
Feeling very unstable because of actualized.org any advice?

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 I've been deconstructing and contemplating reality. It's causing severe anxiety.  I can't go to a doctor and explain it. Any advice from someone going through similar thing?

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This is very common and natural. These kinds of spiritual contemplations start to expand your consciousness and when that happens fear can come up. I have a post that explains how fear works and give a very direct explanation and process on how to let it go and recommend adding that to your toolkit for your explorations into higher levels of consciousness.

Other than that, recognize that there's no need to go too deep too quickly. Give yourself time to ground yourself, stabilize, etc.


Edited by Da77en

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Stop and ground yourself. Do normal things. Do something fun.

Deconstruction is not all there is to life, and doing it too soon can be harmful.

Words can't describe You.

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Feeling unstable and experiencing precisely what you don't want to experience is part of the work. 

We have been warned ;) 

Edited by Yimpa


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3 hours ago, enchanted said:

 I've been deconstructing and contemplating reality. It's causing severe anxiety.  I can't go to a doctor and explain it. Any advice from someone going through similar thing?

As in through meditation?


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4 hours ago, enchanted said:

 I've been deconstructing and contemplating reality. It's causing severe anxiety.  I can't go to a doctor and explain it. Any advice from someone going through similar thing?

Are you really deconstructing or are you filling your head with ideas? If it's the latter and it causes anxiety, you could try to deconstruct those. Try to return to a more practical way of making sense of reality. What do you need to merely function day to day? Use that as your starting point.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Try metta meditation and yoga, weight lifting, or Pilates 

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@enchanted have you read the enlightenment trilogy by Jed McKenna?

It is the blueprint for how to deal with and manage the truth realization process.

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Find things that concepts that ground you. It sounds simple but for me a lot of it is women. Whenever the universe stops to make sense I remember I'm incarnated as a human male and I can make money and have sex and it is a satisfactory answer for me at the moment. 

If you don't find those grounding mechanisms you could easily think your way into a psychosis. Can be good food perhaps or I mean religion for others. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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Thanks everyone.

Will the severe anxiety go away on it own?

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Prioritize feeling. If a thought feels bad, let it go, just because it feels good to do so. Go back to what is real and fundamental. You can't "mess up" reality by thinking wrong or feeling wrong. There are no such rules here, you're unlimited. ❤️

Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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20 hours ago, enchanted said:

Thanks everyone.

Will the severe anxiety go away on it own?

If the severe anxiety still hasn’t gone away I recommend laying down, closing you eyes, and asking yourself, “What would I have to believe is true in order to be feeling this fear?” . Ask yourself that question like a mantra as quickly or as slowly as you wish, while gently observing the anxiety/fear.

While doing this you don’t need to try to find any answers, the answers will come automatically and create the effect of dissolving the fear. Dissolving the fear may take 10-20-30 minutes or longer depending on how severe the fear is.

The reason this works is because the more aware you become of the negative beliefs/definitions that are generating the fear, the more aware you become that they don’t actually make any sense.

If this process makes the fear any worse I wouldn’t recommend continuing it. There’s a visualization you can use where when you breathe in you imagine breathing in a cleansing energy and while you breathe out you imagine the fear/anxiety dissolving, this is very effective for me.

If you are talking about the severe fear you have in reaction to the contemplations, yes, you can get to a point where nothing can generate any kind of fear within you. It’s just important you understand the mechanics of fear and specifically how to let it go which I have described in the post I listed above.


Edited by Da77en

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