
An idea about post modernism

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I thought about post modernismens critique about it being self-contradictory, but i suppose the idea is not really about presenting a self-contradictory thesis that opposes itself and, therefore, is no more correct than others. Instead, one can see it as a stage in the understanding of truth—where one recognizes that truth is not something pre defined or objectively given. Rather, truth becomes something that necessarily arises through choices of need, shaped by the intentions and desires that the creator of those needs brings forth. 

But isent also this pretty much the realization of the of the stages of ego development or spiral dynamics?

I also thought about that most solid truths arise from static situations, where the judgement of the truth is continueslly validated since it itself it evaluated against a position that is static, and therefore the doing and judgement is pretty much the exact samt each time, therefore any kind of standard deviations and noise in result is "negotated" away symbolically.

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