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El Rio

45 Minute DMT Breathwork Journey

1 post in this topic

A couple weeks ago I posted a video on "Shamanic Breathing".  I continue to be greatly impressed by the results of this relatively simple practice. And now that I've completely withdrawn from consuming "news", I find myself much happier and and have hours more time each day.

But as I've been going through these breath sessions I came upon this more advanced and longer video (44 min).

Does it really release DMT naturally into the system? I have no context with this having not experienced DMT. But I can absolutely say it will transport you into a higher realm. This is a true "shortcut" to the higher self.

Read the reviews from this video. Probably 75% of commenters say they ended up in tears. And this happened to both my wife and I. These were tears of joy and gratitude.

If you want to try this, I would encourage you to start with a shorter like 15-20 minute session first (there are over 120 videos), and then move onto this more advanced model.


I can promise you will not regret this experience!


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