
This woman is good for finding what women want.

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5 minutes ago, Hojo said:


It's an estrogenic bomb lol.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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I stopped at first point:ignore her.That's playing games and looking to get her, its already coming of the place of lesser value pretending to be "high value",she already has an upper hand, this dating coaches 🤦.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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@NoSelfSelf Ignore all women. You are instantly super attractive. She is saying dont chase women women will chase you.

Edited by Hojo

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2 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@NoSelfSelf Ignore all women. You are instantly super attractive. She is saying dont chase women women will chase you.

Keep believing that bs ,the moment she realizes you are not actually attractive, because you follow hollow advice that promote faking who you are.Women chase men not boys who play games.

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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I couldn't even get pass the first video. That's pickmeisha advice. Advice for women trying to seek dusty's attention. A so-called high-value man WILL show the woman some attention when he's able. Will make time for the woman he's attracted to and a so-called high-value woman will reciprocate appropriately. No need for games between the two. They'll both be busy but will make time for each other and enjoy each other in the moment. She won't be thinking he's high-value because he ignores her or has no time for her. That's not what any woman who knows how to attract a high-value man thinks. 

Anyway, I can't even bother to watch the rest to taint my mind. I'm not about to play attention, high value games and worry about a man's lack of attention when appropriate. Next!!

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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A guy tried that with me one time and ignored me. I was gone in the mind and when his ignored calls and texting stopped trying to find out what was wrong on my end, I realized he realized I was gone FOREVER. No explanation on my part.

Bitches, like she calls them, might be like that, but not real women of caliber and who knows what's up. All she's doing is telling guys how to get women they'll end up cheating on because they don't make him feel like a man only boost his fragile ego.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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54 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Princess ArabiaWhy were you interested in him in the first place?

Gave him a chance away from my norm of working. Just wanted to hang out without it being transactional. He approached and I accepted. Spoke on the phone a few times and even went for short drives. All this within about 1-2weeks. He says he doesn't like texting but I said text before you call so I'm not caught off guard or if I'm busy, I can reply with a quick text. He texted one night and i texted back saying I was busy and will call back when I'm not busy. (I was actually cooking dinner). I never called back that night, but I did text the next day. His responses were short and abrupt and he started ignoring my other texts. I sensed he was upset that I didn't call or text the same night and said something about it. He then went on to proceed saying how he doesn't like to text and that's why he's ignoring my texts. That was it. Then he texted for days and even called once. I never spoke to him again. Upset about me not responding the same night, which was late anyway, says a lot about you and whatever else you'll be upset about. No time for that. His last text to me was him saying I wished I had a picture of you. We never spoke again. Not interested to.

I have to get to know you a bit for me to be attracted to you on some level and we never got pass first base. I'm not attracted to a man's physique, his personality is what does it for me. Looks can be deceiving, the mind says who you are. That's the stage I'm at. I can tell alot about you from what bothers, angers, and troubles you. My body is not up for grabs; so if I'm not mentally stimulated, it's a no no unless it's work and no intimacy involved. My time is also not up for grabs only on auction when it comes to the opposite sex in the real/physical world. I don't need to be succumbed to other people's mental problems just for kicks. His mind took him to lala land as to why I didn't call back and now his disliking texts turned into desperation and infinite texting. Shows how it was just a form of control.


Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess ArabiaYea but why were you interested in him. It was just random?

Edited by Hojo

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3 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Princess ArabiaYea but why were you interested in him. It was just random?

She just said it and you ignored it now chasing begins 😏

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Just now, Hojo said:

@Princess ArabiaYea but why were you interested in him.

I told you he approached me and i decided to give it a chance. Not that I would have with anybody but I didn't see why not. I don't see reasons "to", I see reasons "not to". Seeing a reason to, is transactional. Seeing a reason "not to", in my mind anyway, is also transactional because there's a reason, but it's not for a benefit and to gain something.

Seeing someone you're attracted to without knowing them and wanting to get to know them for potential intimacy is transactional. Getting to know somebody and just enjoying them for being them is not transactional. That's partially what I mean by transactional. It's hard for me to explain these things to someone because my mind operates differently when it comes to these things. We all want something from someone, but when you're not looking to gain something, that's not transactional. I wzs not interested in him, perse but the idea of just being with someone that you connect with but for no transactional reason. My mind got disconnected quickly because the non-transaction turned into a transaction. Meaning I didn't get the satisfaction of no strings attached.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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I'm not in the mindset of just going out and getting attracted then dating. I work the bottom up in this regard. If the interaction happens, I'll date to see if I'm attracted, then take it from there. I'm not here to fall in love then fall out. For me it's a see, interact, connect, date, feel attraction (or not), expand then we work from there to expand more. Not sure about his mindset, but that's how mine work. So, it's not like I was interested in him, how would I know that from just seeing him, plenty of similar bodies out there, not too many mindsets the same and are compatible with mine. That goes for everybody else. People work backwards. They get attracted to the body then get frustrated with the mind and try to force the two mind's compatibilities'. I start with the mind and work with the body. Afterall, you can make love in the dark but the mind is 24/7. Most close their eyes while making out anyway, why is that. Eyes wide shut, in my mind.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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26 minutes ago, Hojo said:

@Princess ArabiaYea but why were you interested in him.

You have to know what it is you're interested in, right? I'm not interested in bodies. I'm interested in how one thinks, their mindset, how they make me feel and how well I respond to them. Of course, I won't just give any and anybody the chance to get to know me or for me to get to know them, that's all based on instinct, not logic.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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@Princess Arabia I dont know what deciding to give it a chance means the only reason you are talking about this is because you chose at some point to give it a chance. You wouldnt have gone on a date if you didnt chose to give the person a chance and every person you go on a date with is giving them a chance. This sounds like you felt like he was lower than you from the start.

My understand is being said when I ask the question

'why did you find this person interesting?' , and you are answering because I decided to give it a chance is like saying

'Why did you find him interesting?'

'Because the story exists.'

If a grotesque 4 foot drooling gnome asked for your hand that same day would have done the same thing because you were just in a giving chance mood? and when the gnome stopped texting you you would have dropped it and say too bad for the deformed gnome?

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There are certain things I can rule out instantly. There are patterns at play here. For instance, eating patterns. It will affect their behavior and their perception. If they are fat (or not) and only eat fast food, soda pops and chips and dip and are very unhealthy eaters, I don't even bother. Not talking about occasionally but all the time. That is a very unhealthy mind and comes with plenty of disorders. If they are dressed too flashy, that shows inward insecurity - I said too flashy. If they drive a car that stands out too much, that also smells internal problems and immaturity. Sounds weird and judemental, but I've studied the mind and behavioral patterns enough to see it a mile coming. I'm too simple and straightforward to have to deal with too many complexities and games or to babysit anybody. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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8 minutes ago, Hojo said:

I dont know what deciding to give it a chance means

After I wrote it and reflected, I thought about it and should have explained what I meant about that. Since you noticed and asked, and I don't blame you because it does sound like what you've said, but it isn't like that.

What I mean by giving it a chance is (BTW, my first response says "give him a chance", which was incorrect), I gave the idea a chance. I've been very reluctant to date (personally, not workwise) because I just didn't want to be bothered with the ups and downs of dating and all the complications that go along with that. My mind was closed off for a long time where that's concerned. Reasons I'll save for my own. But I decided to give it a chance and open my mind to just casual dating and just hanging out and maybe going places and doing casual things with the opposite sex. That's what I meant by giving it a chance. I know it came off as arrogant and like I was giving him a chance but that's not what I meant. I tried it a few times in the past and it just never worked out because of control and insecurities on their part and I just didn't feel like going through that in this time of my life. Giving it a chance means I've decided to open up to the possibility and to give myself the chance to meet someone on a personal level without any reasons other than to just like him. Not for purposes of provision and protection or because he had status or was of high-value. DIDN'T WORK. Can't go against the grain.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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4 hours ago, Hojo said:

women will chase you.

Pickmeishas. Incase you're unaware of what that means. Please, please, pick me. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Look at the way she even speaks about women, calling them bitches. It's one thing to be upset with someone and call them the b word out of anger or rage or disappointment or whatever, but to be addressing women that way in general on a youtube video and representing......trying to coach.... says another. Rachet hood days are over. At least be boujee.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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