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Innocence contemplation - Ah-ha!

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So I think I have discovered what is meant when one says to be innocent. 

I was contemplating today after I watched a video on another thread here with the guru talking about being both intelligent and innocent. 

I thought about intelligence for a while and then after reading the definition I thought about innocence. Intelligence is one’s ability to acquire and use knowledge. Innocence is not having knowledge. Thats when it hit me. 

when Jesus says “you must have the innocence of a child” my whole life I was thinking that this meant something like the mind of a child, to be innocent of certain things like sex, drugs and other examples that could be detrimental to oneself. 

But no, this statement means no fear!

To be innocent is to have no fear in the unknown. Once one knows it is no longer unknown, which is knowledge. Therefore one can remain innocent and fearless of the unknown to gain knowledge and make the unknown known. 

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