
Breaking News: Syrian Rebels have entered Aleppo

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22 minutes ago, integration journey said:

Saying it’s just a civil war is a misperception of what’s  actually happening.
Syrians are getting rid of Iranian bases who are foregin invaders.
It’s a Syrian revolution to take the country back to actual Syrians. 

Alright, it looked like a civil war to me, but it may not be the best wording. Is it only Iranian bases? Doesn't a part of the Syrian population support Bashar Al Assad, at least in red parts in the South? What about the Kurds?


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@integration journey Yeah true, its also possible their are factions with different ideas of whats good or not, and that they also change with the circumstances on who to support and when to turn on each other. Its a tangled mess as Hussein's chart shows.

It's possible they operate by a lesser of evils paradigm - ie the great threat as always Iran, with Hezbollah at its border who is supported by them. The new axis of evil is Russia, China and Iran according to the West.  Just like in Afghanistan they propped up Al Qaeda to stop the Soviet union, they seem to be repeating round two in Syria to stop Iran. They may have not anticipated the blowback from Afghanistan, or they may view it as a a more manageable threat if they even are one, than a greater power like Russia or Iran.

It's more of a strategic gamble, and Syria is the linchpin nation for Iran and Russia - so targeting Syria kills (or injures) two birds with one stone and undermines both Western 'perceived' adversaries. I write perceived because this a old relic of a paradigm from the cold war era which the West is still operating on. But it can't work in a world where there are multiple powers - with the power to destroy the world many times over.

Unipolarity only worked in the past when there was a clear hegemon and no one had the power to destroy the planet, but with modern advancements and nuclear weapons, this game can't be played any longer when new powers rise and challenge the existing one. The stakes are too high, which is why we are 90 seconds to midnight on the doomsday clock -

Heres a interesting article regarding Israel / Syria with wikileaks documents being sourced :

Some juicy parts-

''Leaked emails belonging to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton further reveal Israel’s role in covertly creating the conflict and its clear role in securing the involvement of the U.S. and other nations in executing its plan for Assad’s removal. One email, forwarded by Clinton to her advisor Jacob Sullivan, argues that Israel is convinced that Iran would lose “its only ally” in the region were Assad’s government to collapse.''

The fall of the House of Assad could well ignite a sectarian war between the Shiites and the majority Sunnis of the region drawing in Iran, which, in the view of Israeli commanders would not be a bad thing for Israel and its Western allies.” This possible sectarian war was perceived as a potential “factor in the eventual fall of the current government of Iran.”


Edited by zazen

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Free Syria for all Syrians who come from different religious and spirtual backgrounds!
out with the Assad family and Iranian regime who sent our county backwards.
This is a dream come true. 


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22 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

I‘m rooting for the Kurds.

Assad and Islamists no thanks.

Be with the Syrian revolution. The goal of the Syrian revolution is to create a free Syria that includes  Kurds, Arabs, Christians, Alawaites and Druze under one democratic country called Syria. 
The Kurds are part of Syria and the Syrian revolution. 
The so called syrian democratic forces who call them self kurdish  are hijacked by some people who are not even from Syria and they want people who are 14 and 15 to fight for them. 
We don’t want Islamists nor Assad. We want a free Syria for all Syrians and Kurds are the main part of future Syria and the history of Syria. 
those forces who are supported by the US who claim to be Kurdish are terrorizing cities. 
The Syrian revolution was hijacked by Islamists who were released by Assad but at its core we just want freedom and dignity for Syria. 

Edited by integration journey

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20 minutes ago, integration journey said:

Be with the Syrian revolution. The goal of the Syrian revolution is to create a free Syria that includes  Kurds, Arabs, Christians, Alawaites and Druze under one democratic country called Syria. 
The Kurds are part of Syria and the Syrian revolution. 
The so called syrian democratic forces who call them self kurdish  are hijacked by some people who are not even from Syria and they want people who are 14 and 15 to fight for them. 
We don’t want Islamists nor Assad. We want a free Syria for all Syrians and Kurds are the main part of future Syria and the history of Syria. 
those forces who are supported by the US who claim to be Kurdish are terrorizing cities. 
The Syrian revolution was hijacked by Islamists who were released by Assad but at its core we just want freedom and dignity for Syria. 

Isn’t this revolution now mostly led by a sequel of al qaida/al nusra?

Kurds 💜

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2 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:

Isn’t this revolution now mostly led by a sequel of al qaida/al nusra?

Kurds 💜

It was hijacked by a lot of groups throughout the last 13 years but what about the Syrian people? I stand with the Syrian people who are in the majority with the Syrian revolution that started in 2011 which includes the Kurds. 
the choice for Syrians now is the lesser of two evils. We have a family that ruled for 50 years in Syria and the goal is to get to a new government. Syria will still take years to recover but at least with Assad gone, it will be a sign in the right direction which will take years I know and a lot of hard work to change some people’s ideologies. 

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@integration journey  Most of the world stands with the Syrian people in general, the issue is groups mixing in like you said and hijacking the cause. The issue is how to wrestle power out of fundamentalists hands if they do come in? They wouldn’t even allow that Santa outfit to exist because it’s haram lol. Only baba clause can exist.

A hypothetical to illustrate how easily resentment can brew in this situation - imagine if a 10-15% minority of any nation ran a country and dominated the main branches of government whilst crushing dissent. In France that would be Muslims 10% of the population ruling over the rest, in Turkey it would be Kurds (10-15%) ruling over Turks, in Apartheid South Africa it was 10% white South Africans dominating - and we all now how that ended up. Totally unstable foundation for a country.


Edited by zazen

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1 hour ago, integration journey said:

It was hijacked by a lot of groups throughout the last 13 years but what about the Syrian people? I stand with the Syrian people who are in the majority with the Syrian revolution that started in 2011 which includes the Kurds. 
the choice for Syrians now is the lesser of two evils. We have a family that ruled for 50 years in Syria and the goal is to get to a new government. Syria will still take years to recover but at least with Assad gone, it will be a sign in the right direction which will take years I know and a lot of hard work to change some people’s ideologies.



Renewed violence displaces Kurds as HTS and Turkey-backed militias advance.

Turkish-backed militias in northern Syria have been unleashed by Ankara to attack Kurds in northern Syria amid the increased fighting in the country.…“


"The factions that took over Aleppo destroyed Christmas trees that were set up for the holiday; they are murdering Kurds in the streets," he noted.

The rebel factions that took over Aleppodo not accept other religions than Islam, a resident of the Druze city of Suwayda in southwestern Syria told Israeli state broadcaster KAN on Monday. 

"The factions that took over Aleppo destroyed Christmas trees that were set up for the holiday. They are murdering Kurds in the streets," he noted, adding, "Their slogans are 'Jihad' and 'Allahu Akbar.'"

While he noted that the "current regime is dictatorial," the citizen of Suwayda added, "It allows freedom of religion and does not interfere in that domain, whereas the Islamists do not accept other religions in Syria. This is fundamentally different."

"The Syrians did not sacrifice what they sacrificed just to move from bad to worse. That is the source of concern," he told KAN. "We want the situation in Syria to improve, not deteriorate further."..“

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34 minutes ago, PurpleTree said:



Renewed violence displaces Kurds as HTS and Turkey-backed militias advance.

Turkish-backed militias in northern Syria have been unleashed by Ankara to attack Kurds in northern Syria amid the increased fighting in the country.…“


"The factions that took over Aleppo destroyed Christmas trees that were set up for the holiday; they are murdering Kurds in the streets," he noted.

The rebel factions that took over Aleppodo not accept other religions than Islam, a resident of the Druze city of Suwayda in southwestern Syria told Israeli state broadcaster KAN on Monday. 

"The factions that took over Aleppo destroyed Christmas trees that were set up for the holiday. They are murdering Kurds in the streets," he noted, adding, "Their slogans are 'Jihad' and 'Allahu Akbar.'"

While he noted that the "current regime is dictatorial," the citizen of Suwayda added, "It allows freedom of religion and does not interfere in that domain, whereas the Islamists do not accept other religions in Syria. This is fundamentally different."

"The Syrians did not sacrifice what they sacrificed just to move from bad to worse. That is the source of concern," he told KAN. "We want the situation in Syria to improve, not deteriorate further."..“

Nobody destroyed Christmas trees. One of the fighters took one and then return it. Murdering Kurds in the streets, are you fucking kidding me? I’m done. Please connect the dots more. Kurds are part of Syria. The SDF is not.

and you are citing an isreali newspaper to tell you the truth about Syria ? That’s laughable. Please read more sources. 

Watch what are Christians saying in Aleppo. 

Edited by integration journey

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@integration journey

You are biased against Assad which is biasing your analysis.

Yes, Assad is bad, but the revolution resulted in a million deaths which is not worth ousting him, and most importantly, Assad is still in power, so it didn’t even work.

This current situation could cause a restarted civil war, which will just make Syrians suffer even more, with no guarantee he will be deposed or what replaces him is better.

Israel officials said initially they wanted Assad gone

 they along with the US helping rebels indicates they are anti Assad, saying they are pro Assad historically is irrational.

If they will help Assad now it will only be because they fear what a Islamist take-over of Syria will bring, which is a fair point, it could be even worse than Assad.

I highly doubt they’d help Assad anyway, their heavy sanctions are why he is weak, at most they will probably neither support him nor help the rebels.

Edited by Raze

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31 minutes ago, Raze said:

@integration journey

You are biased against Assad which is biasing your analysis.

Yes, Assad is bad, but the revolution resulted in a million deaths which is not worth ousting him, and most importantly, Assad is still in power, so it didn’t even work.

This current situation could cause a restarted civil war, which will just make Syrians suffer even more, with no guarantee he will be deposed or what replaces him is better.

Israel officials said initially they wanted Assad gone

 they along with the US helping rebels indicates they are anti Assad, saying they are pro Assad historically is irrational.

If they will help Assad now it will only be because they fear what a Islamist take-over of Syria will bring, which is a fair point, it could be even worse than Assad.

I highly doubt they’d help Assad anyway, their heavy sanctions are why he is weak, at most they will probably neither support him nor help the rebels.

Ok but I just see myself really passionate about Syria where I was born and raised for almost two decades and I do want to see it prosper because it has that potential. 
Call me biased but I would argue that it was Assad that resulted in a million death not the revolution. Why not leave power to someone more qualified in 2011 when Syria rose up against him? Why did Syrians have to go through 14 years of brutal circumstances because of one person I don’t understand. Why not avoid this bloodshed by just leaving in 2011 ? 

I’m against Islamic rule of Syria but I do feel like Syria has gone through the worst phase of its history under Assad and it’s time for a change. These rebels are not the best choice but you can tell their ideology is becoming more inclusive. 

I also read today that Assad is asking help from isreal to take out the rebels because Russia and Iran are not invested in him as much anymore.

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15 hours ago, integration journey said:

Nobody destroyed Christmas trees. One of the fighters took one and then return it. Murdering Kurds in the streets, are you fucking kidding me? I’m done. Please connect the dots more. Kurds are part of Syria. The SDF is not.

and you are citing an isreali newspaper to tell you the truth about Syria ? That’s laughable. . 


Okili dokili

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9 hours ago, integration journey said:

He is so desperate for anyone to help him. 


Of course, this is obvious. To this day Syria does not accept Israeli passports as a valid means of entry into Syria, and does not recognize Israel. So why would Israel help Assad? 

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

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