Spiritual Warrior

Primary vs Secondary Choices

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A primary choice is a conscious choice that you make, such as I want a well trimmed body. A secondary choice is making the choice or series of choices that will lead to the primary choice being actualized.

For example, I want a well trimmed body (primary choice). I will go to the gym 3 days a week (secondary choice). I will eat 3000 calories/day for 8 weeks (secondary choice.) I will eat 2300 calories/ day for 8 weeks (secondary choice.) I will repeat this process over and over and over again for an entire year (secondary choice.)

Throughout this process of actualizing a primary choice, you will encounter resistance, such as having the thought "I've worked hard all week, surely I can take today off from going to the gym," or "Surely I can take a break from meal planning just for today." When these thoughts arise, your job is to make the secondary choice to go to the fucking gym because you want to actualize the primary choice, which was consciously made by you.

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@Spiritual Warrior

Have you noticed that some things that you might know you should do don't really appear as a choice to begin with. When you speak intention you feel it, the inauthenticity of the words, the lack of integrity in those moments. Such things that remain "shoulds" until a great number of factors align in such a way that you suddenly occur as wanting and willing to choose - if ever. 

For example, the fitness you mention it might be so grounded within your experience so that one day you occur as someone that chooses to get fit or remain fit. You manifest as someone that does fitness. The choice being a maskerade. 

For many that fitness choice remains unreachable, not really being a choice as it hasn't occurred as an actual choice that can be actioned. In a way destined to fail. The choice being an illusion. 

Pure will isn't enough, there's more to it. 

I'm sure you have some things that you struggle with staying true to. We all do. 

Those secondary choices do play in, or continuous influences that move in mysterious ways. One act of influencing may shift something else and at one point choice has shifted to not be really being an effort to begin with. Occur as "ready" and only when time is ripe. 

What we occur as, is much an amalgamation of ourselves, our thoughts and feelings, but also others, we occur differently depending on who is near and when, and other circumstances/situations as well as the environment. Simple all variables that feed into our sensations and perceptions. 

Being in tune with these forces is powerful, as that which we occur as is fleeting, and the windows of possibility of flowing with what's indicated in that moment, can be easily stepped into when it's there, but destined to be a struggle or fail when forced into. 

This is something I've played around with for a number of years now. 


Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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