
Can someone summarize the RSD-Culture for me?

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I recently started digging into pickup-Material. Unfortunetly, I didn't get to experience that golden era of pickup everyone talks about. I'm wondering what RSD was, why they stoped and why they deleted all the videos?
What happened there?

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One of the earliest pick up artists mystery had a company called social dynamics and his students formed their own company called real social dynamics. You can read about that drama in the game book. The book caused a huge surge in interest in the pickup artist movement.

Over time most of the companies closed but real social dynamics persisted and became the biggest. It moved away from technique and outer game focus and more towards natural game and inner game focus. The way they made money was training different instructors who went on tour and posted YouTube videos advertising digital products and in person bootcamps.

Around 2014-2020 they started having issues with the media and backlash and internal issues with the company. Then an incident happened where some other pickup artist not affiliated with them got arrested and YouTube started banning the popular pickup artist channels showing infield video. Rsd deleted everything to avoid their channels being banned and copyright strikes anyone who tries to reupload it and most of the coaches went on to form their own brands many of which moved away from dating advice.

Some of their old products and videos are floating around online in torrents or other sites but they don’t last long because they get auto struck so you have to try and download them fast. I have a modest collection but am missing most of it.

Owen Cook, Julienhimself, Madison influence, Max Tornow and Jeffy show were former instructors (Owen was a founder) who now post videos about general self help or business and are still on good terms. I think some of them are still doing small bootcamps privately. 
Todd V and Alex Social were instructors who left after internal disputes and are not on good terms with the rest but still focus on dating advice, though Alex mentioned he is quitting soon.

Edited by Raze

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Here's my summary of the RSD culture: a group of fools who have succumbed to Trumpism and will live to regret ever supporting a charismatic demagogue. 

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7 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Here's my summary of the RSD culture: a group of fools who have succumbed to Trumpism and will live to regret ever supporting a charismatic demagogue. 

how do i block this guy? ^

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7 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Here's my summary of the RSD culture: a group of fools who have succumbed to Trumpism and will live to regret ever supporting a charismatic demagogue. 

I dont think all of them really support Trump but they do know most of their audience does, so if they dont speak too much about politics they probably didnt vote Trump, I saw a Jeffy video the other day that made me think that, Not sure about the rest, Owens def on the Trump train though

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1 hour ago, whh2222 said:

how do i block this guy? ^

  • click on your account, top right
  • -> account settings
  • -> Ignored users, right side under "Other settings"

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6 hours ago, Consept said:

I dont think all of them really support Trump but they do know most of their audience does, so if they dont speak too much about politics they probably didnt vote Trump, I saw a Jeffy video the other day that made me think that, Not sure about the rest, Owens def on the Trump train though

Almost all of them are spoiled, self-centered, and corrupt individuals with childish views of the world. That's why most of them resonate with Trump.

Edited by Hardkill

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@joshuahuebner Gold, Im glad I got to experience it before the mass deletion, the 2010's was the golden era for a lot of this stuff, after the meetoo movement / covid / Andrew Tate era a lot of dating/redpill content has been mass deleted.

But just like everything else you outgrow the teachings and the space in general, I can understand why the mass deletion happened and its only something you appreciate as you get older but as an early 20 something year old trying to figure dating out it was truly great resource

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Owen had to delete all his old videos because he had an inside scoop from people at YT that they were gonna ban his accounts thanks to JulienGate blowback and all the toxic masculinity which was bad for YT's ad business.

YT had to crack down on hardcore pickup content because it was too sexist and YT was going mainstream. YT also cracked down on stuff like race IQ, which is why they banned Molynueax. YT had to crack down on the most toxic channels to keep the platform ad-friendly.

You can still find old vids through torrent sites.

In the end it was Owen's fault for not reigning in the toxic masculinity of RSD. He allowed it to fester into a cancer. It was the Wild West of sexism, misogyny, egotism, and devilry.

Edited by Leo Gura

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Owen had to delete all his old videos because he had an inside scoop from people at YT that they were gonna ban his accounts thanks to JulienGate blowback and all the toxic masculinity which was bad for YT's ad business.

Juliengate happened years before they deleted everything, YouTube didn’t go on a banning spree during juliengate.

They were banning anything with infield video, it doesn’t matter how PC you made it.

Edited by Raze

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Well, yeah, in-field video is legally suspect. You are filming girls without consent. Pretty sure that is illegal in plenty of places.

JulienGate drew alot of scrutiny on RSD. JulienGate is basically why Owen had to even ditch the RSD name. The RSD brand name itself became toxic. So it was more than just in-field. And most of Owen's videos did not have in-field. Public in-field video came pretty lame in RSD history.

Edited by Leo Gura

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Well, yeah, in-field video is legally suspect. You are filming girls without consent. Pretty sure that is illegal in plenty of places.

JulienGate drew alot of scrutiny on RSD. JulienGate is basically why Owen had to even ditch the RSD name. The RSD brand name itself became toxic. So it was more than just in-field. And most of Owen's videos did not have in-field. Public in-field video came pretty lame in RSD history.

The Julien thing was bad but i think what put the nail in the coffin was really bad, unscrupulous PUAs. RSD definitely had its issues and maybe just the idea of training guys to roam the streets trying to talk to girls looks really bad inherently. Some PUAs just took it to another level and were actually scumbags who would push it too far with girls. Youtube just didnt really police any pick-up content but the backlash against these guys was too much for them to ignore. RSD actually survived Juliengate but they just couldnt have survived the onslaught on the whole industry, which wasnt necessarily their fault but they were part of it. It seems like it affected Owen a lot but if he was being honest and took responsibility, he wouldve seen the changes he needed to make. Leo called him out in the pick-up rant video and i think Owen responded as well so he was aware.

Anyway this Vice doc about Justin Wayne was really the final bullet -


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17 hours ago, Consept said:

Some PUAs just took it to another level and were actually scumbags who would push it too far with girls.

RSD had such scumbags.

RSD had zero ethical standards.

Edited by Leo Gura

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On 18/11/2024 at 4:43 PM, Leo Gura said:

JulienGate drew alot of scrutiny on RSD.

I remember watching a video from Julien where he did his usual intro "Hey this is Julien fom RSD" while he was banging doggy style a girl. He was mostly recording his face and some of the girl's back. That was fucked up even for 20 years old me in full pick up mode and with no clue about developmental psychology. This was at least 2 years before JulienGate, Owen had plenty of time to correct these issues, I guess he simply didn't perceive anything wrong with these kind of antics.

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@Brivido that is crazy, and the poor girl was probably paid a ton of money 

(but also, Linktree @ joy_yimpa ;-)

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8 hours ago, Consept said:

You would know better than me, but public facing the optics weren't as bad for rsd as others, behind the scenes it was probably different 

It's hard to imagine worse optics than JulienGate.

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Owen regularly talks about Julien Gate and he still frames it as them being victims of culture change.

Wanderer who has become king 


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The Alex Hotseat was one of the most mind blowing things I had ever seen in my life in 2014 and to this day is one of the best $300 I ever spent. I literally felt gears in my mind shifting. I remember when it was over the issue I had of running out of things to say and being playful with women was completely gone. I then stopped going out so those problems came back since the learning wasn't solidified. Alex cam across as a fun playful guy with a lot of empathy. He actually spoke out against being an asshole to girls. A lot of us were nervous to talk to him and he eased our nerves

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