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A trick mainstream propaganda machine uses.

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I want to put attention on a trick that the mainstream uses to make people think that they are integral when they are not. They also use this and a network of fact checkers which are simply just propaganda perpetuation machines. 

I just want to pre-empt this with that we shouldn’t be hateful. That is not the intention rather learn their tricks, call them out on it and take appropriate action. 

I have put a graph below this is a representation of the steps that the mainstream media uses. 

1. Due to wanting to fill their own pockets. They intentionally lie about something knowing damn well true that it’s a lie. They even completely reverse very obvious information, but due to the fact that people are not educated on the situation they believe the media. Now the important part here is to notice that they have a lot of people viewing the lie.

2. Then with a lot of people already seeing the lie some leave but at that point they start to change the propaganda. But it’s only form on more neutral position with the lies already set in.

3. Then away from the breaking news they will put it in the truth. Then you’re not able to say they are unreliable sources of information. Much less people see this and the damage is done. 

So by doing this, they can spread propaganda while making themselves seem integral, but they know what they’re doing from the start. This is how the public are duped into lies and this causes chaos in society and moves us towards a destructive path. 

So in conclusion, know what they know what they’re doing and don’t fall for it. Their embodiments of the devil and they should be treated as such. Don’t hate them because that will not solve this problem.


Edited by ChrisZoZo
Spelling mistake

Anyone who says they’re enlightened on this form in anyway is not, except me I am. 

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