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Has Anyone Find Their "one" Yet?

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Has anyone find their "one" yet? Was it always magical like they say? Immediate connection, sparks , etc. etc. 

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Don't think there is a "one", just people with whom you can connect more on a surface level.

The "one" would mean there is only one person in the world with whom you could have a lasting relationship, which is stupid and limitative.

@Beau Maybe the "one" is on this forum ...



Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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No not yet.


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There is no "One." What we see as "falling in love" is actually a sexual desire being disguised as something we call love , a noble feeling from the higher universe if you will or god if you will.  

Most relationships start with this sexual desire which is a result of our body and mind tricking us to produce offspring and drive the evolution and survival of human species on Earth. The real "love" is a conscious/unconcious decision to participate on spiritual growth of self or another person.
In exact words of Dr Scott Peck “Love is the will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth... Love is as love does. Love is an act of will -- namely, both an intention and an action. Will also implies choice. We do not have to love. We choose to love.

Hence you don't find the "one". You find someone you sexually desire and once that drive is reduced, you will need to make a decision whether you will continue to grow this relationship or seek elsewhere. That is why so many couples split after they've had enough sex to start using their pre-frontal cortex. 

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I've been seeing a lot of triple digits, though. 222,333, 444 and 555 to be exact.

Every day.  Pretty much any time I look at the clock it's a triple digit.  And it's not like I go out of my way to notice this, it's just always a triple digit.  Also, my journal number is 10101. 

Edited by Annetta

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1 hour ago, Annetta said:

I've been seeing a lot of triple digits, though. 222,333, 444 and 555 to be exact.

You missed 666 


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@Prabhaker I have exactly 666 songs in my youtube music collection, but that is the only 666 I have noticed thus far.

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3 hours ago, Beau said:

Has anyone find their "one" yet? Was it always magical like they say? Immediate connection, sparks , etc. etc. 

When I first saw my Wife's smile I could actually feel the love lighting up and sneaking into my heart before my walls could raise up and block her off. I didn't trust anybody and felt drained by being around people and preferred to be by myself, but not when it came to her. We near instantly became best friends and shared things we've never shared with anyone before. The level of intimacy and trust was near immediate and deeper than anything else I'd ever experienced (and it's gotten so much deeper and richer over the years because of how we've nurtured and protected it).

She actually felt at first that I wasn't her type, but as soon as I touched her, she said her body betrayed her and had to have me. Her body, heart, intuition, and spirit knew me and wanted me before her head did, but it didn't take long for her head to follow. And now we've been together for over 5 years now and it's been the most incredible, loving experience, either of us has ever felt.

Everyday is magic with her. My body aches to leave her, every touch is near electric, and the sex is soul-wrenchingly out of this world in it's pleasure and intensity. It just keeps getting better too!

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8 hours ago, Beau said:

Has anyone find their "one" yet? Was it always magical like they say? Immediate connection, sparks , etc. etc. 

Don't listen to the pessimists. There is a "one" out there. All though, I will agree, I don't think there is just one for everyone. Many people can be a "one" for you. You just need the right kind of person that satisfies that connection. 

@Salaam What Salaam is saying is the kind of person that will be your ideal relationship. Nice going, my friend! :) 

As for me, when I met my girlfriend (going on 3 years now), I felt extremely horny and needy. I was a stupid kid who didn't know what they valued, believed, and cared about. But I still had the foundational value in me at that time, and that value is to be loved. I don't think you ever NOT have that value. You always have it somewhere deep inside. And I'll tell you something else. It won't always be perfect, it won't always be magical, there won't be electricity every time. However, we both improved and grown as people so much, and we accept each other for who we are so much, that I wouldn't ever go back in time, nor would I look for someone else. I see people that are single, and I remember I had those searching eyes like them. But now that I am on this side, I wouldn't trade my connection for anything in the world. 

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Think about this, are you still the same person like several years ago? Do you think you will be the same person within 10 or 20 years?

The answer is probably no, we all develop into new persons all the time. Learn lessons, face problems and success.

If you change, so would your ideal perspective of "the one". Thus, it's not fixated. If you begin to see that your one is formless, he/she could be anyone as long as you are going for it.

You have to be willing to go all the way, only a completely open relationship will enable you to grow close to each others soul :)

The one is not fixing all problems that you might experienced with others, this is the moment you realize its all part of being human and you both want to go for the best in any period you go through. 

Would you be able to do that? Most are afraid to truely open their heart, thats why you have to communicate a lot! 

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24 minutes ago, Principium Nexus said:

Would you be able to do that? Most are afraid to truely open their heart, thats why you have to communicate a lot! 

Oh I could talk about this till midnight. People are so protective, competitive, selfish, and are unwilling to talk about real things. Imagine a world where everyone is as they actually are. What they say is what they feel and think. How much open-mindedness, flexibility, and non-judgment does that require!! That's why I was lucky because my girlfriend is as she strings attached. And the more I live on this planet, the more I realize how rare that is. 

P.S. My spider doesn't bite. xD

Edited by ashashlov

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13 hours ago, Beau said:

Has anyone find their "one" yet? Was it always magical like they say? Immediate connection, sparks , etc. etc. 

Very interesting/good question. I will try to answer it, but you will have to do the thinking on your part as to what does it really mean. It's easier said than done. What is it like to find the "one?" This:



Have you seen this movie? (Movie title: Avitar)

How do you find and commit to the "one?" Well, here are two clips saying the same things in different ways:


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True love awaits.

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@Shin haha.  Not likely. Theres not a lot from PH here. 

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@Michael569 waa. That's sad. Aside from sexual attraction you could also have deep and meaningful relationship with other person. 

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@Salaam aww. Thats sweet. I mean like i was single most of life because i feel like the people i met is shallow. Not awake if you know what i mean. But i am also afraid that maybe i am being judgmental, but no matter how hard i tried i always lost interest. Is there something wrong with me? ?

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