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Sri Avinash on his journey to enlightenment

3 posts in this topic

Sri Avinash on his journey from a Vietnamese refugee child to being an enlightened sage..




His main daily spiritual practices were seva, mantra japa, archana (chanting the thousand names of the Divine Mother), treating others with kindness and directly bringing his awareness to the present moment.

Throughout each day he would consistently make sure that he was in the present moment. Whenever he became aware that his mind had drifted away in thoughts, he would immediately bring himself back to the present moment at will. For him this was a second-to-second, minute-to-minute activity, all day. He says that there were some occasions when he would lose the awareness of the present moment for an hour or so, in distraction. When he realized this had happened, there was immediately an immense determination to make up for the error by bringing himself back to the present moment and staying there for as long as he could.

By this time, Master Sri Avinash was experiencing many hours of satori every day. He would either induce the satori state or it would come to him spontaneously. His main goal was then to stretch out this state to every waking moment, while serving Amma. He kept his experiences quietly to himself, sharing about them with only a few of his friends.

While serving Amma in Barcelona during her tour of Europe in 2009, Master Sri Avinash experienced his final and permanent satori in the early hours of November 11. He went back to Amritapuri and continued serving Amma for four months, after which time he knew in his heart that his old seva had come to an end. At this point he felt an automatic pull to return to the West to resume his many-lifetime mission to serve and uplift humanity.



Self-awareness is yoga. - Nisargadatta

Awareness is the great non-conceptual perfection. - Dzogchen

Evil is an extreme manifestation of human unconsciousness. - Eckhart Tolle

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