
Now Aubrey Marcus … what is going on?!

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18 minutes ago, Spiral Wizard said:

I hear you brother @Thetruthseeker

Relax into your disappointment and allow the disillusion.

You will grow from this into greater understanding, wisdom and love.

The conspiratorial lure can basically get a hold of anyone who does not either react against it or has a certain inner wisdom to understand it's discretion. 

Don't put people that fall into conspiratorial thinking off as lunatics. There is a pain inside of them that attracts or docks onto this delusion. 

As long as you have role models you are projecting your own 'positive' qualities onto them and will therefore inevitably disillusioned because you made them into something they are not. They are equal to you. Innocently avoiding pain 'ignoring' pain and therefore creating 'ignorance'. Which can express in many ways. Dis-ease, as in Leo's case, or a partly deluded mind as in the case of RFK, Rogan, Aubrey, etc.

There is a truth in everyone's perspective. 

Once you have taken back your positive projection you will respect yourself and others as they are. 

I appreciate Aubrey for who he is with all the light and shadow because I know, we are all fallible. Carry any creater perspective, insight, or understanding with deep humility, motherly love, and fierce compassion. 

Beautifully said, thank you 🙏🏻 

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It's easy to be idealistic and support high values when you don't have skin in the game, when it's intellectual. Perhaps these people saw the reality behind it, experienced first hand what is going on, and that's what made them support trump?

Maybe when it becomes personal you will also change your mind? Survival is a force.

"A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are made for"    - John A. Shedd

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@Leo Gura will be long though. 

But you know I still think as right as you're on this your way to say you're an idiot is the best way to be ineffective.

I just hope you are aware of this.

I don't blame people for being at trump level of consciousness..

I even friend them and then because they can appreciate me they become curious as to why I don't endorse him. 

Whatever how right you are on this, shifting blame is the dumbest way to react.

Self reflections and improvement is where you'll get the message done.

Be an inspiration, don't be a defeated whining child. 

Look at what Bernie posted. I think in a way he has done a way better quality answer than you on this.


When I read this


Are they absolutely wrong ? 

Most green really shall tier up and to become way more like Daniel schmartenberg. Especially if they expect to create any kind of impact.


Edited by AerisVahnEphelia

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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@Vercingetorix What skin in the game? what did these people feel? What did they experience that would suggest trump is a better choice?

Policy wise trump makes no sense, he claims he will simulataneously end inflation and create tariffs which are inflationary as well as deport immigrants, which is also inflationary.

He claims he wants to stop immigrants from taking people's jobs, but he convinced republicans to vote gainst a bill that created restrictions on asylum seeking.

He claim he will bring about peace, but his proposal for ukraine involves having them ceed land to an aggressive invader, what will send a message to the world that invading to take land is back on the menu.

He has no cohesion of thought or strategy, when asked about his plans for healthcare, all he could say was that he had the "concepts of a plan", but said nothing more on it.

ANd how the fuck can you say others don't have skin in the game? are you claiming we live in another world? that we are aliens that can't comprehend life on earth? It is the billionaire who inherited his wealth who has "experienced first hand what is going on"??

give me a break

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6 hours ago, zazen said:

If people started moving from the right to the left would we start questioning their sanity the same way?

The lefts failure is due to the same false utopian premises they base their movement on much like how communism fails in the real world when reality grinds its operational gears, and human behaviour ie incentives prevent the outcomes their good intentions hope to achieve. 

When we put equality over and above quality, and sacrifice merit on the altar of equity - where do we expect people with talent or value are going to go? Where it’s valued.

Every time we try to enforce equality through top down control, we create a new hierarchy - a bureaucratic aristocracy who try to equalise human nature - as if flattening mountain peaks is even possible.

The competent people, the innovators and the mavericks won’t sit around waiting to be sacrificed on the altar of equity. They’ll leave for places merit still matters. It's just basic human nature, like water finding its way around a dam.

The irony is: The more force we use trying to make everyone equal, the more inequality we create between places that embrace this ideology and places that don't. Just like the brain drain phenomena of geopolitics, except on a internal political scale. 

Very great sight.

nowhere in the bio  @VahnAeris 

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@Thetruthseeker Aubrey is a high develop individual so you are not wrong here. Honestly people who hate Trump, are so biased and blinded that anyone who would look into Trumps direction is a devil himself. I feel like these people are under hypnosis or spell. Of course the post Covid era was not great one, so many people were we sorted and it’s not conspiracy, Zuckerberg himself admitted to congress that federal government asked him to censor. And in my opinion, these extreme censorship what shot democrats in the foot, that’s why so many independents and high thinkers were going the other side.

To everyone, please get over it. You are all getting into a mass formation psychosis, this is not even healthy for your mind. Most of you hate Trump but look how many posts we have about Trump here? I remember when Biden won four years ago we had perhaps 3 or 4 total, while all others were about Trump. 

You can live in denial and reject the censorship for ex apple, but it was there and most people saw it and that’s why they went against the democrats. I have warned that it would backfire even two years back and I foresaw it coming.

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16 hours ago, Thetruthseeker said:

I like having mentors and people who inspire me, it helps me towards a next chapter in life. But at this point i feel disillusioned by so many … it feels like there’s no one out there (apart from Leo) worth following and they become selfish and power driven in the end. They side with what serves them.

And then ya’ll are worried that I might be idolizing / worshipping Leo, following his teachings blindly..

The truth simply is, that very very very rare few has the degree of purity of mind and holistic and depth of understanding that he has.

Edited by Miguel1

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55 minutes ago, Gennadiy1981 said:

To everyone, please get over it. You are all getting into a mass formation psychosis, this is not even healthy for your mind. Most of you hate Trump but look how many posts we have about Trump here? I remember when Biden won four years ago we had perhaps 3 or 4 total, while all others were about Trump. 

If Hitler became the president of the US in 2024, we would be deeply worried and discussing it this largely as well.

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1 hour ago, Miguel1 said:

If Hitler became the president of the US in 2024, we would be deeply worried and discussing it this largely as well.

Trump is no Hitler! Super inappropriate comparison!

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1 hour ago, Miguel1 said:

And then ya’ll are worried that I might be idolizing / worshipping Leo, following his teachings blindly..

The truth simply is, that very very very rare few has the degree of purity of mind and holistic and depth of understanding that he has.

I beg to differ, Yes for sure Leo is highly Intellectual, but he is full of belief and conclusion, which now Blinds him, he's trapped in his intellect, thinking process very deeply,  do You want to follow a blind man out of a path neither of You have travelled before?

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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@Thetruthseeker I haven't gone through the thread, so maybe someone has recommended this. I enjoy listening to the 'Conspirituality' podcast from time to time and Aubrey Marcus is also talked about in a few episodes. Maybe you want to check it out.

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10 hours ago, zazen said:

Sometimes real positive change comes wrapped in a package that the mainstream gatekeepers have trained you to reject. Sometimes the "wrong" people end up doing the right things, even if for their own reasons. The establishments propagandists want us so afraid of being associated with the "bad tribe" that we reject any challenge to their power, no matter how legitimate.

Not everyone is susceptible to propaganda.

Sorry man, but your fantasy will never manifest because reality don't work like that. If you build your house on sand, it will fail. If you set a con artist to head up your civilization, it will fail. That's just how reality works. 

Your position could be considered as a very unlikely thing that could occur, but to be optimistic about it is a clear indication of wishful thinking or ignorance. If something has a 5% chance of occuring, you should assume it won't.

I suspect Musk and RFK make you think the odds are much higher than what they are, but Musk isn't the genius you think he is and he also doesn't give two fucks about humanity. RFK is an anti-vax idiot who refuses to accept when he's wrong. Musk makes fun of people on Twitter about as much as Trump does. He's against humanity, not for it. He's out for power. And JD Vance is another billionaire's project to control government. So who is going to improve things and how? 

They are the swamp. If you think Elon is some sort of a genius, you've bought the propaganda. Here's your genius:

He tells people he never lost of game of chess because he wants everyone to think he's a genius, but wouldn't a genius know that people could sniff that bullshit out a mile away? 

He said chess is simple. If you've ever played a good bit of chess, you know how stupid that statement is. If I'm being charitable, maybe he meant he just didn't like the game's constraints, but even if that's what he meant, he didn't make the distinction, and distinctions are what geniuses are known for.

I'd be interested if someone can show some good evidence that indicates he's a genius. 

Edited by Joshe

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36 minutes ago, Joshe said:

I'd be interested if someone can show some good evidence that indicates he's a genius. 

Destiny recently made a similar request and was provided a video where Musk went in-depth into rocket science concepts during an interview. It was enough for Destiny to be convinced he had underestimated him.

Personally, I don't view Musk as very quick-witted, but I do think he has some obvious intelligence. It's likely that many on the right overestimate him, but his accomplishments alone show that he's an atypical person.


Edited by What Am I

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Nobody here can Credibility judge Musk or anyone that has done anything significant with their lives and is recognized world wide for it simply because You have no Idea what they are really like, who they are, what they stand for and what it means to be them and live their daily lives, all You have is information that is biased one way or the other telling You stories about them, there is no credibility.

What is it like to be worth 200+Billion US $$? No one here can comprehend what the responsibility is like, so no one has credibility to make a judgement that others can look upon as right or wrong. This goes with anyone that has done anything worth while, if you haven't then stating opinion about them means only something to you alone!

Edited by Ishanga

Karma Means "Life is my Making", I am 100% responsible for my Inner Experience. -Sadhguru..."I don''t want Your Dreams to come True, I want something to come true for You beyond anything You could dream of!!" - Sadhguru



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4 hours ago, Consept said:

I saw this video when it came out a few months ago, I goes through the shady dealings he had with rogan 



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1 hour ago, Ishanga said:

Nobody here can Credibility judge Musk or anyone that has done anything significant with their lives and is recognized world wide for it simply because You have no Idea what they are really like, who they are, what they stand for and what it means to be them and live their daily lives, all You have is information that is biased one way or the other telling You stories about them, there is no credibility.

What is it like to be worth 200+Billion US $$? No one here can comprehend what the responsibility is like, so no one has credibility to make a judgement that others can look upon as right or wrong. This goes with anyone that has done anything worth while, if you haven't then stating opinion about them means only something to you alone!

You could make the same argument for not being able to judge ISIS for judging peoples heads off. Your argument leads to absurdity

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