
What are people's experiences of losing visions ?

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I have had multiple experiences of connecting and seeing a powerful vision , writing it down , but then soon after not seeing through the same lens again and seeing the power + finding it hard to reconnect . 


I have this powerful one , that I am just going to look at everyday to make sure I don't lose it . - at least ... We'll see..


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Trying to capture a vision through memory isn't the same as perceiving it in live action. Recalling a memory will have loopholes and not be remembered in the exact same way it was perceived. This is why eye-witness reports all have different stories. You're trying to hold on to what is ungraspable.

It's very interesting what you've wrote here because it's a prime example how life cannot be captured and grasped. It is alive and kicking and each moment is a new moment and that's even saying too much as they're not really moments. It's always new. That car you look at is not the exact same car in the next moment, neither is anything else. When you had that vision, that was happening now, it will be slightly different trying to recall it through memory. Trying to use memory is also happening now but not the experience itself that you are trying to recall.

This is why it will never be the same and why you lose it. This is why, knowledge, words, meaning etc are all concepts because they are thoughts and ideas about,.....not the real thing.

Edited by Princess Arabia



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