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Kuba Powiertowski

Simply realize this.

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Every method and its effects in the form of self-realization are a trap in themselves, the moment the mind welds itself to them. Every realization, even the one that seems absolute, is only an individualized perspective, a point of view of perception in an infinite matrix of more or less momentary entities like you and me. No one holds the key to the only exit door. There is no absolute truth that you have to discover. Just realize that you are one of the manifestations of infinite existence experiencing relationships with other manifestations in a certain context. That's all. Everyone is a unique, unrepeatable path of self-knowledge. No one and nothing is better than someone or something else. Everything is fine as it is. Realize this continuously, with all available methods (and create new ones, yours) with your entire being, and the illusion of fear that traps you in this truly diabolical role will slowly begin to dissipate like morning mist.

The only key is your perseverance.

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The title sounds like something Mooji says in a meditation and I read the title in his voice

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There are levels of egoic density, fear, self-protection, identification, mental noise and madness. there is the very high level of the neurotic addict who lives constantly in the next minute fleeing forward in his addiction and madness, and the low level that approaches zero of the one who is here and now, open to the total reality of the eternal present, with the mind in silence and the heart open to the unfathomable. They are two very different ways of being. It's not that one is "better" than the other, but one is full of suffering and the other is not.

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@Breakingthewall suffering is necessary. When it's properly recognized and kept in relative space of your awarness, it keeps you awaken and focused. Avoiding suffering which is often confused with transcendence of suffering is a trap. Nothing here is what it seems to be. This dimension is a level master deception. To transcend suffering, to transcend fear you need to stop playing human role. That is what most of sages show to us. As Osho once said: "your saints were not human". You need to fully consciuosly, while being here, playing this human role, stop playing it. Without any judgment, resentment, resistance, with peace in your mind and love in your heart. I don't think there is any other way to get out of this maze. That's the reason why you voluntary imprisoned yourself here under this hypnosis. Maybe...


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@Kuba Powiertowski as long as breathing, you are a human being as a self. However, there is a way to transcend all the fear, that is not attachment with thoughts, which creates attachment with so called thinking. If you do not think at all, will not suffer certainly. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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6 hours ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Breakingthewall suffering is necessary. When it's properly recognized and kept in relative space of your awarness, it keeps you awaken and focused. Avoiding suffering which is often confused with transcendence of suffering is a trap. Nothing here is what it seems to be. This dimension is a level master deception. To transcend suffering, to transcend fear you need to stop playing human role. That is what most of sages show to us. As Osho once said: "your saints were not human". You need to fully consciuosly, while being here, playing this human role, stop playing it. Without any judgment, resentment, resistance, with peace in your mind and love in your heart. I don't think there is any other way to get out of this maze. That's the reason why you voluntary imprisoned yourself here under this hypnosis. Maybe...


Suffering and fear are the glue that keeps this experience stable. Without them everything would be chaos, this level of complexity would be impossible 

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