Applegarden8 forum

14 posts in this topic

Thanks Leo for the amazing content, you have literally enriched my life in a significant way.

Some of the forum members very cool and very helpful. Thank you, guys!

@Keryo Koffa



@Zigzag Idiot





And a few more I have known...


I can't stand a banned user being on the forum wasting their life here and calling it self-development. This user is right. Someone has to stop visiting this place. Let it be me. I found it undemocratic and super annoying, so...

This place has it's limits. After that it's just facebook and a lot of words saying nothing. This should not become standard for newcomers of the forum seeing the content of their posts calling Sadhguru stage blue and stuff. Would even Leo agree with that!? What does that sentence even mean? It's not even related to Sadhguru or spiral dynamics, but it just doesn't make sense.

Anyway, I don't want to see myself saying what I don't mean and don't meaning what I say. It triggers me and I have to go. I am not that active anymore anyway.

BTW, journaling should be a private tool at your disposal. If you want public journaling, read Leo's blog. At least he has some wisdom... Otherwise there is not much substance to what is happening in the journaling section. No point reading anything there.

Yes, I care (about the content of the forum new users experience), I am triggered knowing what I know and nobody doing anything about it and the user saying admin/mods know and calling it democratic and its just BS because it devalues your forum Leo.

Yes, I am triggered. Because I think we can do better. I will try to do better and treat self-dev and spirituality more seriously and gracefully. Because it's worth not just talking about it but practicing.



Edited by Applegarden8

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I'm grateful for the mention 🧡 I agree it's best not to become overly attached or fixated on any particular teacher or forum, including Treat the world as your reflection and canvas to grow through creative self-expression.

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I understand your frustration. The idea that Sadhguru is stage blue is a misunderstanding that is the result of India having strong elements of stage blue and thus it being important for Sadhguru to appeal to that kind of demographic. Sadhguru is definitely turquoise.

Edited by Da77en

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Sorry to see you go.

But there's no "democracy" on the forum. The major banning/unbanning/allowing to stay decisions are 95% Leo's will. The other 5% is eg. users being banned due to accumulating 20 points, us immediately banning their duplicate accounts, etc.. Mods won't just slap someone with a 20 point warning, that's Leo's domain.

Words can't describe You.

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I find all forums repulsive energetically. Often they just devolve into name calling and ish throwing, and facebook/youtube type comment arguing. 

I poke my head in every few months to see what it going on, get repulsed, and then disappear, only to return again, because there are some really great posters here.

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The limit is calling Sadhguru stage blue? If that’s the limit there’d only be like 20 people left on the forum lol


There is no failure, only feedback

Do what works

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Don't forget that there are infinite ways to read the forum. Nobody reads it quite like you. I doo-love putting myself into others' perspectives, as it increases my understanding of how the world works.

And it chuckles me knowing that my perspective is most likely the wrong one!


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@Applegarden8 Forum is more for casual conversation than purely self development. 

I do work outside the forum that I don’t even talk about. 

Having proper expectations is important. 

Also, I think I at times post some valuable stuff in my journal haha 

Take care. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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BTW guys, I have somehow tumbled back to this place. I am nothing but a hypocrite and politician it seems. I am sorry. I took 2 month breaks basically, but somehow this thing keeps me engaged.

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@Applegarden8 don't be so hard on yourself. This place is more like a spiritual/self-help café. It's ok not to visit a café for a while and then come back, even if you said goodbye before, the coffee is still tasty, welcome back.

57% paranoid

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I noticed that when people (myself included) make public announcements about leaving, saying their goodbyes, and so on, there's a higher likelihood they'll come back eventually. When you go quietly it tends to stick, I guess because it's more of a firm internal decision, while in the former case there's a certain performative element to it.

Edited by LambdaDelta

Whichever way you turn, there is the face of God

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3 hours ago, LastThursday said:

@Applegarden8 don't be so hard on yourself. This place is more like a spiritual/self-help café. It's ok not to visit a café for a while and then come back, even if you said goodbye before, the coffee is still tasty, welcome back.

Made me chuckle, thanks 

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3 hours ago, LambdaDelta said:

I noticed that when people (myself included) make public announcements about leaving, saying their goodbyes, and so on, there's a higher likelihood they'll come back eventually. When you go quietly it tends to stick, I guess because it's more of a firm internal decision, while in the former case there's a certain performative element to it.

Yeah, I was pissed about some aspect of the user experience of the forum. I am dealing with it, but slowly overall. I am becoming less reactive in online spaces (because it'so easy to do it), but I have a long way to go.

Edited by Applegarden8

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