
What is the opposite of God?

20 posts in this topic

Is it the devil? (Ego, Selfishness)

something else?

Give me your best answers folks. 


Edited by Sincerity
corrected typo in title

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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Existence has not opposite, that's what absolute means. Not outside, not limits. Understanding really, not accepting it as a belief but real understanding is important to achieve the real openenss 

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It all about Possibility okay, if this label we use of God exist, with certain parameters and conditions applied to it, then the opposite Possibility exists as well, it has to.. As soon as some idea comes into existence the opposite of it comes into existence, its the same with everything..

God/Absolute is just Potential and Possibility that is all, we determine how we want to Use it and Be with it..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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There are no opposites, period. It's just what is. If you say my answer is vague, or whatever you have to say about it, it's what is also. Period, end of story - and that's also a story. Anything anybody says will be a belief, which are also just thoughts. Go ahead and believe in all your stories because without your stories you're no one.

Now, let's get back to reality and all the stories about it.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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As the others are saying. God has no opposite. If God is both everything and nothing, then it is so all encompassing that it includes anything that could be labeled an opposite. Even the devil and unconsciousness is still part of universal consciousness and therefore God. God is so complete that it cannot be escaped because it includes its own division and any possible opposite. Anything you point to is still God because God is everything and nothing.

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Imagine a complete simulation that contains everything. The simulation looks down to see what it is it itself is complete and cannot be compared to any of its lesser components cause the definition of a complete simulation would be its finished and has everything. Anything the perfect simulation creates would be part of it. The opposite of a perfect simulation would be no simulation and thats how the perfect simulation disguises itself. Its in between paradox.

Ego is just part of the simulation. Its the devil in the sense that it denies God and makes the simulation go to 'sleep'.

Asking the opposite of God is like asking the opposite of microsoft version 3.5. God is microsoft infinity. The opposite of microsoft infinity is microsoft not existing. That's how the simulation tricks itself.

Edited by Hojo

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1 hour ago, trenton said:

As the others are saying. God has no opposite. If God is both everything and nothing, then it is so all encompassing that it includes anything that could be labeled an opposite. Even the devil and unconsciousness is still part of universal consciousness and therefore God. God is so complete that it cannot be escaped because it includes its own division and any possible opposite. Anything you point to is still God because God is everything and nothing.

Nice. Now take this and realize that all your limiting beliefs, memories and traumas are also complete, everything and nothing. You just said it, so is it the neurosis and/or delusion game you're playing with yourself. The clues are everywhere, like I've said many times. Just gotta spot them.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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God has no opposite because God is 1. 

Get to work 

Edited by JoshB

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18 hours ago, Hojo said:

Imagine a complete simulation that contains everything. The simulation looks down to see what it is it itself is complete and cannot be compared to any of its lesser components cause the definition of a complete simulation would be its finished and has everything. Anything the perfect simulation creates would be part of it. The opposite of a perfect simulation would be no simulation and thats how the perfect simulation disguises itself. Its in between paradox.

Ego is just part of the simulation. Its the devil in the sense that it denies God and makes the simulation go to 'sleep'.

Asking the opposite of God is like asking the opposite of microsoft version 3.5. God is microsoft infinity. The opposite of microsoft infinity is microsoft not existing. That's how the simulation tricks itself.

I know its an example but you give Microsoft to much credit. Still got beef with them, an update years ago deleted my files.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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14 minutes ago, Razard86 said:

I know its an example but you give Microsoft to much credit. Still got beef with them, an update years ago deleted my files.

I get anxiety attacks (exaggeration) when my phone or computer wants to me to update. I'm like, what kind of problems will I encounter now after the update. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Reality is what is. Being means reality. Being is conscious of itself, if not it wouldn't be, and it is. It can't scape from being, it's impossible. The reality is. When you realize first time , with psychedelic for example, that you are the naked reality, and you can't scape never in the eternity of the fact of being, could be the most horrible realization possible. Worse than any hell, it's the cosmic horror. You are trapped in yourself now, always is now and it wont never end. Hehehehe. Only remembering it I feel sick. But then the thing happens. The now  breaks itself and show it's depth, and is Depth is the total glory. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Open your heart and be the absolute glory of existing. The total bright of the freedom. 

Edited by Breakingthewall

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19 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Nice. Now take this and realize that all your limiting beliefs, memories and traumas are also complete, everything and nothing. You just said it, so is it the neurosis and/or delusion game you're playing with yourself. The clues are everywhere, like I've said many times. Just gotta spot them.

@Princess Arabia thank you for your good faith efforts to help me. I promise to do my best to see what you are pointing to.

There are so many things I could say, but I don't know what I should say.

Perhaps I am not conscious that I am God and I hold the belief that God is everything and nothing as something that gives me a tiny bit of joy despite my severe depression and suicidal thoughts. If I were as conscious as I came off as I did in the previous statement, then I wouldn't live in so much constant fear. I am constantly on guard for potential attacks and manipulation tactics because they are perceived as present threats.

Perhaps you mean to tell me that I am already complete despite my struggles and I am one with those who appear to threaten this human which I am not. Maybe I am under the delusion that I cannot be as conscious as what my intellectual positions point to do long as I continue to feel horribly depressed as if I wouldn't feel this way otherwise. Maybe consciousness is not the solution to my life problems I was hoping it would be.

These are all signs of someone unconscious who tries to see God, but is limited for lack of access to 5meo dmt. I think the only way for me to start tripping balls to the truth is to move away from my family who interfere with my attempts to pursue higher consciousness because they think I will become a heroin addict or drug dealer like my mother and father despite their shameless hypocrisy with marijuana.

Perhaps this is my limiting belief. I can only be conscious of God by tripping balls. I am trying to see that this limiting belief is complete. It is one with God and all of existence as everything and nothing and completeness. Others would probably say I need to stop identifying with the one trying.

Maybe I am just too immature for spirituality. I constantly complain about my problems because I don't know what else to do about it. Perhaps spiritual bypassing will not solve my problems but instead teach me that I have no problems because I am not a human being humiliated with trauma being weaponized against him.

Thank you for your good faith efforts to help me.

I don't mean to come off as a dumbass. Sorry if I do. I am probably getting further from the truth the more I doubt myself and spirituality.

Any thoughts?

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6 minutes ago, trenton said:

Any thoughts?

Keep up the good work, you’re on the right path :)

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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8 minutes ago, trenton said:

@Princess Arabia thank you for your good faith efforts to help me. I promise to do my best to see what you are pointing to.

There are so many things I could say, but I don't know what I should say.

Perhaps I am not conscious that I am God and I hold the belief that God is everything and nothing as something that gives me a tiny bit of joy despite my severe depression and suicidal thoughts. If I were as conscious as I came off as I did in the previous statement, then I wouldn't live in so much constant fear. I am constantly on guard for potential attacks and manipulation tactics because they are perceived as present threats.

Perhaps you mean to tell me that I am already complete despite my struggles and I am one with those who appear to threaten this human which I am not. Maybe I am under the delusion that I cannot be as conscious as what my intellectual positions point to do long as I continue to feel horribly depressed as if I wouldn't feel this way otherwise. Maybe consciousness is not the solution to my life problems I was hoping it would be.

These are all signs of someone unconscious who tries to see God, but is limited for lack of access to 5meo dmt. I think the only way for me to start tripping balls to the truth is to move away from my family who interfere with my attempts to pursue higher consciousness because they think I will become a heroin addict or drug dealer like my mother and father despite their shameless hypocrisy with marijuana.

Perhaps this is my limiting belief. I can only be conscious of God by tripping balls. I am trying to see that this limiting belief is complete. It is one with God and all of existence as everything and nothing and completeness. Others would probably say I need to stop identifying with the one trying.

Maybe I am just too immature for spirituality. I constantly complain about my problems because I don't know what else to do about it. Perhaps spiritual bypassing will not solve my problems but instead teach me that I have no problems because I am not a human being humiliated with trauma being weaponized against him.

Thank you for your good faith efforts to help me.

I don't mean to come off as a dumbass. Sorry if I do. I am probably getting further from the truth the more I doubt myself and spirituality.

Any thoughts?

You are who you are because you were raised to be sane. Spirituality is the path of the Crazy. You literally have to throw away your human story to make any real progress (you'll get it back if you want though some never reclaim it) so your fine. Spirituality will be the hardest thing you ever do if you do it right. 

What's the goal of Spirituality? Attempt to the best of your ability to love everything. And I mean everything!!! The shit is bonkers!!! Who can love everything? Rape, Torture, Poverty, Discrimination, Pain, Loss, Depression, etc. How well can you love what you hate? That's the work. It's why most people can't do it, because it's supposed to break you, thus showing....that you are both the strongest and the weakest simultaneously. 

Watch this to see an example of Spiritual work....but also realize....Leo was CRAZY to do this LOL.

It's why he puts so much disclaimers in this work. If you go far enough in this can become tread lightly and at the same time be kinder to yourself. You are exactly the person you are supposed to be.

The big secret? What is looking through your the same looking through my eyes.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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@Razard86 I actually did try to love everything. That is why I post the crazy shit I post. I once made a post about genocidal rape and everyone thought I was insane including Claude. I won't tell you the details of what I tried to love because it is traumatizing to even speak of it. I got this idea from Leo because of his love duel with God in which he mentioned trying to love terrorists. I tried to love nazis and the Japanese and all the horrific shit they did to people while placing myself in the shoes of the victims. My body and mind had a lot of intense reactions to this to the point that I nearly had a heart attack, a seizure, and an aneurysm due to my vivid imagination. It was pure emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual torture to try to love these things in graphic detail. I stopped because I would have died.

Maybe this interpretation is spirituality is wrong because it treats love as an action or process we humans do rather than becoming the universe and becoming love. The way I see it is that God's love doesn't work the same way as human love. This is why you can be awake and conscious of God but still have God awful relationships with other humans. Spirituality doesn't translate to human love.

In any case, i see different perspectives and philosophies, but I don't see God. I am deeply doubting my entire approach to spirituality. Sometimes I just end up hurting myself.

When I try to love the unlovable it backfires and instead fills me with more hatred and other dark feelings. This approach to spirituality is probably wrong.

Maybe I will try something less extreme like trying to love my severe depression.

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4 minutes ago, trenton said:

@Razard86 I actually did try to love everything. That is why I post the crazy shit I post. I once made a post about genocidal rape and everyone thought I was insane including Claude. I won't tell you the details of what I tried to love because it is traumatizing to even speak of it. I got this idea from Leo because of his love duel with God in which he mentioned trying to love terrorists. I tried to love nazis and the Japanese and all the horrific shit they did to people while placing myself in the shoes of the victims. My body and mind had a lot of intense reactions to this to the point that I nearly had a heart attack, a seizure, and an aneurysm due to my vivid imagination. It was pure emotional, psychological, physical, and spiritual torture to try to love these things in graphic detail. I stopped because I would have died.

Maybe this interpretation is spirituality is wrong because it treats love as an action or process we humans do rather than becoming the universe and becoming love. The way I see it is that God's love doesn't work the same way as human love. This is why you can be awake and conscious of God but still have God awful relationships with other humans. Spirituality doesn't translate to human love.

In any case, i see different perspectives and philosophies, but I don't see God. I am deeply doubting my entire approach to spirituality. Sometimes I just end up hurting myself.

When I try to love the unlovable it backfires and instead fills me with more hatred and other dark feelings. This approach to spirituality is probably wrong.

Maybe I will try something less extreme like trying to love my severe depression.

Interesting attempt. I never tried that, I don't think it's necessary. 

I don't think you have to love the Japanese who stuck katanas in the vaginas of 12-year-old girls in front of their parents, like: oh yoshimura, even if you like to torture babies I love you, give me a hug, but rather see them as an impersonal force of reality, a movement caused by tides of reality that takes place, such as an accident or an illness. yoshimura is not a guy you can love or hate, it's the same as an earthquake or a plague, something that happens. Same than any other thing or human, humans are not different that things, anything is personal, is just movement. If you see in that way maybe you can see them without emotion

For me the difficult thing is not love that guy, is accept the situation when I'm in the shit, the great suffering, desperation and loss, when life is darkness see the light, because everything is the same substance, you, everything are facets of you. Then, being human, accept the negative and be open to the positive at the maximum. If you deny the negative, deny the positive, you live in grey area. 

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On 11/30/2024 at 8:41 PM, Breakingthewall said:

yoshimura is not a guy you can love or hate, it's the same as an earthquake or a plague, something that happens. Same than any other thing or human, humans are not different that things, anything is personal, is just movement. If you see in that way maybe you can see them without emotion

@Breakingthewall that seems like a good point. I will definitely try to see my family as an impersonal force no matter how much it seems personal when they weaponize my trauma against me, intentionally humiliate me by capitalizing on my vulnerability, and many other things. Sometimes I take this personally and they want me to take it personally. They are a consequence of impersonal forces which created humans who are incapable of taking responsibility for the harm they cause. I still have a hard time not feeling hurt or triggered when they repeatedly control the narrative to place all blame and humiliation on me. These feelings are not personal because they are a consequence of impersonal forces. It is like I'm getting a disease which in turn creates suicidal thoughts.

When I attempted to love the unlovable, I intended to apply to my family as well. I'll try it this way as well, but it will take practice.

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