
Truth as a value

3 posts in this topic

I am re-doing the life purpose course at the moment (after 7 years) and ran into a difficulty with one value exercise. 

It asks to craft a short concise definition for the value and to answer questions like 

-What exactly does this mean to me? 
-What would it look like tangibly? 
-How would I know if I embody this value? 

Being very specific, concrete and tangible seems to be easier with some values like Health or Adventure than with others like Truth or Love. 

As Truth and Love are some of my top values I was wondering how to go about answering these questions. 

As it feels like the quest and pursuit of Truth and Love is a lifelong journey. Hard to grasp. 

So I'm curious. 

What does Truth mean to you? 

What does it look like tangibly? 

And how do you know that you embody this value? 

I came up with my own answers already but would love to hear your perspectives first. 


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Truth with a capital "T" means something that is not a matter of opinion, relativity, concept, or perspective. Absolute truth is just base reality with no additional material or ideas.

Tangibly, this will look like a direct experience not stemming or subject to words or concepts. Any attempt to contain absolute truth within a concept will fail because then it becomes an object of the mind which is merely a form of information. Absolute truth is beyond the mind and beyond all concepts, but it is also totally undeniable once realized directly.

It will be quite easy to know when you embody this value, as in a direct experience of the truth, although it may be difficult to realize all the implications of your experience. There will be no room for doubt in your mind. You are done when you are done.

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Can you love satan? Embodying what you hate, for some reason ain’t no spiritual or religious practitioner got time for that. Human beings are constantly deluding themselves to be a particular way.

My point being: notice when you believe that reality has to be one way for it to be true and not any other ways.

I AM Godzilla

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