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How to become a Renaissance man 2.0 ? (with metrics)

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Its never been easier to be a polymath. A renaissance man 2.0

The polymaths of the XXI century.


Imagine not accessing the best information in history (and putting into practice).

Imagine what people would do back in the days, in order to have access to the internet for at least 1 year.

Imagine that.

Today you can read about the wisest sages in the history of humankind while you take a shit!


Still there is something off with this 'renaissance man' thing.

DaVinci, Michelangelo are the gold standard of polymaths, but those... are the outliers of the outliers. 1 in billions.

And still... is that a REAL polymath, the peak of human capacity?

- First, they are judged form a orange perspective (how much they achieved externally, how much success they had in their field).

- Second, you don't even know if those guys were happy.

This happens also with some of the most important people in history:

Gandhi had a bad relationship with his children.

MLK cheated on his wife.




-And third. I find the term very abstract.

-How do you move to that goal?

-How do you know you are at a decent level?

-Which areas are really important? Just to be a great in different fields?
A bit limited. 

Well, metrics can solve the problem, even if eventually we have to drop them.
Also, an expansion in the areas which are needed to be great at.


Here is a different perspective on what a Renaissance man 2.0 may be, with some metrics:

-4 pack abs and ability to fight, with good mobility and body awareness.

-+310 (Level of willingness in David Hawkins scale)

-Stage yellow in Spiral Dynamics

-Financial independence

-Relationship close to a 3.0 (Deida in ‘Intimate Communion’)

-Awake (not by Leo standards)

-Intermediate level in meditation (Level 4, in Culadasa's ‘The Mind Illuminated')

-Travelled to +20 countries

-Speak 2 languages

-1 hobby you are good at

-Be good in some kind of art, and publish at least 1 pice of your work


Imagine a person checking all these boxes.


These points I made here are not the end goal, these are MINIMUM STANDARDS.

The game starts here.



-What would you add?

-What doesn't make sense to you in the list?



Much love,




Edited by koops

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