
Aspects of Consciousness

7 posts in this topic

The Automatic nature of Consciousness

Consciousness is fundamentally automatic in the sense that it doesn’t take any action to be Conscious. Because you are Consciousness you can take action but consciousness itself doesn’t require any action.

Automatic vs Manual

The only aspect of your consciousness that is in a sense “manual” are your actions, everything else is automatic.

This present moment itself is automatic.

State of being is Automatic

Fundamentally It doesn’t take any action in order to be in whatever state of being you are in. Your state of being is automatically generated based upon what you are believing/defining as true. Negative beliefs generate negative states, positive beliefs generate positive states.

The Automatic flow of Consciousness

Consciousness has an automatic flow to it in the sense that every moment your Consciousness is changing in frequency and different experiences are happening. Your state of being is constantly changing.

The purpose of Action

Actions are designed so that you can guide the automatic flow of your consciousness in the direction you prefer by taking action in that direction. What actions do you take in order to guide the automatic flow in the direction that you prefer? Actions such as following your passion, investigating into your negative beliefs, letting go of fear, using tools and techniques that you are attracted to using, etc.

Letting go of fear

You can refer back to one of my previous posts if you want to learn the process of letting go of fear. Letting go of fear guides the automatic flow of your consciousness into more aligned states of being. The less fear you have the more you will be in alignment with your natural self and the more expanded your Consciousness will be, leading to deeper and more profound understandings of life.

Cultivating your State of Being

In order to cultivate your state of being you must first understand how state of being is generated. As I said previously, your state of being is automatically generated based upon what you are believing/defining as true. Many of you have heard of Bashar and thus I will refer to some of his ideas. One of the main ideas he talks about is the motivational mechanism.

The motivational mechanism: You always automatically choose in the direction of what you believe or define as most beneficial and you always automatically move away from what you believe or define as not beneficial.

Whatever state of being you are in is the state of being that you are currently believing/defining as most beneficial. Any beliefs/definitions you buy into you do so because from the perspective of your current level of consciousness it is the most beneficial belief/definition to buy into. Beliefs/definitions reinforce themself because if they didn’t you wouldn’t have any motivation to buy into them. We will refer back to this understanding later.

To begin cultivating your state of being one of the highest positive yield actions you can take is letting go of fear. You want to get to a point where you can maintain at least a neutral state of being no matter what.

Once you can maintain at least a neutral state you want to take action to bring yourself into states of joy, love, bliss, passion, excitement, ecstasy, etc. These positive states are all aspects of your true nature.

In order to bring yourself into these kinds of states you need to investigate into your beliefs/definitions that are preventing them from being generated. For example, the reason you aren’t automatically ecstatic is because you have beliefs/definitions that are convincing you that ecstasy is somehow less beneficial then your current state. Here is the question you can ask yourself in order to guide yourself into a state of ecstasy:

What would I have to believe is true in order to not be in a state of ecstasy?

1. Close your eyes, and bring yourself into a meditative state. Repeat this question to yourself like a mantra.

2. The answers to the question will be downloaded to you and will automatically create the effect of shifting you into a state of ecstasy.

3. Your current state of being will determine how long you will need to repeat the mantra before the investigations produce the effect of automatically shifting you into a state of ecstasy.

You really do need to work on your fears first before you do this particular investigation because the fears prevent you from going into states of ecstasy and other positive states. Fear lowers your frequency and doesn’t allow for the higher frequencies of your true nature.

Aspects of Consciousness

There are many other aspects of consciousness you can incorporate and cultivate into your state of being.

Any of the aspects I will list below can be cultivated into higher and higher levels. You can progress in whatever direction of consciousness you want because consciousness is absolutely infinite.

Any state of being you can image and not imagine is possible to cultivate for yourself by taking action in that direction.

Aspects of Consciousness to cultivate:

Automatic Life Efficiency

This aspect of consciousness is defined as how efficient you are being with your life in terms of your growth and expansion from moment to moment. A high automatic life efficiency means you are growing and expanding very rapidly from moment to moment. A low automatic life efficiency means you aren’t growing and expanding very rapidly from moment to moment. You can increase this aspect of consciousness to profound levels.

Automatic Skill

This aspect of consciousness is referring to your ability to do things well. The idea is that skill is an aspect of your true nature and it’s built into you. If you aren’t experiencing your automatic skill, the skill that is built into you, it is because you are buying into beliefs/definitions that are out of alignment with your true nature.

Positive limitations

Positive limitations are limitations that support you in being in alignment with your true nature. Positive limitations promote positivity and prevent negativity. You can cultivate more and more supportive positive limitations which makes it that much easier to be in alignment with your true nature.

Extraction of Growth

You can bring yourself into states of being where you automatically extract high amounts of growth from whatever you experience.


I define devotion as taking action for the highest well-being of yourself and your reality, using high levels of conscious and intelligence in order to do so. You can your state of Devotion more and more powerful, effective, and profound. 

High Positive Yield Actions

You can bring yourself into states where whatever actions you take will automatically provide for a very strong positive effect, you will also be more aware of particular actions that are very high yield to take in your reality.


You can bring yourself into higher and higher levels of intelligence. Remember that intelligence is not of the intellect. Consciousness is intelligence, as you expand your Consciousness you will become more and more intelligent.

Indestructible Stability and Balance

You can bring your state to a point where no matter what is going on in terms of your emotions, thoughts, behaviors, or the situations or circumstances of your life, you maintain indestructible stability and balance.

Higher Mind Receptivity

You can cultivate states where you are more and more receptive to your higher mind, downloading any relevant information automatically and getting more and more in depth understandings of life.

Life difficulty level

Life is such where choose your difficulty in very much the same way you do when you choose your difficulty setting in a video game. Your state of being determines how difficult you experience your life. You can bring yourself into states of being where life is more and more easy.

Positive Synchronicity

The reality you experience is a reflection of your state of being. You can bring yourself into states where you experience more and more supportive positive synchronicity in your reality. This allows the situations and circumstances in your life to make it that much easier to move in the direction you prefer.

Synergy of Consciousness

You can bring yourself into states where your consciousness and reality functions more and more synergistic and holistic, allowing for more ease of life and efficiency in the direction you prefer.


This aspect of consciousness is how much you are allowing yourself to experience the present moment. Eckhart Tolle primarily talks about this aspect of consciousness.

Positive Momentum

This aspect of consciousness refers to how much momentum your state of being has in the positive direction. You can increase this aspect of consciousness to keep make it that much easier to continue accelerating in the direction you prefer.


The way I define this aspect of consciousness is how much of life you directly understand automatically, without needing to do any intellectual analysis or contemplation in order to do so. You can cultivate this aspect of consciousness and bring yourself into states where you simply understand life automatically and can continue to deepen those understandings.

Boundless Identity

This aspect of consciousness refers to bringing yourself into a state where your identity expands beyond your individual physical personality construct. In a state such as this your consciousness will be much more expanded and your actions will naturally be in the direction of the highest well-being for your entire reality.

Allocating Responsibilities

This refers to the recognition that your physical personality construct wasn’t designed to do everything and can’t do everything. You can’t do everything with action, and thus you need to bring yourself into states of being where the things you prefer to happen, happen automatically. You can take action to bring yourself into states of being that allow your higher mind, oversoul, and various other aspects of your consciousness to provide more support to you.

Using everything advantageously

This is an aspect of consciousness you can cultivate where everything that you experience is automatically used positively along the path of least resistance.


You can take action to bring yourself into states of profound healing. You can make your reality as a whole support that much more in terms of healing you from any kind of misalignments and fears/disease. Remember root cause of any kind of disease is fear so also take action to let go of your individuals fears.

There are hundreds more of various things you can cultivate. I will add on to this list and if you have any you would like to share please comment. Remember that state of being is automatic so once you take action to cultivate a particular aspect of consciousness it functions automatically within you and doesn’t take any action. You may go into a particular state from taking action in that direction but then fall back out of it, you simply need to take action in that direction until you can maintain it automatically without falling out of it.

A couple questions so that I can gauge this forums readiness to cultivate deeper aspects of consciousness. How many of you have let go of all fear? For the ones who have not, are there any particular reasons why you haven't? If most of you haven't yet let go of all fear I can do various investigations and create posts to help you do so.

Edited by Da77en

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14 minutes ago, Sempiternity said:

Great post. Thank you.

You’re welcome! 

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Thank you. Lovely.

What you know leaves what you don't know and what you don't know is all there is. 


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12 hours ago, Princess Arabia said:

Thank you. Lovely.

Thank you!

Edited by Da77en

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If any of you want to add your particular understandings of various aspects of consciousness, I made a Mega-Thread for that, and also added some more understandings of various aspects of consciousness in the comments:


Edited by Da77en

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@Da77en additionally, 

Being Empty and Silence:   .








"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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