Addictions and Habits

16 posts in this topic


100% commitment for the rest of my life:

Completely abstain from:

- Alcohol

- Nicotine

- Caffeine

- Any drugs

- Video games

- YouTube

- Junk food (when alone)

- Social media scrolling

- Porn

- Streaming services (when alone)

- Online music (when alone)


Daily habits:

- 20 pushups, abs, and squats

- SDS meditation (+20 minutes)

- Writing 200 words

- Reading 10 pages


I have been working on these things for 10 years.

Alcohol and nicotine have been the hardest addictions, but I have already overcome them.

My next big challenges are quitting gaming, junk food, and social media content, mainly YouTube.


These addictions and habits represent the minimum standard I will maintain for the rest of my life. They will give me access to the personal power to do anything I want in life.


From now on, I will be posting my streak of success in maintaining these good habits and abstaining from bad habits and addictions on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

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Very good .that's inspiring. I'm hitting rock bottom as well and trying to change my habits and conquer my addictions 

Good luck 🤞 

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Day 2


Perfect streak: 1 day



I successfully abstained from all addictions and completed all my daily habits.

First day is usually not that bad when quitting addictions and you are motivated. First challenge is getting through 3-5 days and then 2 weeks. I'm looking forward to pushing through these challenging 2 weeks.

- Feeling urges to play video games and watch YouTube.

- Irritated.

- Less procrastination at work.

Weird to go home from work and not escape to YouTube, gaming or any entertainment. Cleaned my home, ate, shower, did journaling, did my habits, and went to sleep while listening to white noise—naturally wanted to do something healthy because no unhealthy escapes were possible.



Screenshot 2024-12-05 at 16.20.13.png

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Day 3


Perfect streak: 2 days



I successfully abstained from all addictions and completed all my daily habits.

Slept +12 hours. Crazy dreams.

I’ve been thinking and journaling a lot about my life’s purpose. With nothing to distract me, I feel a strong desire to do something meaningful in life rather than just consuming.

I’m feeling urges for junk food, YouTube, and video games.

I’ve been free from alcohol, drugs, nicotine, caffeine, and porn for months now, so I don’t experience any urges for those anymore.

Streaming services usually become tempting after I’ve quit YouTube, but no urges to watch series or movies have arisen.

I quit social media (other than YouTube) a long time ago, so my I don't feel the need for platforms like Instagram anymore.

Screenshot 2024-12-06 at 12.28.08.png

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Day 4


Perfect streak: 3 days



I successfully abstained from all addictions and completed all my daily habits.

- Urges, cravings for video games and content

- I had a dream about playing video games, and someone had sent food to my home. There was ice cream, and I threw it in the trash.

- SDS meditation is going great. The challenge for me is consistency. I am an experienced meditator; my longest SDS sits have been 4 hours straight, completely still, staring at a dot on a wall while doing mindfulness exercises and self-inquiry at the same time (those 4-hour sits were 8 years ago).

- My muscles are actually sore from doing 20 pushups, abs, and squats because I haven't trained in so long.

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Day 11

Perfect streak: 10 days

For 10 days, I have successfully abstained from all addictions and completed all my daily habits.

Last week has been hard, but I pushed through:
- Tired
- Bored
- Anhedonia

- Writing is going well. My routine is to write in a Drive doc until the word count reaches at least 200 words; sometimes, I go longer.
- Reading 10 pages every day is going well. I’m currently reading Strategies of Psychotherapy by Jay Halen.
- My only criteria for success in SDS meditation is to sit still for +20 minutes. It hasn't been easy every day, but I have and I will complete 20 minutes every day no matter what.

- This is not my first rodeo quitting any of these bad habits and addictions, but quitting all of them at once is a different beast.
- I have quit all these addictions several times. For some of them, I only abstained for weeks or months, while for others, I stayed clean for up to a year.
- I think I’ve pushed through the hardest part of withdrawals. Now I have the rest of my life to go.

- Battling with addictions can be addictive.
- Battling with addictions has become the comfort zone. It’s time to fix this rookie-level problem of addictions and go do more exciting missions in this game of life.


People unconsciously hold on to the struggle with addictions as part of their self-image, making it harder to quit addictions.

Screenshot 2024-12-14 at 14.04.56.png

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Day 19

Perfect streak: 18 days

-  I am so 100% committed that failing is simply not an option in my mind.
-  Very little cravings anymore.
-  I am already starting to recover from anhedonia. Reading, writing, walking etc. feels "enough”.
-  Now starting to do stretching, breathing exercises, yoga, and more exercise (gym, walking/running).

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23 hours ago, manuel bon said:

Wow man you got this! You're doing great, love your determination 


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Day 26

Perfect streak: 25 days

-  100% committed for the rest of my life.
-  This is the new normal now, and I like it. It doesn’t feel weird anymore, just normal. I don’t have to use willpower to maintain this.
-  I don’t miss my old lifestyle.
-  I’m starting to enjoy doing productive things as I’m avoiding all shit consumption.
-  I did four consecutive days of 12-hour work days. Laser focused, very calm, zero procrastination and zero resistance.
-  I bought a yoga mat and started doing basic yoga moves, stretching, and meditating on it while sitting on my meditation pillow. My posture isn’t great when sitting on the ground without the pillow.
-  I also bought push-up handles, which make push-ups more enjoyable and easier on my wrists. I’m so much stronger than I was 25 days ago.
-  I made a financial plan, and I’m executing it.

Screenshot 2024-12-29 at 19.10.57.png

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Day 33

Perfect streak: 32 days

-  Working on bringing body awareness to everything I do
-  Taking long walks
-  Re-reading Eckhart Tolle
-  Started making smoothies every morning
-  My body is more flexible and relaxed, I feel better in my body
-  A week ago went to a club to do solo pickup
-  Yesterday went to play darts with friends at a bar

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Day 39

Perfect streak: 38 days

Abstaining from these addictions and maintaining these habits is very easy at the moment. I don’t see how it could get harder anymore, but I’m ready to push through any challenge.

I’ve been working on my finances, and I’ve already made good progress. (getting more income, doing a lot less spending)
One of my main focuses for 2025 is fixing my money situation.

1 year from now, I plan to achieve my 2025 financial goal, which will create more time for me to work on my passions and eventually make money from something I love to do.

I have completely changed my relationship with money. (I used to spend too much and end up with a lot of debt, but now I spend wisely and think long-term.)

- It’s been enjoyable lately to cycle through four senses (hearing, vision, feeling, smell/breath) when I do my 20minute SDS.
- 20 minutes doesn’t feel as long anymore.
- For example today, when the timer started ringing after 20 minutes, I thought: Oh, already?
- I’m still doing 20 minute SDS sitting on the edge of my bed, with my back perfectly straight. I can’t do 20-minute SDS sitting on a meditation pillow because my lower back starts to hurt, but I’m working on it.

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This process is about finding the optimal way for me to live my life:x

Day 105

Perfect streak was: 80 days

How my streak ended:
Went to a club with a friend and drank alcohol.

Went clubbing 4 weekends in a row, pulled a girl home on 2 of those nights, 8 number closes, and countless approaches. Now dating one of those girls, and we have feelings for each other.


My proudest achievements in these 105 days:

1. Beat gaming addiction

2. Beat nicotine addiction

3. Stopped porn-watching habit

4. Built a strong gym habit

5. Got my confidence back

6. Fixed my diet

7. 80 days of total monk mode, proved that I can do it, it was a very hard challenge

8. Broke my nearly two-year dry spell with women


Plan for the future:
Continue a streak with a new list that promotes socializing.

I will post this list in a new journal once I've committed to it.
Here is an idea for the new list (not committed yet, so this new list might change when I post it on a new journal)

abstain from:

1. Nicotine

2. Drugs (other than psychedelics)

3. Video games

4. Porn

5. Alcohol (max 4 drinks per night)
(It has been rare for me to drink more than once a week throughout my life, so that's about 4 drinks per week or less, just enough to enjoy socializing and bonding without being a weirdo, but at the same time not negatively affecting my life.)

6. Caffeine (only when drinking)

7. NoFap (only cum with women)

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