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esoteric power of musicians

1 post in this topic

Let's see classical music for clarity, because they called as artists. What do you think there is such a thing as spiritual emission toward the audience of the highly concious musician, or there are just playing the notes a bit artisticly. 
Becoming more and more artistic is a possible?
Copying the most artistic person is something possible? With ai or without ai it doesn't matter now.
We have to invent such a piece of music which is very artistic/very conscious? Or we can play the clasical pieces with strange artistic way, or with esoteric background power?
This is the worse one (this piece related with nuber 8, and destruction of the orchestra by the solist)
This is the better one as the commenters say too. (this music is about marriage or the solist and the orchestra. This is related to level 9)
The same thing happening here

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