What Am I

Marc Andreessen Explains Tech Bro Exodus from the Left

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This episode of Rogan was interesting. Andreessen goes into detail about various factors that led himself and many other leaders in tech to defect into Trump's camp. And he goes on about it for a very long time—all the way from the middle of the episode to the end.

It's quite a tale, involving supposed debanking and other underhanded maneuvers by the federal government to keep tight control over tech doings. In my opinion, he's either straight up lying or there really is some extremely concerning overreach going on.


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Of course TechBros don't wanna be regulated. They are all libertarians because that's what serves their power and wealth.

What is sick is that they sell out democracy to a fascist for more wealth which they do not even need.

This is literally elitist corruption happening live on Rogan's show, and no one sees it for what it is because they are so brainwashed to hate wokes.

Edited by Leo Gura

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course TechBros don't wanna be regulated. They are all libertarians because that's what serves their power and wealth.

All of these TechBros should terrify everybody. They could all ruin the whole world.

Edited by Hardkill

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

What is sick is that they sell out democracy to a fascist for more wealth which they do not even need.

They think they need it more than anything in the world Leo. Undeveloped minds just follow the force of survival, and survival does not care if you have 100$ or 1 billion $. These people just go for more and more, and if the price is destruction of morality, or society, or nature, or anything else, then that is the price and they rationalize it in their minds.

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11 minutes ago, Mohammad said:

They think they need it more than anything in the world Leo. Undeveloped minds just follow the force of survival, and survival does not care if you have 100$ or 1 billion $. These people just go for more and more, and if the price is destruction of morality, or society, or nature, or anything else, then that is the price and they rationalize it in their minds.

Very sad....

We really are living in a Second Gilded Age.

Edited by Hardkill

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6 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Of course TechBros don't wanna be regulated. They are all libertarians because that's what serves their power and wealth.

What is sick is that they sell out democracy to a fascist for more wealth which they do not even need.

This is literally elitist corruption happening live on Rogan's show, and no one sees it for what it is because they are so brainwashed to hate wokes.

I see what you're saying, and I wouldn't disagree about Tech Bros' potential for depravity. But what Andreessen is claiming sounds like far more than your average instances of regulation. They're very serious acts of elitist corruption in and of themselves by the government and private banks in conjunction with one another, perhaps worse than what the Tech Bros would ever enact.

But if it's true, I think it'll likely come out and be exposed in this upcoming administration. The actions that were taken would be a matter of fact, and it should be possible to show receipts once power has shifted. If the current government engaged in this type of corruption, it should be called out, even if the new government is corrupt themselves.

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5 hours ago, What Am I said:

I wouldn't disagree about Tech Bros' potential for depravity. But what Andreessen is claiming sounds like far more than your average instances of regulation. They're very serious acts of elitist corruption in and of themselves by the government and private banks in conjunction with one another, perhaps worse than what the Tech Bros would ever enact.

I wouldn't disagree either. This is where I have a problem with the left - they are blind to their own abuses of power yet rant about the potential hypothetical abuse of power from a future presidency that is yet to even come into power. Ironically, this is one of the reasons people are disillusioned enough to even re-align themselves against the left. Authoritarianism for me but not for thee - wokism is basically cultural authoritarianism. 

There has been a quiet creeping authoritarianism that is very much a real thing and not a hypothetical - yet we only signal the red alarm for the hypothetical orange hitler version. De-platforming and cancel culture, financial blacklisting and de-banking, censorship and big tech collusion, political opponents submerged in a sea of legal warfare - these have authoritarian undertones.

Remember Trudea's bank account freezing of the Freedom Convoy protesters - that wasn't ''regulation'' but silencing of dissent and freedom of protest. Theres a huge difference between regulation and de-banking. The lefts solution and slippery slope of logic rests upon - embrace authoritarianism today to prevent authoritarianism tomorrow.

The fact these tactics are over looked or deemed ''okay'' because its done to the ''right'' people who aren't in our ''tribe'' is dangerous. Because authoritarianism doesn't care for political tribes, and the same tools that become normalised in their use today, will and can be used against everyone tomorrow.

The left are having panic attacks over a phantom facism yet to even take hold, if it ever even does - yet ignore the very real authoritarian impulses that have crept into their own camp.

Like a fish in water, power is blind to those that have it - and they have it via institutions, media and academia. This is why the right went all in on alternative media - because the mainstream is hostile to them. Just like how BRICS is forming an alternative financial system because the Western one is hostile and weaponised against them. The West loves to pat itself on the back for how virtuous they are, the same way domestically the liberal establishment pats itself for being the “good” guys that can do no wrong. It doesn’t even register amongst them that their “side” does so.

As long as Trump lives rent free in their heads, they will miss the wider cause of his rise - and will ultimately fail in the next election again.

Edited by zazen

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Bro, this dude is ridiculously full of shit. 

Because you're pro-Trump, the banks will kick you out. 😂 They'll put politics over money? Got it. 

I've said before, we're entering a new era where malignant falsehoods like these will continue to proliferate and Rogan will be the most effective propagandist mankind has ever known. Just watch. It's gonna to happen, and fast. This house of cards they're building is going up way too fast. There'll likely be dire consequences for feeding the population malignant lie after malignant lie. What is the consequence of stacking falsehood on top of falsehood, over and over and telling the public the falsehoods are true? Might people become unstable when they realize hundreds or thousands of things they called true were all false? 

Interesting that Joe is constantly bringing on millionaires and billionaires who attack the Dems and support the right. I guess it's all just organic and the all the skeptical conspiracy-theorists are right not to suspect any fuckery going on with these particular, everyday people who own rivers and have billions. Nothing to see here folks, just some good ole honest, decent folk. 

Edited by Joshe

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@Joshe I personally think Kyle is unbelievably overrated. He's just not a smart enough person to be a contender at this level. You guys in the forum give way more intelligent pushback.

Obviously, Andreessen wasn't saying that anybody in the US who's of the wrong political persuasion is being targeted for debanking. That's a strawman bordering on the absurd. The targets he described were in the tech and financial sectors, and more specifically those working on crypto start-ups. Kyle's evidence for the benevolence of the CFPB was just a line in a tweet, a Google search, and one time when he lost his credit card and they provided assistance.

Now, I'm not saying any of Andreessen's claims are actually true, because I simply have no idea. But if they are true, that'll be a matter of record and fact, and I would hope the new administration brings it to light. If it's false, there'll be no evidence, and nothing will happen.

But good god, Joshe, use someone like Destiny for your influx of information. Kyle is such weak sauce, and I think you can (and have) done a better job than him at getting to the truth of any particular matter. I wouldn't be surprised if he watched this 2-minute clip of a 3-hour podcast and formed his opinion solely from that. And then he decided that if he gets animated enough and emotional enough, his paper-thin counterargument will be accepted by the dim masses.

Sorry, lol, I just really dislike this level of discourse. You can definitely dunk on the notions presented in the Rogan episode, but this ain't it.

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I will admit, though, that it was shady of Andreessen to not name any names. If he was trying to expose something, keeping it so vague is not the way.

As a conspiracy theorist myself, I can't deny the possibility that the Tech Bros prepped Andreessen, sent him on Rogan, and had him craft a narrative as a pretext to make it easier for Musk to wipe out the CFPB once he gets into power, with all of this being done as a power grab to create some kind of authoritarian future. It's the type of stuff that keeps Hardkill up at night, lol.

But yeah, I concede, I won't keep trying to defend this one. I'm coming around to seeing the potential other side. A claim of that magnitude with no backup whatsoever isn't worth my time to defend.

Side note, I still stand by my dislike of Kyle. It certainly wasn't his video that turned the tide in my mind. As I did more research on my own, the holes in Andreessen's claim, along with the glaring lack of evidence, became more apparent.

Edited by What Am I

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They don't need to prep Andreessen. These guys live in their own libertarian fantasy worlds, bullshitting each other, blowing smoke up each others asses. It's just their self-serving worldview. The TechBro egochamber.

And then guys like Rogan and Lex whitewash and publicize their BS.

Edited by Leo Gura

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6 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They don't need to prep Andreessen. These guys live in their own libertarian fantasy worlds, bullshitting each other, blowing smoke up each others asses. It's just their self-serving worldview. The TechBro egochamber.

And then guys like Rogan and Lex whitewash and publicize their BS.

lol, maybe so. It could just be such a strong aligning of incentives that it allows their scam to appear so "hand in glove."

I'm not convinced yet either way of what's going on, but I am thankful for the feedback from the forum to keep me honest.

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If you wanna see how they bullshit each other, watch the All In Podcast.

It's 5 TechBros blowing smoke up each others asses. There's no mystery here.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

If you wanna see how they bullshit each other, watch the All In Podcast.

It's 5 TechBros blowing smoke up each others asses. There's no mystery here.

Oh wow, I just gave it a look. I can't believe such a podcast exists, lol. Thanks, I'll check it out to get a feel for their interactions.

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@What Am I 

I decided the guy was full of shit after listening to him speak, not because Kyle proved it. It is a bit of a hasty judgement on my part and I’m not highly confident in it, but a billionaire goes on a conspiracy theorists platform and talks conspiracies where the bogeyman is the left. Plus, his conspiracy sounds absurd on the face of it and I did pickup on some idiocy.

TBH, I am relying on some quick heuristics, so I should have said “I think this guy is full of shit”. Lol. 

I agree about Kyle. He’s far from advanced. I didn’t mean to convey his analysis is perfect, but I think he made a couple strong points. The reason Kyle is useful to me is because he’s more educated on politics and political history than I am and I believe him to be sincere and more integrous than most, even if not the brightest. I actually think his wife is brighter, but less integrous. 

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8 hours ago, Joshe said:

I decided the guy was full of shit after listening to him speak, not because Kyle proved it. It is a bit of a hasty judgement on my part and I’m not highly confident in it, but a billionaire goes on a conspiracy theorists platform and talks conspiracies where the bogeyman is the left. Plus, his conspiracy sounds absurd on the face of it and I did pickup on some idiocy.

TBH, I am relying on some quick heuristics, so I should have said “I think this guy is full of shit”. Lol.

Right on, you're not crazy for being suspicious if even I feel the same way.

8 hours ago, Joshe said:

I agree about Kyle. He’s far from advanced. I didn’t mean to convey his analysis is perfect, but I think he made a couple strong points. The reason Kyle is useful to me is because he’s more educated on politics and political history than I am and I believe him to be sincere and more integrous than most, even if not the brightest. I actually think his wife is brighter, but less integrous.

Yes, and she's much prettier as well. :P

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Elon Musk fired half the staff at twitter. Ad revenue went way down and some choppiness on the site appeared, but it still works.

Now he wants to try that logic on the U.S government. 

Can the U.S government be analogous to an online website? Is there a "code" once written works for the government, regardless of the numbers of engineers and requiring only some maintenace work? 

Elon thinks so, and his net worth from code gives them all the assurance of the world. 

Guide us ye great Tech bros, guide us to the promised land! You certainly will do an important part. 

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29 minutes ago, DieFree said:

Elon Musk fired half the staff at twitter. Ad revenue went way down and some choppiness on the site appeared, but it still works.

Now he wants to try that logic on the U.S government. 

Can the U.S government be analogous to an online website? Is there a "code" once written works for the government, regardless of the numbers of engineers and requiring only some maintenace work? 

Elon thinks so, and his net worth from code gives them all the assurance of the world. 

Guide us ye great Tech bros, guide us to the promised land! You certainly will do an important part. 

It looks like we're strapped in for the ride either way, so we'll just have to see what comes of it.

If it's good, then the fruits should become apparent. And if it's bad, well, that would sure suck.

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