Jordan wang

Should I Do Things That I Am Afraid Of Even If It Does No Benefit?

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One of the major principles of self-development is to do things that are beneficial to you, even if It afraids you.

For example: Ask a hot girl out even if I am afraid of doing so.

I am already doing those things, but over the past few weeks, I have made a list of the things that I am afraid to do:

1, purposefully embarrasing myself in front of a large public group. (for example, do stupid stuff in front of them, or stutter in front of them)

2, Purposefully, or uncontrolably stutter in a 400 people lecture hall (There seem to be no benefit for this except for getting out of my comfort zone)

3, the stuff that Youtuber: "AdrianVanOyen" does. Making loud noises publicly and appear to have an orgasm. I am really afraid of doing this, I know this is definitely out of my comfort zone. But I also know that this is disturbing to other people, and they would look at me as if I am a maniac.  (Adrian's braveness amazes me and I look up to his abilities of being able to kiss random girls on the streets. But should I do this myself? I want to but I don't know if this is beneficial... Would it ruin my life? Or should I try it and then see? Shoot and then aim?)

Should I only take initiative in the positive direction or should I in the negative direction as well? (if both direction are out of my comfort zone)

I know that winning requires consistent action. But what if I can't think of any positive actions to take and can only think of negative ones like (embarrasing myself?). Should I do it anyways because I would be moving, and going somewhere is better than staying in my comfort zone and not going anywhere.

How would my friends look at me if they see me pretending to have an orgasm in public and other people laughing at me?

Is getting out of my comfort zone always good?


The questions is: Is getting out of my comfort zone always good? Even if the task doesn't bring benefits? At what point of the getting out of comfort zone does my actions start to look like I am just giving up on myself and my life in general. (should I even care about this? How I appear to other people? I know I shouldn't But should I embarrass myself in front of people just to get out of my comfort zone?)

those are the questions that had been troubling me for some time now.

Any suggestion or sharing of experience is appreciated.

Jordan wang

Edited by Jordan wang

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I dont thing that action is the goal. I would suggest to have that changes in your mind first,because thats where they begin at the 1st place. Action is a bit irrelevant to me. Doesnt change much.

Because the mind,no matter your acheivements ..can easily "erase"...annihilate all the things called action,in just about a minute. I mean...all these are beliefs,that the mind puts in yoyr way,and makw you believe that If u have them,things will change for the better.And maybe in this case you mean probably that...because you are an observer of reality,in order to believe you have to see,but this is not ideal imo.

Behind every success( there is an illusion of the mind) lies an end of a goal,an award! But that is again a thought and belief born in your mind. At least for me,when I discovered Abe Hicks teachings,I realized its not about action,because success never ends,you will continue to want more and more and more and desire never ends. But that is what matters. How you feel at the moment,and that feeling,actions cant change. At least is how I view it. Because these stories play inside the mind.

Edited by egoeimai

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Strip the world around you of social structure. Imagine everyone is naked. No one is more or less man than you or i.

Do anything in reason. Talk to girl or anyone. I find it easy to talk to people i do not want to connect with or share interest its easier to flow with the self be open.

Do not fear what is about to happen. Fear nothing if you can. Learn to accept no.

I had some one the other day tell me i need to get angry grow a spine and do somthing about it.

I only said no. I do not need to get angry or create some bull shat action. Cause and effect.  I make my choices as my present cellf.

Trust in yourcellf. Total commitment to yourself.  

We all start as 1 cell multiplying into self. Recreate your cellf.

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@egoeimai Yes ambitions never end, but while you are improving your situation by taking action, you also need to try to be happy as much as possible. it is about the mind, but actions are really important. (can't emphasis this enough)

Check out my self development & adventure youtube channel and improve with me!!!

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Why not first face your own fears about self, rather than facing those fears about others and what others may think.

If you can first deal with your own fears about self, then fears of being judged by others becomes irrelevant, because you already know what is true and not true about yourself. No more secrets, no longer being fearful of others.

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@Jordan wang I can definitely see that as being worth the time and effort.

If nothing else, it's still a good way to experience and understand how the comfort zone actually works. I think that will bring important wisdom in decisions that matter where the comfort zone is always involved. There's no reason to go overboard with it, but it's a good exercise in my opinion.

That's kind of why I imagine people walk on charcoals.


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@Jordan wang Eventually you'll find that such over-the-top stunts are unnecessary and don't grow you that much.

You have plenty of real fears to tackle without resorting to childish ones like orgasming in public.

You want to tackle some real fear? Do some self-inquiry. Or find your life purpose and try following it. That'll be much more growth-inducing.

Don't chase fear for its own sake. Plenty of fear will naturally arise as you pursue Truth. Fear like you've never imagined.

When you do stunts, people will clearly see it as such, and you'll probably look like a fool, cause you're being inauthentic.

Ask yourself, "Why am I drawn to doing stunts?" If you were just being yourself, would you be orgasming in public?

Being yourself is often scarier than pulling a stunt.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I used to do some of those childish things a few years ago (I was 16 for goodness sakes). There will come a time when you will realize how stupid those things are, but at the moment you believe that it's benefiting you. But keep doing them. Eventually you'll come to even a slight understanding of how stupid those things are, but for now you can keep doing it until you get tired of hitting yourself in the head over and over again.

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Everything you're afraid or supress in your mind has to be faced in order to grow.

If you don't, you'll only grow on the surface.


God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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