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Realms of Wonder

What does a Second Trump Term Mean?

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Big picture, what could happen? I have read the synopsis of 2025, but have been focusing more on creative work than understanding politics.


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Long term, Trump has set a new precedent, which serves as the new playbook. The precedent is this: Open con artistry and debauchery is fine and even appealing if you can create a modicum of plausible deniability. Claim you're the best, then denounce the most popularly hated things while singing the tune of populism amongst a star-studded cast of iconoclastic influencers. That's how you win over the American people. 

What integrity our institutions had will mostly be lost. The degree to which he will wreck everything in the short term is uncertain, but the precedent is set and will remain the winning playbook until the people wise up to it. However long that takes is how long it will take before recovery begins. 

Edited by Joshe

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