
Elon Musk is considering buying MSNBC!!!

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As if things weren't bad enough right now.

If right-wing billionaires buy all of the mainstream media then all of truth will be gone and if that happens, then democracy will truly die in America.

Edited by Hardkill

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Elon will soon become infamous. His antics will backfire badly. Just imagine how the future generations will see him. He will be a laughing stock, a meme at some point. 

On a sidenote, don't take him so seriously. X is a huge debacle. You  already see his  plans backfiring badly. 

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Does an Elon mega thread exist? Seems like there’s still people on here who see him in a nicer light

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1 minute ago, Buck Edwards said:

Elon will soon become infamous. His antics will backfire badly. Just imagine how the future generations will see him. He will be a laughing stock, a meme at some point. 

On a sidenote, don't take him so seriously. X is a huge debacle. You  already see his  plans backfiring badly. 

I hope you're right, but his plans of warping more than half the country's minds is working.

It's also not just him. Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post and forced them not to endorse Harris over Trump. 

Several other billionaires have been buying and corrupting more and more and more mainstream media outlets and big tech outlets like X, Facebook, Meta, etc.

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With Twitter turned into a diet 4chan after it became X, then I can only imagine MSNBC would turn into some kind of diet Breitbart.


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1 minute ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

With Twitter turned into a diet 4chan after it became X, then I can only imagine MSNBC would turn into some kind of diet Breitbart.


Very dismaying.....

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MSNBC is basically controlled opposition. They ban actual progressives and instead bring in corporate democrats to act like they are progressive. They pushed the russiagate hoax non-stop. If it was a truly progressive outlet and let people like Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky on during its heyday so much of the public would have been aware of what damage the government was doing thst the media was hiding.

Cable news is dying but older people still watch it and are more likely to vote, it would be nice if someone bought MSNBC and brought on journalists who actually wanted to challenge power.

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14 minutes ago, Raze said:

MSNBC is basically controlled opposition. They ban actual progressives and instead bring in corporate democrats to act like they are progressive. They pushed the russiagate hoax non-stop. If it was a truly progressive outlet and let people like Chris Hedges and Noam Chomsky on during its heyday so much of the public would have been aware of what damage the government was doing thst the media was hiding.

Cable news is dying but older people still watch it and are more likely to vote, it would be nice if someone bought MSNBC and brought on journalists who actually wanted to challenge power.

Still much better than CNN and other mainstream media outlets and infinitely better than Fox News and every other right-wing media outlet.

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8 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Still much better than CNN and other mainstream media outlets and infinitely better than Fox News and every other right-wing media outlet.

It’s worse because cnn and Fox News don’t pretend to be what they are not, whereas MSNBC pretends to represent the left.

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3 hours ago, Raze said:

whereas MSNBC pretends to represent the left.

They do represent center left.

Nothing says they have to represent far left. That is a totally different sort of channel. There are plenty of far left channels like TYT. MSNBC should not turn into TYT.

Musk is a corrupt jackass.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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34 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They do represent center left.

Nothing says they have to represent far left. That is a totally different sort of channel. There are plenty of far left channels like TYT. MSNBC should not turn into TYT.

Musk is a corrupt jackass.

That's what I've been saying. 

Cenk claims that he's not a far leftist. He's says that he's a mainstream progressive:

While I believe that he's not a Marxist or as far to the left like his nephew Hasan is, I am now not so sure about him being a mainstream progressive.

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41 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

They do represent center left.

Nothing says they have to represent far left. That is a totally different sort of channel. There are plenty of far left channels like TYT. MSNBC should not turn into TYT.

Musk is a corrupt jackass.

They fired Phil Donahue for disagreeing with the Iraq war, they fired Cenk for criticizing Obama.

Thats not center left, that is corporatism. 

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Just now, Raze said:

They fired Phil Donahue for disagreeing with the Iraq war, they fired Cenk for criticizing Obama.

Thats not center left, that is corporatism. 

They were too leftist for them and Cenk has criticized MSNBC often.

MSNBC is a center-left corporation. 

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7 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

They were too leftist for them and Cenk has criticized MSNBC often.

MSNBC is a center-left corporation. 

Most of the left including a large portion of the center was against Iraq, and Cenks criticism of Obama weren’t far left criticisms. They were fired because their opinions went against establishment power, not for being too far left.

If being too far left was a problem they wouldn’t have so many shows defending transgederism or critical race theory which is much less popular among the center left, yet they do. Because those don’t threaten the establishment.

MSNBC has destroyed itself with the Russiagate conspiracy and then doing a cover up for Biden’s decline, their ratings collapsed, they should give the far left a chance anyway as it does have a market.

Edited by Raze

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10 minutes ago, Raze said:

Most of the left including a large portion of the center was against Iraq, and Cenks criticism of Obama weren’t far left criticisms. They were fired because their opinions went against establishment power, not for being too far left.

If being too far left was a problem they wouldn’t have so many shows defending transgederism or critical race theory which is much less popular among the center left, yet they do. Because those don’t threaten the establishment.

MSNBC has destroyed itself with the Russiagate conspiracy and then doing a cover up for Biden’s decline, their ratings collapsed, they should give the far left a chance anyway as it does have a market.

You know what? You're really getting on my nerves.

People, like you are really getting sucked into this stupid anti-mainstream populism.

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25 minutes ago, Raze said:

They fired Phil Donahue for disagreeing with the Iraq war, they fired Cenk for criticizing Obama.

Thats not center left, that is corporatism. 

Yeah, that's what center left looks like.

You really expect MSNBC to be TYT? If they were they'd be a tiny fringe channel with no mainstream cedibility. No major politicians would appear on their shows.

What you want already exists. It's called TYT or Majority Report.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

You know what? You're really getting on my nerves.

People, like you are really getting sucked into this stupid anti-mainstream populism.

You and Leo have been blaming progressives for every Democrat failure for years now.

The democrats just got to skip a primary while republicans had a divisive one, run against a historically unpopular candidate, have literally 3 times as much funding as him for their campaign, every mainstream news outlet except Fox News on their side with even tons of establishment republicans endorsing them, and the progressive role was so small Jill Stein got half the votes she got in 2016.

And the result? they lost the popular vote for the first time in decades.

What annoys me is you still are doubling down on blaming progressives. In what scenario can we justifiably say neoliberal democrats aren’t popular? Do they need 2 billion dollars to campaign? Do progressives need to be removed from even more aspects of the discussion, they are already relegated to fringe alt media. Is it ever the fault of the actual party that lost? 

You continue to excuse every aspect of corporate control of society when it generally sides with democrats when there is a direct line to that creating trump and not nonsense conspiracies that just excuse democrats for every failure rather than question the fundamental structure of the problem no matter how many times you lose. 

Why don’t you react to my comment by thinking “maybe if msnbc allowed criticism of the Iraq war and Obamas errors which partially created the trump phenomenon it would have maintained more populist legitimacy”. Trump got a lot of support for criticizing the Iraq war, many Obama to trump voters suffered due to Obamas trade deals which Cenk was criticizing when they happened. 

Instead you reflexively find an excuse to defend the multi million dollar company and blame the left who pointed out the issue.

You don’t make things better by kneeling to the actual forces that fail and shooting the messenger who points out issues like somehow they caused it.

Edited by Raze

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19 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yeah, that's what center left looks like.

You really expect MSNBC to be TYT? If they were they'd be a tiny fringe channel with no mainstream cedibility. No major politicians would appear on their shows.

What you want already exists. It's called TYT or Majority Report.

Cenk believes that one day progressive channels like their's will dominate the media environment. 

Btw, Pod Save America, which is also a progressive channel has gotten many major politicians on their shows even though they don't have anywhere as many subscribers or viewers as TYT does. Is that because they aren't fringe?

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7 minutes ago, Hardkill said:

Cenk believes that one day progressive channels like their's will dominate the media environment. 

Btw, Pod Save America, which is also a progressive channel has gotten many major politicians on their shows even though they don't have anywhere as many subscribers or viewers as TYT does. Is that because they aren't fringe?

They are Obama staffers, it is because they do not challenge corporate power. 

Though I noticed Kamala didn’t even go on there when she was running, maybe it’s because one of them (I forget his name) has been pushing it with the Israel criticism. Polls showed that literally a majority of democrats thought Israel was conducting a genocide, yet I didn’t see a single interviewer pressure Kamala on this, it’s not because none would, it’s because the ones she would talk too wouldn’t. Either everyone’s fringe or fringe just means challenging the candidate in any way.

Now democrats are complaining Biden dropped out to late, it was them and the outlets they went on that refused to criticize Biden’s age until way late in the game. Had Biden had to go on progressive outlets which actually warned about this it would have been exposed way earlier. Instead they stayed in an eco system of a hug box they created until it was too late and the disaster debate happened. It is another example of how the corporate media creates a bubble that ends up popping in their faces. 

Morning Joe on MSNBC was ranting about how Biden was the best he’s ever been and a maverick behind the scenes like a month before the debate where immediately after he said he should drop out. How can you complain about losing viewership to alt media when you do things like that? who is the disinformation propaganda at that point?

Edited by Raze

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37 minutes ago, Raze said:

You and Leo have been blaming progressives for every Democrat failure for years now.

The democrats just got to skip a primary while republicans had a divisive one, run against a historically unpopular candidate, have literally 3 times as much funding as him for their campaign, every mainstream news outlet except Fox News on their side with even tons of establishment republicans endorsing them, and the progressive role was so small Jill Stein got half the votes she got in 2016.

And the result? they lost the popular vote for the first time in decades.

What annoys me is you still are doubling down on blaming progressives. In what scenario can we justifiably say neoliberal democrats aren’t popular? Do they need 2 billion dollars to campaign? Do progressives need to be removed from even more aspects of the discussion, they are already relegated to fringe alt media. Is it ever the fault of the actual party that lost? 

You continue to excuse every aspect of corporate control of society when it generally sides with democrats when there is a direct line to that creating trump and not nonsense conspiracies that just excuse democrats for every failure rather than question the fundamental structure of the problem no matter how many times you lose. 

Why don’t you react to my comment by thinking “maybe if msnbc allowed criticism of the Iraq war and Obamas errors which partially created the trump phenomenon it would have maintained more populist legitimacy”. Trump got a lot of support for criticizing the Iraq war, many Obama to trump voters suffered due to Obamas trade deals which Cenk was criticizing when they happened. 

Instead you reflexively find an excuse to defend the multi million dollar company and blame the left who pointed out the issue.

You don’t make things better by kneeling to the actual forces that fail and shooting the messenger who points out issues like somehow they caused it.

Of course it's not all the progressives fault. The candidate matters a lot. But if you think progressives are gonna be more popular you are kidding yourself.

Cenk ran for Congress. He got under 10% of the vote. Cenk's run for Congress is the prefect example of progressive delusions.

It's easy to endlessly critcize the establishment Dems, but that doesn't mean you will win elections.

Progressives are guilty of the very thing you accuse us of. They blame the center all the time for everything. And yet when they run, progressives lose elections handily.

Bernie ran. He lost. Yet progressives take zero responsibility for this. Like it never even happened.

I don't care to blame progressives, but they are delusional about how politics works. That much is clear and needs to be underscored because they still don't see it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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