
How to deal with "insanity"? Please help!

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I've been getting more and more into spirituality to change myself for the better. In the last few weeks I've been ultra focused on being the observer, and distancing myself from the body (e.g. neti, neti method). I figured that the Neti Neti method would distance myself enough that I could act freely in the world and not be inhibited by fear and old habits. 

However, I've become unbalanced and feel like I'm going crazy now. I've had to take some time off work due to this (and maybe some burn out too). I haven't done a psychedelic in over a year. My mind races and feels unstable and I'm getting small anxiety attacks about "nothing being real".

Other than taking a break from spirituality, and doing normal things like excersizing, socializing, and eating healthy, does anyone have any other advice? My doctor recommended chill pills and antianxiety meds and a psychologist. I don't want to go to the psych ward and I want to get back to work.

Thank you!



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It would be wise to work on your health issues. It seems like you need extra help at this time, which you are avoiding. 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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9 minutes ago, enchanted said:

I'm getting small anxiety attacks

Try conscious breathing, my friend! Consider getting back to worldly things and relationships and working for a while, despite the pull. 

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@enchanted Pay attention to what you are doing with the mind, are you intruding on your thoughts? Are you arguing with yourself? Don't touch thoughts at all.

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26 minutes ago, enchanted said:

I've been getting more and more into spirituality to change myself for the better. In the last few weeks I've been ultra focused on being the observer, and distancing myself from the body (e.g. neti, neti method). I figured that the Neti Neti method would distance myself enough that I could act freely in the world and not be inhibited by fear and old habits. 

However, I've become unbalanced and feel like I'm going crazy now. I've had to take some time off work due to this (and maybe some burn out too). I haven't done a psychedelic in over a year. My mind races and feels unstable and I'm getting small anxiety attacks about "nothing being real".

Other than taking a break from spirituality, and doing normal things like excersizing, socializing, and eating healthy, does anyone have any other advice? My doctor recommended chill pills and antianxiety meds and a psychologist. I don't want to go to the psych ward and I want to get back to work.

Thank you!



İ was in the same shoes with you. Know that, max you will die and Let Go! Surrender!!!

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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30 minutes ago, enchanted said:

I've been getting more and more into spirituality to change myself for the better. In the last few weeks I've been ultra focused on being the observer, and distancing myself from the body (e.g. neti, neti method). I figured that the Neti Neti method would distance myself enough that I could act freely in the world and not be inhibited by fear and old habits. 

However, I've become unbalanced and feel like I'm going crazy now. I've had to take some time off work due to this (and maybe some burn out too). I haven't done a psychedelic in over a year. My mind races and feels unstable and I'm getting small anxiety attacks about "nothing being real".

Other than taking a break from spirituality, and doing normal things like excersizing, socializing, and eating healthy, does anyone have any other advice? My doctor recommended chill pills and antianxiety meds and a psychologist. I don't want to go to the psych ward and I want to get back to work.

Thank you!



I don't recommend the Neti-Neti method for letting go of fear. States of insanity are generated by high amounts of fear, I recommend laying off the other spiritual practices and only focusing on investigating into your fears. Do the investigations from a neutral observation, you don't need to engage very much in the investigations, just ask the questions and the answers and results come automatically. If the investigations into your negative fear based beliefs make the fear worse, I recommend just taking a break from all spiritual practice altogether until you re-stabilize. 

Edited by Da77en

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Maybe watch some comedies or Netflix series etc. Or light entertainment like Seinfeld, Simpsons, Friends etc.

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49 minutes ago, Yimpa said:

It would be wise to work on your health issues. It seems like you need extra help at this time, which you are avoiding. 

What kind of help are you referring to? 

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33 minutes ago, James123 said:

İ was in the same shoes with you. Know that, max you will die and Let Go! Surrender!!!

Thanks good to know! I am assuming you got better? 

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I have compiled a list of techniques for providing relief during spiritual emergencies, based on personal experience. The items in the list are ranked in order of significance. You should also obviously discontinue any form of spiritual practice when using these techniques:

On 21.8.2024 at 11:25 PM, Carl-Richard said:

Your goal is to reinstate a suitable level of contracted energy in all of your daily behaviors: 

  • Perpetually tighten the left side of your abdomen (even when falling asleep)
  • Learn to adopt slightly sub-optimal postures, e.g. walking or sitting hunched-over
  • Constantly distract yourself, e.g. with your phone or with thinking
  • When sleeping, sleep on your stomach and switch sides if your mind becomes too quiet.
  • Masturbate regularly, minimum once a week if you're in your 20s or 30s
  • Eat large meals with nutritious foods (proper ratio of carbs, fats, proteins, fiber); try to overeat.
  • Avoid strong daylight when possible
  • Challenge yourself, do difficult things, adopt responsibilities, set goals
  • Go to the gym


Again, based on my experience (although it could be different for you), be very careful asking AI for "tips on providing relief for oneself during a spiritual emergency"; it seems quite clueless on this. Other than what it says about engaging in spiritual practices, it has some useful tips. There are other real sources on providing relief during spiritual emergencies that mention some of the same advice I give. Maybe you can look more into those.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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4 minutes ago, enchanted said:

Thanks good to know! I am assuming you got better? 

There is no more me anymore. I have realize that me was the reason of suffering. I let him alone :)

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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It is great.

Ask yourself who is the One asking these questions here?

Are you the one asking?

Or can you observe the one asking these questions?

Rationality is Stupidity, Love is Rationality

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49 minutes ago, Da77en said:

I don't recommend the Neti-Neti method for letting go of fear. States of insanity are generated by high amounts of fear, I recommend laying off the other spiritual practices and only focusing on investigating into your fears. Do the investigations from a neutral observation, you don't need to engage very much in the investigations, just ask the questions and the answers and results come automatically. If the investigations into your negative fear based beliefs make the fear worse, I recommend just taking a break from all spiritual practice altogether until you re-stabilize. 


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@enchanted No problem, I've gone through the most insane states. The high amounts of fear is actually a good sign that you are breaking through limitations within your consciousness. It's just important to stabilize, re-align, and eventually let go of the fears altogether.

The investigations don't necessarily need to be done in a meditative state. It's usually more effective when done in a meditative state but the investigations can be done throughout the day.

Edited by Da77en

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On 11/19/2024 at 0:41 PM, Da77en said:

I don't recommend the Neti-Neti method for letting go of fear. States of insanity are generated by high amounts of fear, I recommend laying off the other spiritual practices and only focusing on investigating into your fears. Do the investigations from a neutral observation, you don't need to engage very much in the investigations, just ask the questions and the answers and results come automatically. If the investigations into your negative fear based beliefs make the fear worse, I recommend just taking a break from all spiritual practice altogether until you re-stabilize. 

^^^I agree with this post. Good stuff.

You are a selfless LACK OF APPEARANCE, that CONSTRUCTS AN APPEARANCE. But that appearance can disappear and reappear and we call that change, we call it time, we call it space, we call it distance, we call distinctness, we call it other. But notice...this appearance, is a SELF. A SELF IS A CONSTRUCTION!!! 

So if you want to know the TRUTH OF THE CONSTRUCTION. Just deconstruct the construction!!!! No point in playing these mind games!!! No point in creating needless complexity!!! The truth of what you are is a BLANK!!!! A selfless awareness....then that means there is NO OTHER, and everything you have ever perceived was JUST AN APPEARANCE, A MIRAGE, AN ILLUSION, IMAGINARY. 

Everything that appears....appears out of a lack of appearance/void/no-thing, non-sense (can't be sensed because there is nothing to sense). That is what you are, and what arises...is made of that. So nonexistence, arises/creates existence. And thus everything is solved.

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On 11/19/2024 at 1:19 PM, James123 said:

There is no more me anymore. I have realize that me was the reason of suffering. I let him alone :)

Enjoy the new character. Seems like fun for the I. The mind is having a ball with the "him".

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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1 hour ago, Princess Arabia said:

Enjoy the new character. Seems like fun for the I. The mind is having a ball with the "him".

You are crazy :)

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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Just give it time. This kind of stuff usually passes with a few weeks of focusing on other things. Don't dwell on it. Do other things.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I'd recommend checking out a guided Wim Hof Method video if you haven't already tried it. 

Focus on your breath by treating it like a running exercise where improvement is made by properly pacing yourself, balancing each stride/breath for improved congruence, momentum and stability.

Some people struggle to breath for one reason or another so this video's mechanical pace and structure are ill suited for them and it becomes more difficult to breath naturally (to avoid overexertion/injury)  without some personalized feedback: Guided Wim Hof Method Breathing

I find it difficult to remain dedicated or focused to individually count from 1-40 chained breaths with no inhale or exhale gap (begin breathing opposite direction without pausing, (not by jerking forcefully just by leaving no time gap between breaths)). Once a distraction hits you, you will pause briefly between breaths until you catch yourself doing it or give up. That's why I find this guided breathing video so helpful, it takes me through the process more unconsciously. The homeostasis that's broken between C02 and O2 levels in the body shocks the nervous system into a panic that overreacts in a way to stimulate dormant cells. Similar to an inflammation but for the stuff that helps regulate the body instead, winds up overriding the minds distress and "taking back control" (resetting the nervous system). It's almost as if going into a dream and reawakening, it is has a rejuvenating effect. 


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