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Vibrational Energy & Frequency

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I've been doing a deep dive for a little over a year now on; LOA & Vibrational Energy, and Frequency.....I've been more recently been listening to Joe Dispenza on said topics and am a bit fascinated about it.

Assuming that everything made up in our physical realm is all vibration and unable to be seen by the naked eye.... and that if we ourselves our able to align with certain frequencies/vibrations to be able to attract the things we most desire such as; Love, Money, Success, etc.... how do we know for certain we are in that state of vibration to be able to accept these things.... how will we know?

I suppose my question is..... is it easier said than done? and has anyone ever had any experience using frequencies to get money/windfalls/love / Career/ etc....?

money has its own vibration.

love has its own

so on and so on .... how does it all work?


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Yes, but it has nuances. It's mostly about your feelings within your internal world and your identity, as well as how judgmental or forgiving you are. 

I did notice that my life reflects my inner state and identity, but the state and identity have to be changed from the core, not surface-level change, like affirmations, trying to feel good, repeating positive thoughts, etc.

True change and true happiness come from BEING. I believe the optimal way to manifest your dream life is to completely let go of all control and simply effortlessly form, Trusting that all is well because I feel well and this world is just a shadow of my inner state because it's inside of me too. It's my dream.  It's inside of my mind. It's a hallucination. I need to feel full and happy and peaceful, and the dream will reflect that state in various symbols within the dream, be it finances, relationships, or many other things.



Edited by CoolDreamThanks

"Whoever has come to understand the world has found merely a corpse, and whoever has found a corpse, of that one the world is no longer worthy." - Jesus

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Everything physical has a spiritual side to it aswell. The condition of your relationships has a spiritual side to it, the condition of your health, success, money, etc they have a spiritual side it. "As above so below" kind of thing. 

Your conciousness is what mainly determines your reality. Love conciousness, for example, has certain qualities like abundance, glory, holyness, creativity, service (right carrier), wholeness, health, loving relationships. So if you're in Christ/love conciousness these qualities will tend to manifest in life aswell. 

Ego conciousness has its own qualities mainly sense of lack and inner conflict. So this conciousness creates a reality full of inner outer conflicts and problems with lack, disease etc.

As you change your conciousness (or rise your frequency as some would say) , you change your life. The limiting beliefs and ego structure is mainly what keeps the frequency of your Being lower than it should be. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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