kyle barnett

I feel I had made some huge mistakes on my self help journey.

12 posts in this topic

Hey guys. When I was a teenager I really loved leos video on quitting tv. I had some issues with family and felt I wanted to disconnect from mainstream thinking. However I made an error of giving a lot of things up but losing the desire to continuously study, so instead of educating myself. I tricked myself for years thinking I was being productive by spending most of my life just in my head overthinking instead of reading and educating myself.

I know contemplation is great too, but I procrastinate or put off studying anything or I have all these channels on YouTube and self help books but study none of them and instead just think in my head.


Anyone else had this issue?





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You were being productive. It is good to overthink because the default is underthinking, like you said with tv.

Now, just add some books and outdoor adventures to that and you’ll be solid. 

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Thanks man I completely agree. The problem I think is it is so much easier for me personally to just contemplate then to seek help from books and people. But I fall off studying very easily.

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@kyle barnett There’s no failure only feedback my guy imo.

You made a commendable change in your life and now understand what result that brings in your life. Before you didn’t know that and now you do.

Thats very useful information.

The way you are is the way you are. You gotta work with yourself rather than fight it. What do you need for you to do x productive action? Experiment with various things and see what leads to you consistently doing that thing.

Key imo is to work on not beating yourself up for not doing that certain thing. But just see it as a process of trial & error and experimentation until you end up finding what gets you to do that thing consistently.

All best bro 


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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You can go to websites like Goodreads so that you can chronicle your self help journey.

Once you are set on the path, you will start to read more books rather than putting them away.

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2 hours ago, kyle barnett said:

Thanks man I completely agree. The problem I think is it is so much easier for me personally to just contemplate then to seek help from books and people. But I fall off studying very easily.

Lower the bar mate. If reading 30 minutes a day is a challenge, just focus on reading 5 pages a day. Then, at least you would be picking up a book and reading.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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5 hours ago, kyle barnett said:

Hey guys. When I was a teenager I really loved leos video on quitting tv. I had some issues with family and felt I wanted to disconnect from mainstream thinking. However I made an error of giving a lot of things up but losing the desire to continuously study, so instead of educating myself. I tricked myself for years thinking I was being productive by spending most of my life just in my head overthinking instead of reading and educating myself.

I know contemplation is great too, but I procrastinate or put off studying anything or I have all these channels on YouTube and self help books but study none of them and instead just think in my head.


Anyone else had this issue?





I did the same too. Spend 10 years contemplating instead of doing productive things. I am 28 without a job or bachelors. All of it happended because of self improvment


All of these would have been fixed if i internalised 7 habits instead of george leonard. Habit 3 is about taking action . Fuck george leonard

Edited by Ramanujan

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You are on the right path if you’ve made huge mistakes. 


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Thinkers dont think that their thinking(now that's a sentence) should be transfered into action,if you think about abstractions/world/people you miss on the most important part.When you think about world you are reacting to it,but if you think about yourself it automatically put you in action so one avoids it.Books/videos are only there to guide you for better action.But ofcourse understanding is really important and part of action but its addicting to just keep understanding without thinking how do i apply it.

So your fail is not studying but in the thinking/action transfer not thinking about how you gonna do things but just learning others ways.

Edited by NoSelfSelf

There is nothing safe with playing it safe.


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Read transform your self by Steve Andreas and eat the frog by Brian Tracey

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