
If You Voted For Trump or RFK, You Aren’t Awake

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It is appalling how many people voted for Trump. We never learn from history. How could America choose Trump again is actually surprising to me despite all he’s done.

One woman I talked to even said that Trump is not a convicted felon because “how could he even vote?” I responded with the fact that some states allow exceptions in some felony cases. People are so misinformed. You can be a felon and still vote and still be employed.

My bigger point is that to even vote for Trump implies that you are seriously misinformed about something. You can never awaken if you vote for Trump because to even vote for him implies having an unawakened mind full of devilry and bias. 

No amount of meditation will awaken you. You can still vote for Trump regardless of how many times you count your breaths.

Contemplation seems like a better method because at some point, you will reach the conclusion that the only reason people voted for Trump was for selfish reasons. They don’t really care about anything deeper than their own walled garden.

Prove me wrong.

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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Spirituality and politics are unique domains of understanding.

Expect that you will have to specifically work at each individually. 


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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1 minute ago, aurum said:

Spirituality and politics are unique domains of understanding.

Expect that you will have to specifically work at each individually.

This is a much appreciated post. To conceptually tie accessing higher states of consciousness strictly into one's voting booth choices would be be a massive error in my opinion. But I know not everyone on the forum agrees with me.

Edited by What Am I

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Who you vote for is a representation of your level of consciousness. You think Jesus or Gandhi would vote for Trump? Politics and spirituality are one as was proven with Gandhi movement. Look at any spiritual path and you will find politics. Jesus was killed because of politics. Think about that. No spirituality without politics.

Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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8 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

Who you vote for is a representation of your level of consciousness. You think Jesus or Gandhi would vote for Trump? Politics and spirituality are one as was proven with Gandhi movement.

Things are not so clear-cut. A bunch of modern spiritual figures who've proven their mettle in awareness-based skill have leaned towards Trump, as well as displaying anti-establishment tendencies in general. Gandhi very well may have done the same, were he around now.

You're obviously free to have your own political opinions, but laying claim to the domain of consciousness itself based on them is a bit much to me.

Edited by What Am I

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4 minutes ago, r0ckyreed said:

Who you vote for is a representation of your level of consciousness. You think Jesus or Gandhi would vote for Trump? Politics and spirituality are one as was proven with Gandhi movement. Look at any spiritual path and you will find politics. Jesus was killed because of politics. Think about that. No spirituality without politics.

Jesus or Ghandi could have been sitting a cave for the last 30 years.

In that case, they wouldn't even know who Trump is. They would be totally ignorant on all political issues.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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1 hour ago, r0ckyreed said:


My bigger point is that to even vote for Trump implies that you are seriously misinformed about something. You can never awaken if you vote for Trump because to even vote for him implies having an unawakened mind full of devilry and bias. 

Yeah yeah, informed about the leftist biased mainstream media (fake news, sorry I had to say it).

Tell me, how much interviews, podcasts and rallys have you watched of Trump?

Have you actually listened to the guy long enough to hear his perspective? Or you just listen the opinions-hate from your cherry picked leftist media?

You would be surprised. Don´t think you are so smart.


Who you vote for is a representation of your level of consciousness. You think Jesus or Gandhi would vote for Trump? Politics and spirituality are one as was proven with Gandhi movement. Look at any spiritual path and you will find politics. Jesus was killed because of politics. Think about that. No spirituality without politics.

🤦 The fuck am I reading brother.

For starters no, your level of consciousness hasn´t nothing to do with voting one party or the other.

This is stuff Leo said that you guys just believe it blindly, that crap about if you are more conscious you will vote the left, lol, he couldn´t get it was his own self bias saying such nonsense.

Edited by Javfly33

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Btw, in the last podcast of Theo Vonn with Trump, he said he hasn´t EVER drank alcohol or taken drugs.

Most of us in this forum can not say the same. Probably Biden or Kamala neither can say that. 

So be proud you have a President in your country that has a guaranteed much more clear mind than average person nowadays. 👏

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1 minute ago, Javfly33 said:

Btw, in the last podcast of Theo Vonn with Trump, he said he hasn´t EVER drank alcohol or taken drugs.

Most of us in this forum can not say the same. Probably Biden or Kamala neither can say that. 

So be proud you have a President in your country that has a guaranteed much more clear mind than average person nowadays. 👏

It’s not necessarily a good thing imo to never have drank or tried drugs. It’s not good nor bad. 

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1 minute ago, PurpleTree said:

It’s not necessarily a good thing imo to never have drank or tried drugs. It’s not good nor bad. 

Is not about the past but rather that just tells you he won't be picking any habit at his age so basically you have guaranteed that it will be like that until he dies.

If you are leading a country is absolutely important your mind is the least intoxicated and is clear as it can be. 

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6 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

Is not about the past but rather that just tells you he won't be picking any habit at his age so basically you have guaranteed that it will be like that until he dies.

If you are leading a country is absolutely important your mind is the least intoxicated and is clear as it can be. 

I‘d rather have a president who tried or is open to trying psychedelics.

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Well, I think it's important to realize that they're not required to like Trump. And they're probably not wrong in some of their critiques. They even have a right to proclaim that voting for Trump is tantamount to being an unevolved monkey with barely any capacity for spiritual self-reflection whatsoever.

All of that is fine, but it's also fair to point out that it's clearly inaccurate where access to awareness-based skill is concerned. A non-Trump voter does not a spiritual master make. How nice if it would be so easy!

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Is this what awakened church ladies sounds like?   

Vincit omnia Veritas.

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

Btw, in the last podcast of Theo Vonn with Trump, he said he hasn´t EVER drank alcohol or taken drugs.

Most of us in this forum can not say the same. Probably Biden or Kamala neither can say that. 

So be proud you have a President in your country that has a guaranteed much more clear mind than average person nowadays. 👏

Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian; what an enlightened, high-conscious leader who refused to harm animals 🥰

“All you need is Love” - John Lennon

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1 hour ago, Javfly33 said:

For starters no, your level of consciousness hasn´t nothing to do with voting one party or the other.


Of course, it has, lol. If you misunderstand an important topic, you will vote for someone who also misunderstands this topic. If you understand an important topic, you will vote for someone who also understands this topic. If you don't worry about integrity, you won't have a problem for voting someone who lacks this characteristic. If you value it, on the other hand because you understand it is important, you will be probably more selective for who gets your vote. Does that make sense for you?

You vote for people and parties who reflect your values and priorities. It is btw no coincidence that if you look at graphs of the most conscious countries (like wester Europe and the Scandinavian countries.) The support of trump is very narrow, in Denmark it is for example at 4%. And no, I don't believe blindly what Leo tells. But I don't care what Trump tells on some podcasts. What I care about is what he has done, does and how he presents himself, and that that should be more than enough to figure out why he shouldn't even be near a position of power.

Edited by eliasvelez

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Supporting Trump isn't so much about political knowledge/development as it is discernment. If you want to vote against the left because you think they're the greater evil, you don't have discernment.

Discernment is a key trait among the top spiritual teachers. You can't even begin to discuss Trump's policies because he's a con artist. Only those lacking discernment would discuss the merits of and show support for a con artist. 

If you think a verified con artist, who has a long history of conning, and has been recorded lying 30,000+ times is better than a status-quo politician who was caught lying 20 times, you clearly lack discernment. There's no way around it. If you had discernment, 1 hour's worth of watching Trump speak would tell you everything you need to know. If you walk away thinking "I like this guy" or "others are treating this man badly", you lack discernment. 

This has much more to do with understanding discernment, self-deception, logical fallacy, emotional reasoning, etc, than it does with understanding politics. 

Edited by Joshe

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Awakening and development are distinct things. One could be awake but not developed. Furthermore, political development and maturity is its own special line of development. So one could be well developed in certain ways but a political idiot. Most spiritual people are political idiots because serious political understanding requires a decade or more of study, research, and contemplation. And most spirituality discourages people from serious thinking.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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18 minutes ago, Joshe said:

Supporting Trump isn't so much about political knowledge/development as it is discernment. If you want to vote against the left because you think they're the greater evil, you don't have discernment.

Discernment is a key trait among the top spiritual teachers. You can't even begin to discuss Trump's policies because he's a con artist. Only those lacking discernment would discuss the merits of and show support for a con artist. 

If you think a verified con artist, who has a long history of conning, and has been recorded lying 30,000+ times is better than a status-quo politician who was caught lying 20 times, you clearly lack discernment. There's no way around it. If you had discernment, 1 hour's worth of watching Trump speak would tell you everything you need to know. If you walk away thinking "I like this guy" or "others are treating this man badly", you lack discernment. 

This has much more to do with understanding discernment, self-deception, logical fallacy, emotional reasoning, etc, than it does with understanding politics. 

Well said.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Joshe said:

Supporting Trump isn't so much about political knowledge/development as it is discernment.

Thoughts on how one develops discernment? Seems to be a product of wisdom gained from developing awareness of distinctions & opposites through a set of experiences in a particular field or arena.

The Trump question focuses on how good one is at distinguishing a bad faith actor/con artist from someone with honest and pure intentions. The same mechanism is at play for people who get seduced into abusive relationships or ponzi schemes for example.

Edited by Terell Kirby

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3 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Btw, in the last podcast of Theo Vonn with Trump, he said he hasn´t EVER drank alcohol or taken drugs.

Most of us in this forum can not say the same. Probably Biden or Kamala neither can say that. 

So be proud you have a President in your country that has a guaranteed much more clear mind than average person nowadays. 👏

Why would Trump need alcohol? His personality is basically that of a drunk person: Loud, overly confident, has no sense of social norms, rude, mean, sexually harassing and eats at McDonald's.

Edited by Kid A

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