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isnt it weird/bizarre, like... as the story goes, we only exist because like, the rock were on is moving and spinning like, redic fast, and so the things on it are like forced to the ground (or whatever, you know... "gravity") like... movements that are like... forget  about the precision factor, im talkin like, the whole premise is so strange.... "You will live, in a balance between gravity—and some like, neutral force where youd be free floating if not for it", like... iuno. its just so strange. if we were all fish life would make more sense, cause the highest level would be the surface, and anything in the water would be like, things that we are able to understand. and it would have nothing to do with forces, or anything. itd jus be like, poetry and swimming at redic speeds all the time, making love all the time, atleast thats what all of my underwater dreams have been

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