
Why does practically no one care about Physics^Spiritualtiy?

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Why does practically no one care about the intersection between physics and spirituality?

Leo, of course, has a very well prepared answer to this. The answer is that the modern scientific establishment, which is a giant mass of self validating authority, cannot move beyond its materialist paradigm and start to consider the importance of the observer as part of the physical systems they are studying. (Someone correct me if I didn't get this right).

The trouble for me is that even given this explanation, there are no "wackos", no "fringe" or "pseudo" scientist, no internet conspiracy theorists, NO ONE who have both a deep understanding of spirituality and physics, and also have a humble respect for truth and epistemology. Of course, you have to exert zero effort to find someone who claims to be studying, or has found some theory of everything which ties together biology, consciousness, the standard model, GR, and God into one self consistent theory with a nice little bow on top. Whenever I find someone with this type of claim though, the theory will be either utter speculation (neither based on direct experience nor experimental observations), supper narrow in scope (for example, a mathematical framework to tie together QFT and GR), or a leap from some physical phenomenon to consciousness with absolutely no logic or critical thinking in between (for example, Roger Penrose positing that consciousness arises from quantum effects in the brain. Anyone who has perused spirituality deeply will know that this is definitely wrong, because consciousness does not arise from physical phenomena but instead is responsible for those phenomena. Penrose is about as academic establishment scientist as you can get though). 

So like, can we please find one person who for example:

1. Knows that they are god, and all of reality is part of their mind. In other words they have discovered absolute truth.

2. Understands the mathematics and logic behind physical theories like general relativity and quantum field theory.

3. Seeks to use their understanding of these two fields to build a cohesive model of the universe. Starting from the one absolute truth and from there deriving all the relative truths that we know and love today.


I mean, this is definitely a big ask, but at the same time you would expect to see a couple people working on this. In reality though, there are NONE. I think someone might be able to to point out a couple contenders for people trying to work on this, such as Christopher Lanigan or maybe Joseph Campbell. But their theories are unsatisfactory to me. So I'm going to try to be as clear as possible as to what I'm looking for:

I want an explanation of everything, nothing less. I want someone to be able to take the unopinionated ground truth of all of reality, which is nonduality, god, consciousness itself, or whatever you want to call it. I want the theory to start from 0. From nothing. From the point of total nothingness and ending in the exact nature of the reality which we see before our eyes today. A theory like this would be totally logical and be based on subjective experience of absolute truth at the most basic level. From this point, I want to be able to describe the nature of our conscious experience, and the objective reality which we seem to be experiencing living in. I want U(1)xSU(2)xSU(3) symmetry to be explained, and I want every physical phenomenon in the whole universe to be able to be explained.

I don't really see anyone who has a really good understanding of the foundations of physics right now and at the same time has a really good understand of consciousness and absolute truth. Personally, I have what I would consider a surface level understanding of both of these things. I'm working on it myself, but I don't see anyone else who I would consider to be like me. I have spent some time at a Buddhist monastery so far, and I have bachelors in mathematics and physics, but I have waaay more work to do before I really even know the exact questions to ask.

Anyway, all the theoretical physicists today are materialists and if they are talking about consciousness it's because they want to be trendy, but really they have no idea what they are talking about once they get away from physics. All mystics I know of who know about direct experience of absolute truth seem to not really care about physics, or have a very lazy understanding of it.

So yeah this was just a rant let me know what you think.

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I can name several who fit your description: Dan Winter, Nassim Haramein, Klee Irwin, Ken Wheeler, Paul Stamets, and Rupert Sheldrake; My favorite of which is Dan Winter, whose research is most important right now in my opinion.

Dan Winter's focus is on the origin of self-organization itself; the physics of how energy becomes negentropic and center-seeking, and why gravity exists in the first place! He also focuses on the science  of consciousness and how information/energy becomes self-aware, the physics of the soul and healing energy.

At the heart of all his research is the golden-ratio, which is self-similarity perfected, aka perfected fractality.

Phi (aka The Golden Ratio) is the ONLY number that does THIS:


So then, as the age-old question asked by every child at some point goes:

Why do objects fall to the ground? 🍎

Say you have a drain at the bottom of the ocean. You pull the plug to the ocean drain, and a column of water directly above the drain begins to fall, and instantly begins to spiral inwards as all the water molecules begin to fill the space and accelerate toward the zero-point. The rate at which transverse waves along the surface of propagate begin to accelerate as the water molecules collide and accelerate one another and compress into the zero-point of the whirlpool. 

This is exactly what's happening with the spacetime medium/ether, only instead of having the column of water falling in the downward direction, the waves of charge moving through the ether are is falling in the inward direction due to the shrinking of the wave and it's information content.

There's a whole-new dimension right under our noses that we've overlooked, and it's called negentropy/entropy aka inward/outward! Mystics know full well that an entire dimension lives within each self, and mystical cosmologists will recognize the entire universe as a holographic reflection of the self, wherein each part, each atom contains the whole Universe!

Thanks to a process called Golden Ratio Phase Conjugation, the shape/information encoded in waves of charge can be compressed and organized infinitely according to the geometric principles of perfected self-similarity, without any loss of Inertia! 

It is for this reason you should consider inward/outward another direction in space/time, in addition to up/down, left/right, forward/backward, because in the same way these directions extend infinitely out in space, they similarly extend inward into information space (called time/space) where information can be compressed and expanded infinitely across the scales of the Cosmos.

Fractal Charge Collapse, or Golden Ratio Phase Conjugation is the self-organizing process that place at the entry and exit point of every electromagnetic toroidal vortex formed by the flow of charge, in which two pinecone-vortex cones meet and "kiss-noses" and converge into the center, enabling and createling the geometric structure of hydrogen. There is a fractal resonance pattern created by waves called The Golden Angle where transverse Light waves constructively add and multiply their wave phase velocities acceleration at the golden ratio exponents of the plank length.

In order for the acceleration of charge to occur, the electromagnetic waves must simultaneously ADD and MULTIPLY in order to produce only CONSTRUCTIVE interference, resulting in the redirection of all motion towards the center!

Only the Golden Angle charge compression trajectory allows the phase velocities to interfere/heterodyne recursively and constructively.

Therefore, only the golden ratio geometry turns transverse waves of charge into acceleration of the charge phase velocity towards the center of the proton/neutron/electron.

Since ONLY golden ratio allows recursive interference to be constructive interference, by adding AND multiplying in arithmetic and geometric progression, this is why golden ratio phase conjugation turns charge compression, into constructive interference, into charge acceleration toward the center in a process we call Gravity.

Not only do the wave lengths and frequencies add and multiply recursively constructively, BUT so do the wave PHASE VELOCITIES add and multiply constructively. The result is that a portion of the charge interference experiences ACCELERATION of charge – (toward center), produced because the geometry of compression was perfected (golden ratio phase conjugate). THAT acceleration of charge toward center caused of golden ratio phase conjugation is the single cause of gravity.

Using Dan Winter's simple equation: Plank Length ℓp × Golden Ratio φ^116

Plank Length times Golden Ratio raised to the power of 116 equals the first atomic radii of hydrogen!

Plank Length multiples of the golden ratio raised to ^116, ^117, ^118, accurately predict the first three atomic radii of the Hydrogen atom!


Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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5 hours ago, Ninja_pig said:

The trouble for me is that even given this explanation, there are no "wackos", no "fringe" or "pseudo" scientist, no internet conspiracy theorists, NO ONE who have both a deep understanding of spirituality and physics, and also have a humble respect for truth and epistemology.

Literally Thomas Campbell.

There are wackos, but you will not know about them because what you know is what is popular and mainstream.

But yeah, it is rare because you are asking for someone to master two totally different and even adversarial domains.

It's like you're asking why there are no hippie vegans working in a butchershop, or woke pacificst progressives working in the Navy Seals.

Mastering quantum physics requires 10 years of academic PhD training. And by the time you have invested that much time and money, speaking about God will just get you blacklisted as an unscientific crackpot who no one in academia should ever read, hire, fund, or work with. It would be career suicide. And that 10 years of training will brainwash you so deeply with materialism that you will never understand God.

And it's not like a new theory of quantum physics would be accessible to you or any laymen. So you would find it unsatisying too.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Many scientists, for example Einstein, think that reality is a conscious entity that organizes itself in complex patterns. This does not contradict science, science dissects reality to understand it, in no case does it deny God. 

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