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Another good Bashar video about the voices in your head.

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Good way to understand the voices of self reflection.

Edited by Hojo

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Personally, I think of voices (and everything for that matter) from a Solipsistic view. Everything being experienced Now in Reality is One thing: Consciousness. Even though it seems like there is separation between things, it is all just One thing. Thoughts/voices are part of the One thing/Consciousness. Reality is then where Consciousness draws its attention to. It can focus on 'feelings', or 'other things'', or 'memories', or 'voices/concepts/ideas'. But all those things are still just one with the whole (what is being experienced Now within Consciousness). You, as Consciousness itself, has a choice in what aspect of itself it draws its attention to. Choose wisely. 

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@Sempiternity He is talking about that in this video. Hes saying there are themes to your solipsistic mind once you dissect those and use what he is saying to stay in no mind you will be able to pick up higher and higher dimensions of beings around like psychic shit. Which would equal to potentially gaining more awareness of the higher mind which is also your mind.

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