
What if you just became evil

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Like, completely surrendered to your passions, cast away all morals and did whatever you want you could get away with, completely shamelessly, Sith style. Completely shirking all moral responsibility.

Embezzle money, manipulate, rape and prostitute, lie, steal, kill. Be as racist, misogynistic and hateful as you want. Complete freedom. Take no responsibility for anything. Spiritually go postal. What would be wrong with that exactly?

Surely, it would be a highly authentic experience to embrace being evil. Maybe you won't be THAT evil in practice just because you don't feel like it. Is this what its like to ascend morals?

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Are you intelligent enough to be that evil and avoid the consequences long term? That's an art in its own right. If not, that experiment would quickly be over, you wouldn't even have enough experience to contemplate while serving your prison term. 

There's precisely nothing wrong with it, it's a mode of being as valid as any other. But you can observe it others, not necessary to make it your lived experience. Then again the same can be said about observing love in Jesus, which is what Christians do...

In reality you're already plenty evil, way more than you can or want to see, so it's probably a safe bet to pull in the opposite direction to get a balanced experience of life. I've surprised myself at how evil I am and especially was by making an honest list of bad and selfish deeds. 

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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Enjoy your time in hell.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Enjoy your time in hell.

Is there really something like evil? 

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One of life's greatest trials is loving the devil while every fiber of your being longs to murder it.



God-Realize, this is First Business. Know that unless I live properly, this is not possible.

There is this body, I should know the requirements of my body. This is first duty.  We have obligations towards others, loved ones, family, society, etc. Without material wealth we cannot do these things, for that a professional duty.

There is Mind; mind is tricky. Its higher nature should be nurtured, then Mind becomes Wise, Virtuous and AWAKE. When all Duties are continuously fulfilled, then life becomes steady. In this steady life GOD is available; via 5-MeO-DMT, because The Sun shines through All: Living in Self-Love, Realizing I am Infinity & I am God

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One of Carl Jung’s sentiments was something along the line of 100 years from now, what would be considered “good” and “moral” now will be considered “evil” and “deplorable” then. Vice versa. (The Spirit of This Time vs The Spirit of The Depths talked about in The Red Book)

Back then, hangings in public were considered good. Now obviously it is not. Same with red stage’s view of pillaging and raping a village for their own benefit.

I study psychology to be a therapist, and obviously all the lobotomies taken place back then were considered “good”. Not so much now. Today a future possible “evil” can be produced by, for example… CBT, for all we know. Something we thought was good and for the best at the time. The future will only tell what the present can’t see yet.

Today, everyone is doing something “good” that tomorrow’s people will find “evil”. It’s inescapable. Entirely so? Not sure…maybe loads of self-awareness can help break away from some of it, though doubtful.

The harrowing thing to deal with is you already are evil in some fashion…

It’s all subjective and perspective based.


Edited by ricachica

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55 minutes ago, Davino said:

One of life's greatest trials is loving the devil while every fiber of your being longs to murder it.



You can't love the devil if you don't understand the devil. 

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@Basman you'd become so incredibly self deluded about its merit that you'd never be able to escape it. Which is precisely what happens to people, perverse incentives combined with the compound interest of social positive feedback guarantees that remaining a permanent condition of servitude to one's most unaware nature. The inverse is also true, take devout religious people, they always think they're good and for their actual good they want to keep it their and for their actual bad without awareness there's generally cognitive dissonance that either leads to awareness to reparation or denial to further degradation.

Awareness is the most important, awareness in leadership though concerning our present reality is even more important because the masses of people prefer conformity as that's their brains automatic go to as the brains subconscious re-routes its energy expenditure away from awareness because it's concluded it doesn't have enough of it to dictate it's own survival outside the leaders narrative.

We have one leader coupled with a top down hierarchy most of the time across all cultures because both people struggle cognitively to manage thinking about more than one leaders opinions and two because the leader themselves along with their followers are evolutionary wired this way when there isn't the personal development elsewhere.

We have councils, NATO for example, and although they have a hybrid hierarchical structure were in some situations all 31 (?) members get equal power even they have singular top level positions leadership. And we've got billions of people on this planet, it's totally nonsensical to believe that only one leader is the best person, we'd have at least a million people on the planet that are equally as good at running these high end positions however its just not how our internal evolutionary hierarchy operates. Just as we have two eyes we only have two brain hemispheres, although it's arguably feasible internally along highly selected groups externally it's too much cognitively for people to handle.

It's a great example of our limited capacities as humans we must both humble ourselves and to spend the time on how we can reflect to make smarter practical decisions based on this self knowledge on both socially and personally. One of the ideals of forging a group is to have better error checking with respect to integrity, however if those people aren't at a certain high level of consciousness what often happens of what should be an advantage there when forging a group becomes a disadvantage when bad energy spreads among members and infects them from the bottom up and then corrupts the leadership from the top down, and we dont need to spend much time thinking to find many examples of this. It happens in families to cults to political and religious organisation to police to even medical establishments. I would say that organisations like the fire brigade, all things being equal even though there's struggles here, probably because of the unified goal of saving people without a strong power differential compared to the medical establishment probably both creates the best groups and subsequent people within them when it comes to government organisations.

This is why intelligent protocols on spaces like this kind of self actualisation is just as important, it's the unified goal that makes people good, most people are not actually good enough by themselves to be good enough without converging towards a common positive goal in this space, but hence why they are here right. All group formations have their ups and downs, what matters is that the fundamental genuinely positive goal always remains the same for as long as there's resiliency in this sense, a group is able to absorb the negative while still moving towards the positive; balance right, so being on that right hand side of the equilibrium even if it's only slightly. This space and it's problems are a reflection of the greater problems of humanity given the social problems that exist with the positive formalisation that is self actualisation, the world struggles with ego identification much more than the struggles it has on their self actualisation towards ego integration as they never even find the path deeply enough. Even though growth and evolution is the fundamental truth of all of life, most people don't understand that goal in and of itself and can only resonate with it if it's within the context of a social group where you can be socially stratified.

Football player? Yeah okay we totally understand your growth goals now and we socially support you as a society. Losing weight? The exact same as there's the social credit score that's being built up there on that social meme. So it's all what's memetically accepted when it comes to anchoring the social acceptance of personal growth en masse, we've had a really positive movement in the self development space in the last ten years but only twenty years ago it was unheard of. Different cultures have had different genres of branding the social acceptance of personal development as well, "Going to become a military boy aye! You go get em you'll become a man son!", "Going to university? Wow, you'll be an educated leader by the end!", professions dictated the social acceptance of personal growth and so we've actually ironically in spite of all our problems as a species progressed when it comes to the formalisation of personal development even though most demographics area still totally out of the evolutionary loop there. The professionalism (i.e. the "go to army = memetically good" for many centuries) of personal development served as thw best protection against evil that we had in spite of its difficulties because of the postive social cohesion in most places that's meant to follow.

It's the simple, "we know what you're becoming as we've seen it before and we know it's not evil so we wish you more" however if you're off on your own, socially of there isn't the established culture for it it's like "well what the fuck is this guy doing?". One guy says, "hi my name is Jack, I've been working on my personal development for ten years and..." Versus " hi my name is Tom and I've been in the military for ten years..." What's going to receive more social approval? So our stratification of personal development is inherently good as we're inherently wanting to work away from the evil socially, socialisation is designed as a protective mechanism against evil even if memetically we can sometimes get it wrong, it's only because our evolutionary heuristics are preprogrammed towards this bias and you should never try to fight against it as memetically it's designed to protect itself, you should just seek a greater level of awareness.

Coming full circle on the question then, "what happens if you became completely evil", the answer is group formation, socialisation and our inherent desire for good (most of us) is designed to protect against it evolutionarily, even in the worst of organisations which is why our most regarded are generally the most holy, so at a minimum it'll be the opposite of what positive you think it'll be. You'll be quickly ostracised even if you're a really good manipulator, police will be involved eventually, the social environment of your present time will eventually turn against you in as much as you don't have enough positive evolutionary heuristics to trick people into believing you're good, from being physically attractive, rich, intelligent and socially savvy. Ironically, most of us have these heuristics that are designed for socially organising the good from the bad, however in our greatest positions of power we have the most corruption of all because those heuristics operate too simplistically, unable to properly vett everything that makes bad vs good, which is why corrupt politicians can get into one of the most powerful positions as well as why we can simultaneously have millions of people that support them while at the same time millions of people that dont, purely because it creates too much dissonance to think about the positions of millions of people when we can barely contemplate the intelligence of our own. Once a voter has been memetically sucked into one candidate including social conformity, it's almost impossible to change their mind and politicians know this, they know that people struggle which is why there's perverse incentives for them to manipulate because game theoretically they would see that if they don't in some way, they would lose, but the problem with that is of course that they then become even more corrupt as that's the way they're epigenetically now programming their personality. So in one sense it's tough to be a politician and you've gotta have empathy for them in this regard and in another sense, we still have no choice but to continue to demand excellence in integrity even if all sides politician, voter and cultural environment in that dynamic struggle to engineer that to the finish line in terms of their respective responsibilities.

So in answer to "what would be wrong with it?", even though we get so much wrong in our process to the finish line of the good in this respect, all of society as we know it would collapse as we're geared to be towards the light, no matter how low consciousness a particular demographic is outside of genuine psychopaths, is where we're naturally wired. 

"Is this what it's like to ascend morals?" No. Moral ascendency is via self consciousness, awareness and the growth in philosophical competency. Moral ascendency as you've described it is childish and actually reflects the opposite of power, as you haven't demonstrated the power to understand what truly makes the world. And, you wouldn't even enjoy it in as much as you had even the slightest altruistic tendency.

I haven't had much sleep again. Ha, it's still interesting.

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Imagine feeling like something outside of you could add to you 


This post just reveals things about you 

Edited by Sugarcoat

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You will much delay your finding of God, that much for certain ;).

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ´・ᴗ・` 

         ┊ ┊⋆ ┊ . ♪  天国はあなたの中にあります ♫┆彡 

(pronoun: they/them, he/him)

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17 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Enjoy your time in hell.

You sound offended.

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Yeah, it's called psychopathy. Complete moral freedom and dead soul. 

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I think God would make it as horrifying as possible so you will be haunted by what you did. The soul is naturally happy so I think while you rape or murder someone and they are screaming God will make you remeber it and you will not like the experience afterward. Thats when you go to hell. I'm pretty sure you don't get to choose what you remember. The event will replay itself over and over in your mind and you wont be able to stop it as a peice of yourself is now being raped or murdered forever and you did it.

I can almost guarantee everyone who has done it remebers the event even after 50 years if they didn't get caught. Its not something you can forget unless you are doing it every single day. Its not like tying your shoes. Even if you are morally done with it you still remeber and remembering is unresolved karma.

If no one figures it out and you die you will still have the memory in soul form and you will see what you did and that you did it for no reason beside selfishness.

I also don't think its possible to be totally morally corrupt. People do these things to push limits of their demented minds eventually you go to far.

Edited by Hojo

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On 11/25/2024 at 9:28 PM, Basman said:

Like, completely surrendered to your passions, cast away all morals and did whatever you want you could get away with, completely shamelessly, Sith style. Completely shirking all moral responsibility.

Embezzle money, manipulate, rape and prostitute, lie, steal, kill. Be as racist, misogynistic and hateful as you want. Complete freedom. Take no responsibility for anything. Spiritually go postal. What would be wrong with that exactly?

Surely, it would be a highly authentic experience to embrace being evil. Maybe you won't be THAT evil in practice just because you don't feel like it. Is this what its like to ascend morals?

second this but i maintain passion, hell i build passion on being evil.

people think rage is a low frequency emotion but once again i repeat - depending on your coming from it could be something that transcends love and it's the only way for our types to strive. A type of raging that is similar to love or raging love or whatever you call it. It feels like righterous evil. 

Never forget that 2020 flipped everything upside down. Good people are bad and bad people are good.

Bad people used to shit on us now theyre acting all kind and gaslighting us for being insane cirminal and evil. Well fuck that

I still wait for the day ultimate freedom will come such as where crimes and money will cease to have meaning/exist.

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On 11/26/2024 at 8:36 AM, Basman said:

You sound offended.

Nah, I read that as a joke. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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Its not the first time this question came up in the forum.

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