
Sex Addiction Recovery Group/ No-fap Group (skype)

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I think there are still a few actualizers who have not recovered from basic things like sex (porn/masturbation) addictions (including me) let alone dwell deep into the realms of consciousness.  So I have decided to make this small skype group, where we can share our struggles from these addictions and learn from each others effort. I think this kind of mutual effort can really help us overcome these nasty habits. So if you think you are constantly suffering from these kinds of habits or you are someone who has overcome these habits and have good advice, feel free to join.  Search Skype at   [removed]         and add me. I will add you to the main conversation afterwards.

Please come if you are serious about getting out. It's for people who wanna grow out of their compulsive sexual behaviors. I am no expert on this. I am 21 year old.  But I think that community-ness can be powerful when it comes to overcoming addictions. :)


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@Dingus is probably right here.

If you're really addicted to something, really hard, stopping in one go is almost impossible for most people (they don't have the discipline required).

If you're mildly addicted to it, and you just never took this addiction seriously, then you might want to stop in one go, it is feasible and quite easy with a bit of awareness (If I could do it, you can too :P ).

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Don't quit cold turkey....go slow and gradually wean off, applies to all addictions

  1. Only ONE path is true. Rest is noise
  2. God is beauty, rest is Ugly 

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11 minutes ago, Dingus said:

The only thing you really want to quit is condemning yourself, that's how this whole mess got started to begin with.

That's where low-consciousness comes from, it's because we repress all the things that we don't like about ourselves. If you look outside and see an unconscious world and you wonder why the hell that is, THIS IS WHY.

So high consciousness means taking a radically different approach. You can't solve low-consciousness with a low-consciousness approach. But it does mean that you need to allow for the built-up consequences of your own unconsciousness to unravel themselves in their own time.

The only way out is through. And the only end to neutoticism is to stop fueling it with more neuroticism. And then give yourself time to recover from THAT.

What about totally quitting an extreme addiction if you no longer judge yourself ?

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Those of you who are addicted might want to check this out: . It talks about substance addictions but can be applied to any addictions. It seems to have worked well for many people.

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As with everything, there is a quick fix and the long, hard route. The quick fix will give you results immediately, and the long, hard route will teach you life lessons that you would have never learned if you just took the quick fix.

See addiction as a challenge that needs to be overcome. Overcoming a challenge requires growth. Thus, see the addiction as an oppurtunity for growth.

Someone who was never truly addicted to anything does not need to learn the tools to overcome addiction. This is why you are blessed, because you are forced to learn, you are forced to adapt. Most people spend their entire life in comfort, and that's precisely why most people never are forced on the path of true growth.

A recent video of Leo's actually scratched on that topic. The addiction is the beginning of the hero's journey, it's the mechanism that forces you to get out of comfort. On the way, you will have to learn discipline, you will have to learn positive thinking, you will have to learn how to resist urges. There are so many things you need to learn before you can overcome this addiction.

If you cannot let go of the addiction, it simply means you are too weak, too unskilled, to do so. Don't look at it as getting rid of addiction, look at it as learning the tools to be able to deal with addiction.

For a painter to create a beautiful piece of artwork, he needs to first learn the skills to do so. As for any skill, it takes great effort to learn. Now, if the painted didn't have have the objective of creating a beautiful piece of artwork, he wouldn't need to learn any skills to do so.

The objective is the blessing, because the objective is purpose. It creates the motivation to learn, which is all you need to grow.


Read the book "Mastery" by George Leonard. Getting rid of addiction requires you to become a master of self-control. If the addiction would just disappear, you'd lose any motivation to become a master of self-control. This is, as I said, why the addiction is a true blessing.


This very principle applies to almost anything in life. From entire countries, to businesses, to the very species that we are. If our ancestors would not have been challenged, if there wasn't a constant need for adaptation, for mastery, then the human species would not exist.

The human species exists because it was challenged to become what it is. The challenge is the greatest blessing. Without the challenge, human intelligence would have not needed to be developed. And what is not needed, will not be.

You will fail this test, or you will grow. You will fail to adapt, or you will become something greater than what you are.


This is the very principle of life, the root of all actions. Study this, because it might be the most important thing for your life. And do not forget, that this very principle itself, forces you to study this principle. You will not study this principle, if there is no need for you to study this principle.


See it like this:

It is the weak, who sees a need for becoming strong. It is the inferior, who sees the need to become superior. It is the truly unenlightened, who sees the need to become enlightened.

Edited by Scholar

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Why not just have a constant teamspeak/mumble/whatever chat server up for ANY related topics to discuss?

Edited by HelloThere

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Keep your discussions on this forum. No creating outside chat groups. It breaks apart the community and is against the forum guidelines.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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