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Do I need a break from spirituality ?

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Since a while I felt it's a little bit overwhelming, keeping an open eye during tough time. Is that a sign that I need a break ? and if Yes , How do I approach taking a break through this journey ? Meditations are embedded into my life , the way I approach life is a little bit more spiritual than mediocre, I don't imagine what a break would look like. 

Or maybe I don't need a break, and that's a normal part of this journey?

The main point here is How would I approach a break from spirituality ? How do you approach taking a break? What would be different in the way you approach your life situations ? Do you have any good ideas of how to take a good relaxing break?

I feel like life is pressing, and I can't take this wide breath I usually am able to take. How would you calm yourself down and not drift away , or maybe I do need to drift away a little bit ? 

I can not identify If I need a break or not , and if yes, how would I take it ? I'm deep into the journey , I can't imagine what a break would look like, at the same time keeping with the same pace is a little bit overwhelming. How can I carry less weight and plough through?

Edited by Nick_98

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@Nick_98 Spirituality is not a technique or method, your doing it all the time anyways, the question is a matter of how Conscious one is of it or not...Sadhana, Spiritual Practice, can be anything, whatever Your doing be Aware and Responsive and totally into it, that is Spiritual Sadhana..

I find ppl get more into the practices and techniques more than the actual meaning behind Spirituality, yes we need the practices and techniques and in the beginning its good to get really into them, but it has to be balanced, the most important thing is are Your Accepting of this Moment as it Is? Is the past or future in your mind ruling You, are outside situations ruling You, if so then work on that aspect.. Be Aware of Your automatic Judgements coming up, egoic mind judging everything, create some space btwn that and what is observing that,, lots of things we can do to make Spirituality an every moment occurrence and practical/effective in our Lives!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Yimpa @Ishanga my gut says “take a break”. But I don’t know how to take a break. Because my conscious outlook through life is embedded into everything I look at, but at the same time it’s becoming overwhelming (the emotional labour) . I hope i communicated myself better this time.

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Read this thread and let us know if you can relate to it. 



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@Nick_98 So, you are feeling a lot of pressure right now... Well, how are you going about your spirituality? What's going on in life right now creating this pressure?


Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Thought Art said:

@Nick_98 So, you are feeling a lot of pressure right now... Well, how are you going about your spirituality? What's going on in life right now creating this pressure?


Nothing especial is going on. But just maintaining the practice in General, watching your thoughts , watching yourself , not letting yourself sink with the flow of your ideas. All that has to do with waking up from your current state is a little bit emotional baggage, it’s like hiking a steep mountain while having sore legs. Still do not know how to create a possible break. 

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It's simple . Just quit all spiritual work for a while and go have fun . Smoke. Drink .go chit chat with some cute chicks .Cinema. shopping etc

Listen to your body .learn self-love and self-care . What are you deprived from? If you are deprived from tasty food ..go to a fancy restaurant. If you are deprived from intimacy..go have a bunch of sex .

It's really just like how we as kids did in the summer break after just forget about all the bullshit you've learned throughout the year and just enjoy beachy 🏖 vacation. 

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