
Kendrick Lamar’s new song featuring God

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46 minutes ago, Yimpa said:


Yes…AAVE was also covered in the administrator/professor’s presentation as well that I mentioned earlier…and yes she was a Black American emphasizing Black student’s plight in the university system.

Edited by ricachica

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@Carl-Richard please be mindful of your behavior

@Beans I applaud you for standing up for yourself. I don’t have the courage to do that, unlike you. But please don’t also name-call Carl as dumb, as you did to me in private. 

Instead of coming from a  place of punishment, let’s come from a place of holistic understanding. Thanks you all!

Edited by Yimpa


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9 minutes ago, Beans said:

That wasn’t an explanation that was a generalization

Let me re-iterate: if you engage with a certain social situation regularly and you are somehow not adapting to the expectations of that social situation (whatever they may be, e.g. proper grammar, or merely being able to speak, or not taking a shit next to somebody who is eating), people will not be happy with you, and in that sense, it's not good (and it may be caused by various "pathologies" like I mentioned).

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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4 minutes ago, ricachica said:

Yes…AAVE was also covered in the administrator/professor presentation as well…and yes she was a black American emphasizing black student’s plight in the university system.

Black with a capital B ;)


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18 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

@Carl-Richard please be mindful of your behavior


Tell me, if you are unable to adapt to a social situation and we are interested in potential explanations based on the personal characteristics of that person, what options are there?

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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By the way, sorry for derailing the thread, but @Yimpa baited me into it as he linked @Beans' post in this thread, and when you click on that link (without reading that it's a reply to a thread) and without scrolling afterwards, it looks like it was @Beans who made the thread.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Carl-Richard said:

Communication and being social in general is a game with rules. If you don't know how to play the game, people will be unhappy with you. It's not as much about grammar as knowing how to be social and follow a set of rules.

And if you are unwilling to follow the rules, you are either lazy or a delinquent. And if you are unable to learn the rules, you are either disabled or unintelligent. These are generalizations, but all in all, a lack of rule-following (e.g. proper grammar) is generally not good.

But of course, people with bad grammar hang out with other people with bad grammar, and for them, it's within the rules of the game, so it's not seen as a problem for them. Which rules to follow are dictated by the people you hang out with (hence why Leo made that post about what rules he wants us to follow).

I understand where you're coming from with this. I probably wouldn't use descriptive words like delinquent, disabled or lazy, but you did say those were generalizations. It's about constructs; and in this case, social constructs. There are unspoken rules to the game that are pretty much involved within the constructs. Like cursing at someone will get you a negative response or walking around naked in public won't end too well. Somethings are just simply understood just from being around systems for a while; and in this case, the human system of collective consciousness.

Poor grammar will get you labelled as being unintelligent; and just because it's only a forum, it doesn't mean it's not a representation of who you are. Humans pretty much operate by programming and develop habits from consistent practice. One will not be efficient in grammar in one context and lack it in another. It reflects who they are. So, to develop a consistent core systematic "personality" of the forum, which is a direct representation of it's founder, it suggests the proper use of grammar because it reflects a certain caliber of users and it's quality. IOW, some people will never go to a certain store to make the same purchases they could get from another store that's not up to par with their standards. It's the same product, but paying more or buying it from a store that has their seal of approval is how they maintain their integrity. Hence construct. It means different things for different people. 

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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17 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

By the way, sorry for derailing the thread, but @Yimpa baited me into it as he linked @Beans' post in this thread, and when you click on that link (without reading that it's a reply to a thread) and without scrolling afterwards, it looks like it was @Beans who made the thread.

In sum, I think @Beans is saying it is distasteful that some immediately write off Kendrick’s song as frivolous, when not attempting to understand it first. Maybe beans thinks the rules of communication here is what is encouraging people to think negatively of Kendrick’s music right off the bat.

It’s a song, an art form, so it’s obviously not going to have the same rules of communication as this forum. That doesn’t mean the song is unintelligent of course. We could assume Kendrick would write a forum post differently than he would a song…so I’m hoping everyone could understand that point at least.

I don’t think Leo would compare the grammar of a forum post to a song either…


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30 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Tell me, if you are unable to adapt to a social situation and we are interested in potential explanations based on the personal characteristics of that person, what options are there?

I am not interested in explanations, there are enough books and information online to binge upon (and I get baited into them easily as well!). I am instead interested in pure understanding. 

The current method or model we’re framing this from is not sufficient enough to go deeper in our understanding. Instead, we will just continue to swim in our own self-reinforced deceptions. 

So, yeah, we’re in a pickle. In short, we’d have to surrender our notions of reality, if we are even open to do that to begin with.

This goes beyond human separation. We are working towards understanding our separation with Consciousness.


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1 minute ago, ricachica said:

In sum, I think @Beans is saying it is distasteful that some immediately write off Kendrick’s song as frivolous, when not attempting to understand it first. Maybe beans thinks the rules of communication here is what is encouraging people to think negatively of Kendrick’s music right off the bat.

It’s a song, an art form, so it’s obviously not going to have the same rules of communication as this forum. That doesn’t mean the song is unintelligent of course. We could assume Kendrick would write a forum post differently than he would a song…so I’m hoping everyone could understand that point at least.

I don’t think Leo would compare the grammar of a forum post to a song either…

Yeah. I was bamboozled by the context change from thinking it was Beans' thread on his general thoughts on grammar to it being a reply to a Kendrick Lamar thread. But also, ironically, he could have communicated it a bit better :>

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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44 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Yeah. I was bamboozled by the context change from thinking it was Beans' thread on his general thoughts on grammar to it being a reply to a Kendrick Lamar thread. But also, ironically, he could have communicated it a bit better :>

There is both Conscious Communication and Collective Confusion Co-Creating

B| (not a blind person, but someone who Cs Clearly!)

Edited by Yimpa


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1 hour ago, Carl-Richard said:

Would you listen to Kendrick Lamar if he sounded like theld9ck lgogø ek jxii7 gikbnk ognno ndeinnf pmfmkrnf gjgofi?

Nah, this is what this is for!



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57 minutes ago, Carl-Richard said:

Tell me, if you are unable to adapt to a social situation and we are interested in potential explanations based on the personal characteristics of that person, what options are there?

Some people aren’t able to adapt to social situations the same as others. 

there is nonverbal communication, sign language, etc. 

:)) “Love is curiosity“ - Nicolas Nuvan

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