
Protein intake is a complete joke and a farse

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In september i took 140gr of protein a day, also around around 3000calories a day.

In october I completely ditched this ridiculous feeding , I started feeling I was a pig being fed to my limits. I felt i was destroying my body eating so damn much I couldnt take It anymore 

I have gone back to eating what i want, which is mostly fruits, good healthy carbs (oatmeal, millet, quinoa mainly), and some ocasional eggs and yogurt here and there.

Overall I think im not eating more than 2500 cal a day and im probably eating HALF OR LESS amount of protein i was eating in september

However i have not seen any muscle loss, i would say even the contrary, im even training harder and I have more stamina. Probably because ive gone back to eating REAL food and not just counting food by the calories and macros like a stupid nerd. 

That thing about eating so much protein was completely ridiculous, not even a carnivore animal eat so much lmao. I feel so damn sad for gym nerds Tracking their food each day they are unaware their body is absolutely not caring about so much food you Only need HALF of that unless you are eating crappy protein powders then yes you have to eat massive amounts each day of food because is crappy food 

Edited by Javfly33

Fear is just a thought

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3000 calories is pretty unreasonable, 140g of protein not so much.

Since I made a thread in the dating section of this forum about how muscle is useless for getting women, I have partly changed my mind about it.

Turns out there is a correlation, or more accurately a scalable “causality”, strength does in fact correlate with more sexual partners. This could be because stronger men might have better libidos or just general aesthetics.


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@MarkKol Well it's correlation not causality. People with more strength seem to have more testosterone, probably better health, probably take more drugs which means they are more likely to take risks etc. So these people could get laid more with or without the strength and adding strength through training might do nothing for you. 

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15 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Overall I think im not eating more than 2500 cal a day and im probably eating HALF OR LESS amount of protein i was eating in september

However i have not seen any muscle loss, i would say even the contrary, im even training harder and I have more stamina. Probably because ive gone back to eating REAL food and not just counting food by the calories and macros like a stupid nerd. 

This does not disprove the advice of calorie and protein intake. That advice is specifically for optimizing muscle hypertrophy (muscle gain). It is not necessary for health. It's not deleterious either by the way, it's just preference.

But if you try gaining muscle after 5 years of serious training without eating a lot of calories and protein... good luck with that. If you're untrained (or few years of experience) even just walking in the gym will make you gain muscle. That's not what this advice is for.

Don't be so quick to judge, just because you didn't like it it doesn't mean it's bullshit.

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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11 hours ago, MarkKol said:

3000 calories is pretty unreasonable

It's really not. And how is 2500 perfectly reasonable and 3000 not? There are skinny people who need to eat 3500 calories just to maintain their weight.

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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Around 80g of animal proteins is good for most people.

I must be between 60 and 200g according to the day.

Counting calories and macros is useless.

Nothing will prevent Wily.

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17 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:

This does not disprove the advice of calorie and protein intake. That advice is specifically for optimizing muscle hypertrophy (muscle gain). It is not necessary for health. It's not deleterious either by the way, it's just preference.

But if you try gaining muscle after 5 years of serious training without eating a lot of calories and protein... good luck with that. If you're untrained (or few years of experience) even just walking in the gym will make you gain muscle. That's not what this advice is for.

Don't be so quick to judge, just because you didn't like it it doesn't mean it's bullshit.

Yes but op isn't a bodybuilder.

Actually he already posted videos of him and he looks skinny.

Nothing will prevent Wily.

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3 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Yes but op isn't a bodybuilder.

Actually he already posted videos of him and he looks skinny.

I'm very... not surprised lol

The title says "protein intake is a complete joke and a farse" don't forget that. He's not just saying it's not necessary for his goals.

5 minutes ago, Schizophonia said:

Counting calories and macros is useless.

Don't fall yourself into the trap of making absolute statements. IT DEPENDS on your goal! Useless for health (and it depends, some people need to count macros in order to lose weight effectively and consciously), not useless if you're an athlete, actually, very much necessary if you're an athlete especially in strength or bodybuilding.

Edited by The Renaissance Man

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I'm seeing many absolute and certain claims that are based on hearsay at best and vibe at worst... you know reality is more complex than that, that goes for every area, not just ego or spiritual development.

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12 minutes ago, The Renaissance Man said:

Don't fall yourself into the trap of making absolute statements. IT DEPENDS on your goal! Useless for health (and it depends, some people need to count macros in order to lose weight effectively and consciously), not useless if you're an athlete, actually, very much necessary if you're an athlete especially in strength or bodybuilding.

Yes, i talked for op and most of people.

Nothing will prevent Wily.

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I added an extra 50-ish grams of lean meat to my daily intake over the course of this year as I had increased my workout volume by 50% and I noticed I needed more fuel. Then I recently cut back to 30 grams because I was getting fat and slow, and now a month or so later, I'm feeling better AND bigger. Any increase in intake has to be minimal and proportional to your progress and workout volume, protein or not.

Edited by Carl-Richard

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Counting calories is so 2008. Having a good metabolism is much more important. And finding a diet that matches your genetics. My thing is to eat healthy proteins, greens, fruits, carbs, nuts and seeds.

Non ducor duco

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