Sugarcoat

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8 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

Don’t know if I should laugh at this


8 minutes ago, Sugarcoat said:

When it comes to loneliness I think a lot of responsibility is on the individual themselves to try to change themselves somehow and work to satisfy that need on their own.

The reason is that there’s so many millions of people out there, if you can’t find NOBODY then the problem is usually you. So you need to change something about yourself.

Fair enough, I more or less agree with this.

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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Just now, Oeaohoo said:


Fair enough, I more or less agree with this.

Ok then we are on a similar page👍🏻

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