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Political Economy of Estate Normie

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For some, Estate Normie was wonderful: clean streets, mail that arrived on time, and sensible work from morning to evening collecting things and measuring the estate.

These citizens, Normies, were much valued by the Estate Master: Lord Future.

Lord future enjoyed power, and the Normies were most suspectable to the allures of his! Work hard he told them, give me all your present time, and all your present energy, and most of your present life and in the future you shall be rewarded! Perhaps an Estate like this one, although given your humble background likely much smaller and otherwise deflated, for you to age in your final days.

For this beneficence and self-less kindness, Lord Future was the beloved of the Normies. And thus did they find most unfathomable a small, almost otherworldly minority: the Divergent.

O "those divergent," the Normies thought to themselves! Always lacking proper sense, proposing "new ideas" and distracting from respectable road and weather chatter to motor-mouth about some bizzarro new notion (like self-actualization). What need we for "new" when the old works! 

But even through this, many of the Normies secretly envied the Divergents and thus enjoyed the subtle pleasure of controlling them, as eager deputies, for Lord Future (whose powers were more phantom-like than real!)

How delicious to catch a Divergent a few minutes late for labor or delayed on a project because life! What is life if not serving the Estate, our (Normie) future!

Inside his mansion, rich in marble and fine carpets and foreign wines, Lord Future viewed with pleasure from his balcony the marvelous economy he created before himself, his profitable Normie Estate that each moment gave him bliss (as much bliss as a man like him can feel)!

What a fool thinks that life is meant for tomorrow and not today! How most appropriate and advantageous to himself, the Lord Future, thought to himself, that the Normies disagreed and the Divergents were too few and divided to break out of the Estate (which legend has it used to be theirs). For if they ever did, they'd behold the fresh farmlands and vineyards and free flowing waters just beyond the Estate. And what is a Lord without serfs?

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