
Why is it not considered too weird to watch nude/sex scenes with friends or family?

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To be clear I am talking about mainstream movies and tv series/web series/streaming series that are either PG-13 or R-rated. 

I understand why it's generally considered too weird or too creepy to watch porn with a friend or a family member of yours, but why is it not a big deal to watch any kind of nude/sex scene in any mainstream film or show with your friends or your family members?

For instance, most people who watched GoT have never had a problem watching very racy or borderline pornographic scenes in the series with their buddies. In fact, a lot of times you will get prude-shamed by your friends if they see you coming off as being too uncomfortable with seeing any nude or sex scene with them.

Even the times when I've watched some R-rated movies with my parents, my mom has rationalized it as being okay. She's been like "It's okay. They weren't really doing that much..." or "Oh, come on, they didn't show their penis or their vagina...." or "Oh, the sex is not real at all..."

So, why is all of that considered normal, but watching porn with friends, siblings, or other members of your family is considered not normal?


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The same reason why being on the beach with a skimpy bathing suit on is normal but wearing that same bathing suit to a restaurant or public event is not. People's biases, survival and agendas. Also group think. People are not surviving or identifying as porn stars but they can survive and identify as a regular person who gets naked, kiss and make out. So it's more comfortable to watch with others.

At the beach, they identify as beach goers where a bathing suit is appropriate. At church, they identify as a church goer then and not a beach goer then, so a bathing suit is not compatible with that identity according to the collective consciousness's group think. Get it! 

The same church goer who goes to the beach will wear the appropriate costume respectively. They are dressing according to the role they are playing at the time, no problem. 

Very few people will identify as porn stars so, watching porn with someone who will never identify with being a porn star, is the same as saying this is not a part of my construction and will never be, so therefore; that construction worker is out of place and doesn't belong. 

It's about identity and role-playing. Porn stars have sex on a whim, most can't identify with that. Regular shows have a plot which led to the sex and people can identify with that. It's uncomfortable  playing a role you cannot identify with. Life is about playing the roles of different identities.

Don't ask me to explain what I just wrote because I don't even understand it myself. No questions please. Just kidding. I do understand it; but if you don't get it, I can't make you.

Edited by Princess Arabia

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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11 hours ago, Hardkill said:

Even the times when I've watched some R-rated movies with my parents, my mom has rationalized it as being okay. She's been like "It's okay. They weren't really doing that much..." or "Oh, come on, they didn't show their penis or their vagina...." or "Oh, the sex is not real at all..."

So, why is all of that considered normal, but watching porn with friends, siblings, or other members of your family is considered not normal?

I don't know about you but for me watching any sex scenes with family isn't okay. When I'm invested in a movie on emotional level and a sex scene comes up, to me many emotions may pop up, as sex to me means more than something mechanical that could be rationalized away.

The awkwardness comes from everyone working their ass off to act cool or covering their emotions with jokes and humor. Of course in certain company those jokes help you to not make the situation socially awkward, which to many is way more important than emotional authenticity.

Maybe some parents have educated their children to have a healthy sex-emotion relationship so that those scenes can be watched without any awkwardness or acts of emotional defence, but I think it's rare.

Edited by Snader

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11 hours ago, Hardkill said:

why is it not a big deal to watch any kind of nude/sex scene in any mainstream film or show with your friends or your family members?

Isn't it a big American stereotype that parents can easily watch movies with gratuitous violence with their kids but have the reflex to cover their eyes and ears when the kissy-naughty scenes show up?

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I avoid watching movies with my family for this reason, it feels so awkward. Yet I have some radical Ideas in my minds about family dynamics.

"Say to the sheep in your secrecy when you intend to slaughter it, Today you are slaughtered and tomorrow I am.
Both of us will be consumed.

My blood and your blood, my suffering and yours is the essence that nourishes the tree of existence.'"

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So, some of you say that the reasons for why watching nude or sex scenes in mainstream films or shows with friends or family members is often considered more acceptable than watching porn together:

Context and Purpose

Mainstream films and shows typically have a narrative purpose, character development, and artistic merit, whereas porn is primarily intended to arouse.

Production Values

Mainstream content is produced with higher production values, acting, and direction, making it more palatable for shared viewing.

Cultural Normalization

Society has become desensitized to nudity and sex scenes in mainstream media, while porn remains stigmatized due to its explicit nature and association with private, personal consumption.

Boundaries and Comfort

Watching porn with others crosses personal boundaries, as it's typically associated with private, individual consumption. Mainstream content, even with nudity or sex scenes, maintains a level of emotional distance.

Social Perception

Prude-shaming can occur when individuals appear uncomfortable with mainstream content, as others may view it as overly sensitive. However, watching porn with others would likely elicit discomfort due to its explicit nature.


Am I getting that right?

Edited by Hardkill

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When I was growing up my parents shunned it. I was forced to turn my head. This severely damaged me. If I turned my head back before it was over they call me a pervert. Now I am a pervert.

Be thankful

Edited by Hojo

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I don't think I've ever seen a sex scene in a movie where you can actually see genitals. Sex scenes are more so implying sex is happening for plot reasons rather than reveling in it unlike porn. Porn is way more gratuitous and graphic.

I don't get why you would feel awkward about a sex scene. Its not like its anywhere the same as porn. Its part of the plot. But then again I'm European.

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Sex is a sacred-act that is in your DNA from the moment you are born, it feels weird or awkward because sex has become perverted in modern day society and lacks purity, decency and respect. It is mostly projected as hypo-carnal and animal-natured, when in reality human sex can be another experience altogether.


Edited by M A J I

I AM the Eternal Child of Intelligent Infinity.

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I'm generally a nerd that will watch Sci-fi on my own. (Rarely sex happens)

I'll think of that when doing Netflix dates, to watch hotter (Instead of sci-fi) but acceptable TV shows. 😉

Personally, when recommending stuff for my family I think if there are sex scenes in it, and I don't recommend them.

"Oh, we're gonna watch GoT... 😏"

Any recommendation of TV Shows with a lot of sex scenes to watch with a chick, to create some more sexual mood, but that isn't actual porn?

I have a Spotify playlist with a suggestive mood.

Well, at that point we're already in private, but some of them I feel like a nice progression to sex might be some sex scene ahaha, when we are already kissing and cuddling. Never had it happening to me though, when I get in private with someone it was clear to both of us before that we would have sex.

Anyone wants to share some experience they had with someone new that music/movie watching helped the mood for sex? (Not established partners per se) 

Edited by Lucasxp64


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