
Taking Notes on Books

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I'm not sure if anyone else experiences this, but I am in the habit of taking way too many notes on the books I read. I am concerned with every detail, thinking that almost every word of the book needs to be recorded. This slows me down to the point where I'm trying to be too perfect with my reading and education, and it most definitely slows down the amount of books I could be going through. I realize my perfectionistic attitude towards learning is backfiring on me.

Does anyone take notes on the books they read? If so, what is your style that helps you retain information the best? And perhaps, I'm wondering if ditching notetaking altogether on books may be my best option.

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Only the very best ones. I read & I go back for notes only if the book earned it. Depends on your goals I guess. Do you read just to know stuff or do you apply what you are reading to a field or domain of mastery? It makes sense to me to take notes for the later but I don’t take notes when I read a history book or anything that’s not specifically applicable to something I am working on.

Sailing on the ceiling 


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I usually write my notes and then after I finish reading, I will do a revised book summary or book review. 

You can also follow Brian Johnson's style. He summaries every book into five main points.


Edited by hyruga

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This is great help. Thank you.

Mindlessly taking notes word-for-word from books seems like a lazy way to go about the learning process. It also didn't seem to help me much for my retention anyway. Being too focused on minute details rather than the big picture hasn't been helpful.

I'll have to find the best notetaking method that works best for me personally. Appreciate the advice.


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My approach to learning is, to forget everything I just learnt. Whatever I remember and apply is what's really needed. 

Work on your needs, your conviction. Bring in more clarity. You'll remember what's needed naturally.

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