Julian gabriel

what's the point of hating Trump so much?

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been seeing all the polarity

I don't get y trump is so absolutely definitely bad according to Leo, never heard him say someone is so bad 

isnt this just a lose lose situation cause were still so divided?

what about him is so end of the world type shit like chill damn 

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Hate, like Love is Intensity of Emotion, combine an Identified Ego, then You get the ppl that think Trump will destroy the world in 4 yrs, which will not happen. In 4yrs shit will happen, good and bad, and then we will be here again, debating who's the next president.. so it useless waste of time and mental energy and it creates karma that has to be dealt with..

Its also an indication of where someone is on the path, if it bothers them that much, where You shame others for believing or voting or whatever in regards to their actions or thoughts/beliefs, then they themselves are just that thing as well, not very developed mentally or spiritually!

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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Leo is alive to the worst case scenario with this

and it's a very real threat and indeed a highly likely outcome

I felt the way Leo does when George W Bush got elected thanks to SCOTUS interference and felt the end had to be nigh

Nowadays I am more chill and can roll with whatever happens

and plus I don't live in the US any more

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Its like giving the keys to a semi truck to someone who only drove a nissan. He has openly stated he has no idea what he is doing. He dosen't know anything about the laws of the road and has said he will break them and then pardon anyone he wants from breaking laws. Everyone in America is in the back of this semi truck.

The semi was driving down the road and people are saying we don't want to go this way anymore let this person who has no idea what they are doing drive again. Where are we going? I don't know let this person who has no idea what they are doing decide. Trump starts driving he has no idea what he is doing and he has back seat drivers around him telling him where to go.

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47 minutes ago, Hojo said:

Its like giving the keys to a semi truck to someone who only drove a nissan. He has openly stated he has no idea what he is doing. He dosen't know anything about the laws of the road and has said he will break them and then pardon anyone he wants from breaking laws. Everyone in America is in the back of this semi truck.

The semi was driving down the road and people are saying we don't want to go this way anymore let this person who has no idea what they are doing drive again. Where are we going? I don't know let this person who has no idea what they are doing decide. Trump starts driving he has no idea what he is doing and he has back seat drivers around him telling him where to go.

Yes but he already drove this truck 4yrs before, he's not a stupid man to say the least, I think he knows how to drive the truck, its just other disagree with how he is driving it..that is natural, ppl don't always agree with how others do things, but its the process that is set up, to protest it violently or with massive aggression is going against the very process by which You live by, so its fighting against one's self..

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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1 hour ago, koops said:


Yeah, psychology will take a piss on something to generate self-importance, raising self above some other or another group.

Luckily we're on a forum that is about self-actualization and progressing through the deficiency stages where this phenomena exists, so that we don't get so much of it and more non-attached reasoning around people and phenomena :D

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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@Julian gabriel yeah i agree i dont agree with leos blind hate for trump and end of the world perspective about trump. I dont support trump / kamala / biden / anyone . if you think im biased . even tho trump is overall not good i dont like leos laser focus only on trump  

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He embodies a vulgar egotism which is anathema to the Left’s narcissism and self-righteousness. He is also a very symbolic figure.

Oh mother, I can feel the soil falling over my head… And as I climb into an empty bed, oh well, enough said… I know it’s over, still I cling, I don’t know where else I can go… Over…

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We don’t hate Trump. That most people here including Leo believe that Trump is bad for the country as a president doesn’t mean we hate him. Personally, I’d be satisfied if he retired to a Caribbean island surrounded by luxury and was happy the rest of his life, as long as he never gets to power again. 

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46 minutes ago, Tech36363 said:

@Julian gabriel yeah i agree i dont agree with leos blind hate for trump and end of the world perspective about trump. I dont support trump / kamala / biden / anyone . if you think im biased . even tho trump is overall not good i dont like leos laser focus only on trump  

You are biased towards skepticism, which is very foolish as well.

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Large circle of concern + discernment + valuing of integrity + duty to warn + recognition of the populace putting the polar opposite of that which is good on a pedestal to idolize = A person who denounces Trump to the degree that he is praised.

When over half the U.S population not only condones but praises such a con artist, which serves to degrade human life and the virtues most people on this forum would claim to value, people who care about those things will speak up. 

If you're not a native English speaker and not from America or have not spent considerable time here, it's highly unlikely that you can understand what Trump is. So if that's you, I'd be careful in thinking I know what Trump is. 

You guys keep thinking it's a political issue or bias. It's not that people are sounding the alarm about his ideology, because he has none. They are sounding the alarm that goodness itself is under attack and the purpose is an attempt to make them see that which they fail to see. 

Wise people aren't so much against Trump's con artistry and deception as they are against the American people's embrace of it. THAT is what all the noise is about.

If people knew Trump was a total bullshit con artist who lies every time his mouth opens and doesn't care at all about anyone, much less America, then there would be no need for sounding the alarm. The whole point of sounding the alarm is to wake you the fuck up to your ignorance of what Trump is and the implications of his widespread embrace.

We have a totally unwitting population who cannot see he throws even his closest allies under the bus and that he will lie to every single fucking group he talks to and tell them all he loves them and will deliver everything they want... and they believe it. Wise people know everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie and they can, clear as day, see the rot coming from the top down. 

If there is growing love and support for someone who tells lies everytime he speaks, and the people who hear them clap and grow even fonder of him.... People who can see where this leads, people with integrity, people who care about good things, will be bothered that the people fail to see. 

That's why integrous people are so serious on this matter. Don't mistake them for ideological, biased leftists, just because you yourself cannot see the nature of Trump, Trumpism, it's evolution, and what the implications of those are, because if you could see, Leo's stance would not boggle your mind. It would make perfect sense. 

Edited by Joshe

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It’s beautiful to expand our empathy to the marginalised, but to do it at the expense of alienating sizeable segments of society - working class people, rural communities or anyone who doesn’t parrot the same values - is selective empathy.

When the circle of concern only extends to those who agree with you, it stops being concern and starts looking like tribalism wrapped in a moral bow. If your circle doesn’t include everyone, it’s not a circle, but a fence.

Everyone should have discernment, integrity, and a duty to warn, but the lefts “concern” centers exclusively on denouncing Trump, while ignoring the systemic failures and institutional overreach that created him.

Idolising him is misguided but obsessively denouncing him without addressing the broader context isn’t discernment - it’s deflection. True integrity would demand confronting the whole system, not just its most obnoxious byproduct - the orange tinted man.

The left are so busy looking through their microscope to psychoanalyse Trump and his deplorable supporters micro aggressions that they forgot to pick up the mirror and check themselves before they wreck themselves - ie lose again in 2028.

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Why do you assume it is hate?

Corruption has nothing to do with hate.

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I've never hated Trump or right-wingers. I basically wish all people the very best. 

On the other hand, I was a right-winger during the first two years of his last term and I actually supported him then. I was completely brainwashed by people like Jordan Peterson and was so opposed to the woke movement and convinced they would turn the West into Soviet. That was hate. 

Edited by Kid A

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I have had my gripes with the far left, but the right is more hateful hands down. Across the board. 

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3 hours ago, Kid A said:

I've never hated Trump or right-wingers. I basically wish all people the very best. 

On the other hand, I was a right-winger during the first two years of his last term and I actually supported him then. I was completely brainwashed by people like Jordan Peterson and was so opposed to the woke movement and convinced they would turn the West into Soviet. That was hate. 

How did you come to see through it? 

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It's not about hating Trump. I hope he lives lives his long and merrily... just away from the levers of power.

He's a very immature and dangerous person to entrust with this responsibility. 

In his last term, there were more checks and balances on his power. But in this term, there aren't that many checks and balances.

And it's possible that he could erode the checks and balances of the system away so entirely that America devolves into Fascism or simply into pure chaos with the aftertaste of Fascism.

Anyone who's talking about Trump in a serious way is really just concerned about the consequences. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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