
Are girls the lonelier sex?

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I've recently practiced public speaking where i presented a fake app for making friends and I asked the crowd how many of them where lonely. Almost everyone who raised their hands where girls and that was despite many of those girls being with a friend group.

Lets be honest guys, when men say that they are "lonely" that is really just code for "tired of spanking the monkey". I generally see girls crave the "connection" more, being appreciated and shit whereas guys care less about that seemingly. I don't think guys care as much about feeling felt and understood in the same way.

Now, the nature of loneliness is that you can be lonely in a group and not lonely alone. Its irrespective of how many people you are surrounded with at a time. This hints at loneliness being a psychological construct. Therefor, why is it that girls are seemingly more lonely on average?

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  On 11/24/2024 at 1:34 AM, Basman said:

I've recently practiced public speaking where i presented a fake app for making friends and I asked the crowd how many of them where lonely. Almost everyone who raised their hands where girls and that was despite many of those girls being with a friend group.

Lets be honest guys, when men say that they are "lonely" that is really just code for "tired of spanking the monkey". I generally see girls crave the "connection" more, being appreciated and shit whereas guys care less about that seemingly. I don't think guys care as much about feeling felt and understood in the same way.

Now, the nature of loneliness is that you can be lonely in a group and not lonely alone. Its irrespective of how many people you are surrounded with at a time. This hints at loneliness being a psychological construct. Therefor, why is it that girls are seemingly more lonely on average?

Women and men seem to experience the same rates of loneliness (with no contextualization of what that loneliness is), but women have more friends and are less likely to have no friends than men.

The reason why more women raised their hands might be because women are more willing to admit when they feel lonely.

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These are generalizations based off of what I've observed.

My perception is that men tend to be more lonely because they're less likely to develop social connections with the broader community in general and more likely to think of themselves as independent/loners.

And there's this belief that men should be strong and not need anyone. And men might be less likely to reach out to others fro support.

So, I think it may be the case that women are more likely to feel their loneliness and acknowledge it. But men may not acknowledge or share because they believe they shouldn't feel lonely or need anyone.

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Women need to be more social because their survival requires it.

Women are oriented towards people. Men are oriented towards things and abstractions. So of course a woman will feel more lonely if she is unable to be social. But in practice she will be more social than men and not feel lonely because her entire life already revolves around other people while a man's does not.

Edited by Leo Gura

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It's never that simple. There are also some women that need to socialize less than others. Women might have more access to social gatherings, but we also desire it more. And men might have less need for it, but there's also less resources to support men. But that doesn't make men's needs any less important.

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Yes they are. The idea or thought that women socialize a lot is a myth spread by men so that men can easily play victim and portray themselves as lonelier than women. 

It's a sick manipulation invented by men soaked in red pill. 

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  On 11/24/2024 at 11:15 AM, Buck Edwards said:

Yes they are. The idea or thought that women socialize a lot is a myth spread by men so that men can easily play victim and portray themselves as lonelier than women. 

It's a sick manipulation invented by men soaked in red pill. 

You are buying into gender culture wars.

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Look at whos killing themselves. Why do people kill themselves? Because they are lonely and have no hope. Men are lonelier they just wont admit it because we are trained to not admit it. If you ask a man and a woman if they are sad and they are equally sad a woman will say they are sad first and the man will wallow in sadness and say hes fine. A man knows there is no one there to help his sadness a woman thinks there is.

Edited by Hojo

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  On 11/24/2024 at 1:40 PM, Hojo said:

Look at whos killing themselves. Why do people kill themselves? Because they are lonely and have no hope. Men are lonelier they just wont admit it because we are trained to not admit it. If you ask a man and a woman if they are sad and they are equally sad a woman will say they are sad first and the man will wallow in sadness and say hes fine. A man knows there is no one there to help his sadness a woman thinks there is.

Do you need to be lonely to be hopeless?

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  On 11/24/2024 at 7:02 AM, Leo Gura said:

Women need to be more social because their survival requires it.

Women are oriented towards people. Men are oriented towards things and abstractions. So of course a woman will feel more lonely if she is unable to be social. But in practice she will be more social than men and not feel lonely because her entire life already revolves around other people while a man's does not.

Men's survival requires it just as much as women's. Men often just don't realize it and go numb to these needs because of certain contemporary narratives around individualism, self-sufficiency, and being the lone wolf.

But these narratives aren't that old.

For 97.5% of the run-time of our species, we lived in small nomadic groups that relied on each other for survival. And 2.5% of the run-time of our species, we lived in tight-knit agrarian communities that relied on each other for survival and had shared community and rituals for everything.

And even now (over the past couple hundred years) in industrial and post-industrial times, we still rely on others for survival. We're just more spread out and socialize less often. And we don't cultivate the community element very well.

There's never been a time where a large number of solitary men have gone out in the wilderness to hack it on their own. And so, men have never evolved the wiring to exist and survive outside of a social context.

Our wiring is still nomadic and communal.

It's only pop cultural narratives and myths that make that seem like being a lone wolf without a social circle is viable option for men.

And it's a dangerous narrative as well that leads to men to isolating themselves and not acknowledging their needs for connection and community. And then we end up with the political mess we're in right now because all of that male pain and sadness has to go somewhere.

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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  On 11/24/2024 at 5:57 PM, Emerald said:

Men's survival requires it just as much as women's.

Your explaination does not account for why women are more social than men.

Women are more social because their survival requires it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Men also require community to survive but not to the same extend as women. A women without protection is an easy victim especially for rape. Men need to fear that a lot less because they dont give birth plus they have more muscle to protect themselves. Generally you could get more out of abusing a women while its also easier. 

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  On 11/24/2024 at 5:57 PM, Emerald said:

Men's survival requires it just as much as women's. Men often just don't realize it and go numb to these needs because of certain contemporary narratives around individualism, self-sufficiency, and being the lone wolf.

But these narratives aren't that old.

For 97.5% of the run-time of our species, we lived in small nomadic groups that relied on each other for survival. And 2.5% of the run-time of our species, we lived in tight-knit agrarian communities that relied on each other for survival and had shared community and rituals for everything.

And even now (over the past couple hundred years) in industrial and post-industrial times, we still rely on others for survival. We're just more spread out and socialize less often. And we don't cultivate the community element very well.

There's never been a time where a large number of solitary men have gone out in the wilderness to hack it on their own. And so, men have never evolved the wiring to exist and survive outside of a social context.

Our wiring is still nomadic and communal.

It's only pop cultural narratives and myths that make that seem like being a lone wolf without a social circle is viable option for men.

And it's a dangerous narrative as well that leads to men to isolating themselves and not acknowledging their needs for connection and community. And then we end up with the political mess we're in right now because all of that male pain and sadness has to go somewhere.

But studies find girls are better at reading non verbal cues and emotional states indicating the evolved to be more socially aware then men 

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Loneliness has no biases and is not based on gender. It can take shape or form in any sex. Circumstances is what makes for more than the other. Also, how one sees feeling lonely. To me a better question would be how the respective sexes view the feeling of loneliness. It can attach itself to both sexes equally. Maybe more either way. Remember, it is fluid and not permanent, so it keeps on moving from person to person. It's a feeling that comes and goes. One can be married or in the company of others and still feel lonely or be by themselves and not feel lonely. I don't see it as a gender issue, but a response issue. How one responds to their life circumstances and the feelings that accompanies that. It is not easy to say which gender it affects more as the feeling of loneliness can be suppressed and can hide in many shapes in the form of distractions. Take away the distractions from either sex and you might find more from either sex raising their hands. It can be well hidden. 

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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Obviously, women depend much more on social resources for survival because their bodies are adapted for birthing human children, one of the most complicated and costly mammalian birthing processes. A female cat can get pregnant multiple times at once, giving birth to an entire litter, and still independently survive whereas a pregnant human women won't have the same capability for survival on their own.

Women's prosperity in a society depend on men, hence why feminism only happens in countries that are of a certain level of development culturally and technologically. Women can be practically independent today because their protection has been outsourced to the government via the police and the military.

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Girls definitely need to be more social and rely on it a lot more. 

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When your consiousness expands on psychedelics you will feel true loneliness. When you realise your all alone in this world. Women should stay away from psychedelics if they feel lonely sober. 

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Men are socials and can suffer from loneliness.

It’s just that we prefer giving/caring over to receive/being cared comparatively to women.

Nothing will prevent Willy.

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