Could Trump's Second Term Revive Jim Crow Laws and Slavery in America?😱

By Hardkill in Society, Politics, Government, Environment, Current Events,
If democracy dies by the end of Trump's second term as president, then could all Jim Crow Laws return, despite the widespread consensus that such laws are still unthinkable in today's society? Racial Segregation in the South and rural areas of the country Voting restrictions that make it impossible for most black and brown people in America to vote, especially in the South and rural areas of the country Black and brown people being subjected to cruel and unusual punishments such as lynching, extreme violence, arrests without cause, extreme fines, etc. especially in the South and rural areas of the country Signs: "Whites Only" and "Colored" signs used to enforce the racial order. especially in the South and rural areas of the country Forbidding interracial marriage, especially in the South and rural areas of the country. How about slavery? Could that return as well? I thought our society's progress since the 1970s, along with today's political and legal landscape, made it impossible for the Right-wing to revive past atrocities. However, I am not so sure about that anymore because of the unprecedented nightmarish political power Trump, MAGA, and the Republican party will all have starting in 2025. Or is all of this crazy talk? 
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