
Are there ideologies worth following?

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So if you want truth it seems like following no ideology is the only choice. But here is the thing, you cant not join an ideology. If you dont consciously join any ideology you will get peer pressured to be a "normal" part of society which itself is a kind of ideology. It might be the softest one as it finds a common nominator for most of society but it still finds some things acceptable "normal" and some not "not normal" and so it is an ideology. We are social creatures so its hard to be too different from that because we fear to be outsiders. 
Here is where different ideologies give us an opportunity though. Although they are ideologies yes and are therefore harmful in the pursuit of truth they also offer a social supporting net which makes it possible to deconstruct certain beliefs of "normal society". It puts you into a completely different survival situation. If you join a punk group for example you might dare to question morality and authenticity more deeply as your survival is not on the line when you act out very "not normal" because you have punks who have your back even if you do. Of course then the risk is that you only act differently in "their kind of way" but there might be groups which in general give you more freedom to explore certain fields.
Punk is just one example. I don't have a lot of knowledge about different ideologies. I am guessing most are counterproductive. But some might be worth following for a while.


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Edited by Jannes

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When you ask that question, what you really mean to ask is, what "thought systems" are closer to the truth (what I take you to mean as "worth following"), knowing that there is still a difference between your initial coming into contact with a "thought system" versus your own lived verifications of them.

So really what you have to do is develop your "truth detector". Apparently this is actually extremely difficult for just about every being here (as it turns out).. and yes part of the problem is "group think" and your attraction to your peers that are "similar to you" (besides what is in your mind). And as it turns out, this problem of being "attracted to your peers" can keep you from finding truth for lifetimes after lifetimes and has kept the entire human race still asleep even after however many "gurus" and teachers have gone by.. you cannot even begin to fathom how mind trapped the entire human race is, it's a trap within a trap within a trap.

I'm just a messenger.

Edited by puporing

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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Follow the ideology of Transcendence.

Follow the ideology of Goodness, Understanding, Love, Compassion, and Inclusion.

Follow the ideology of The Unity of Being.

Edited by Atb210201

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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If something is an ideology it's by its very definition not something worth following. Why willingly limit yourself to one idea, one way of viewing the world?

An ideology stands in direct opposition to change, and as such is a denial of reality itself. It's a self-inflicted delusion.

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I prefer to play reality on Legendary difficulty, so all my ideologies are those that the majority resist.

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Like it was said above, follow the ideology of God, which is: Peace, Love, Truth, understanding, happiness, fulfilment.

Btw, isn't not following any ideology also an ideology ?

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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On 5.12.2024 at 8:24 AM, puporing said:

When you ask that question, what you really mean to ask is, what "thought systems" are closer to the truth

Not quite. If a group isnt connected to truth very much but they dont pressure you into their belief system yet still give you support then that is a better environment to be in then a group that might be more connected to truth but will pressure you into their belief system. 

Imagine a cat vs a scientist. 

Or "normal" people vs academic philosophers. 

I think the key is to maximize survival value while minimizing intellectual peer pressure. 

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18 hours ago, Fearey said:

If something is an ideology it's by its very definition not something worth following. Why willingly limit yourself to one idea, one way of viewing the world?

An ideology stands in direct opposition to change, and as such is a denial of reality itself. It's a self-inflicted delusion.

No I dont think one should embrace any ideology. It's simply that one gets peer pressured into one no matter what and the degree to which that happens shouldn't be underestimated! So one can at least choose where the peer pressure is coming from and maybe even going a bit into an ideology to distance oneself from "normal-society-ideology" could be a good tradeoff in the goal of the pursuit of truth, if the structures of that ideology peer pressure you less or in ways that dont matter much. 

My thought is just an theoretical approach though, not sure if its realistic. 

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4 hours ago, Vercingetorix said:

Like it was said above, follow the ideology of God, which is: Peace, Love, Truth, understanding, happiness, fulfilment.

Of course. But you can choose from which place you operate like how you choose your workplace to do your job. 


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